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Paid Advertising Benefits For Your Brand

By Lina
Views: 5365

Paid Advertising is Underrated

Paid-also known as digital advertising is referring to any strategy that focuses on potential customers with certain interests regarding their product or services. This can also be based on their previous interactions with the brand. The main part is experiences at this point.

Now, it’s great to reach your engagement heights via multiple communication strategies, but let’s think about how cost-effective is it? At a certain point time is money and what we mean is-you might just waste your time trying to literally force people into recognizing your brand or service, when in reality you have to start with the ones-already interested. It’s almost like a snowball principle-they start telling others about how great your services are and referrals join the group chat!

Research Customer Behavior

Like we’ve already mentioned in the 1st paragraph-your paid ads strategy depends on your potential customer’s interests, desires, past experiences-which we can call Customer behavior in general.

Now even that behavior can be passive or active, which not always, but in most cases still depends on the consistency of your social media posting habits. Instagram and Facebook give us a great tool of activity insights on a business profile or a page. There you see the audience’s basic habits.

Basic Insights On Audience

Sometimes, even though we had a plan or strategy we thought was extremely productive and even worked out for a while-turns out to wear itself out on quite a short run. Why-you might ask. There can be a lot of environmental factors along the way. Some products and services even depend on seasons-let’s say tourism for certain countries. Maybe Egypt is one of exceptions-they have tourists all year round. As for insights, we were talking about Facebook and Instagram Platforms. Once we access the insights we see almost everything available in the norms of general privacy policy. We see the approximate statistics of our viewers’ genders (which they chose on a platform), time of their activity (most and least) weekdays/weekends and even exact hours. We also see the nationality of our audience and many other interesting details that can serve us well.

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Developing a Strategy

Keep in mind that developing such strategy is in a way more profit oriented and cost-effective. Somehow due to algorithm constantly tweaking-it’s becoming a bit harder to reach the so called “organic views”. Probably now known viral content generally gets the most organic views but just as unfortunately the type of content that is likely to go viral-is least likely to do anything for marketing strategies. It’s very seldom for an unplanned and unorganized content posting to become a key to success. Some of us are not that lucky!

Basic Steps

Now that we’ve spoken about sheer luck, let’s discuss basic Paid Ads strategy construction in its realistic form.

Set Your Campaign Objective

Figure out-what you are trying to reach with your content exactly. Is it views, engagement or maybe even share-worthy content to be found on people’s news feeds? Keep track of what exactly you are trying to accomplish

Choose The Best Platform

Now let’s say-your targeted audience generally uses the Instagram platform and views more reels than Facebook posts. Wouldn’t it be silly to choose any other platform when you know where the treasure box is? Also-certain platforms are connected, so advertising on one platform sometimes ultimately means it will appear on another platform automatically.

Hone in On Your Target

And here we are with customer behavior again. Find the most information you can about your audience’s engagement habits and tailor your communications onto those.

Refine Again and Again

Just like any other marketing strategy-paid ads needs refreshments constantly. Most logically speaking-there is no human/customer on earth who never changes their behavior-especially when it comes to social media engagement. Make sure to monitor and update your strategies constantly!

What We Offer

Make sure to scroll through more interesting articles on our Publications page at Edana and don’t forget to check our services which include Targeted Marketing along with numerous other specialties. Feel free to contact us anytime!

By Lina

Ad Strategist



Lina is an expert in content strategy, consumer psychology and neuromarketing. She develops and deploys solid online content and advertising strategies enabling our customers to reach their target audiences and generate value in the digital space in Switzerland and abroad.


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