What are the Pitfalls to
Avoid When Developing a Website ?

Do not fall into these traps when creating your website
“ It is crucial to identify and avoid the risks in order to succeed in your web creation project. That’s why at Edana we use our multi-disciplinary expertise to help our clients make choices that won’t hinder their success or block them in the future when they expand. Here are some of those pitfalls. ”
  –  Jonathan, Co-Founder of the Agency

Choosing the wrong web solution

At Edana we estimate that on average, one third of web development projects will fail because of an inappropriate choice of development technology and that 99% of those that survive this poor choice will be faced with high maintenance and upgrade/upgrade costs that will hold them back in their development, giving them a clear disadvantage over their competitors. This will never happen with the solutions we provide to our customers. To learn more about this subject we invite you to consult our presentation of the various web solutions that can be used to design a website or a web platform and which one is adapted to your situation.


Focus on price as the only factor and not on ROI and opportunity costs

One of the mistakes too often made is to focus only on the budget when choosing a provider. Indeed, a provider offering very high prices does not guarantee a quality website, and a cheap provider will inevitably miss some points that we will expose in the following error. It is therefore crucial to focus instead on the return on investment and the real cost of the solution proposed by the provider in terms of missed growth opportunity to choose one solution rather than another. Indeed, choosing the wrong solution and having the wrong agency work on your project is like dismissing other opportunities for growth and performance. The design of a website or a web platform has crucial stakes for a company or an organization, it is therefore important to make the most strategic choice and to make sure to start with a product constituting a real robust and adapted basis for its medium and long term growth.

In Switzerland, salaries are very high in the IT and consulting industry, so it is tempting for a large part of the service providers to cut costs as much as possible while increasing the prices of their services. We understand them but at Edana we adopt the opposite logic which consists in being entirely based on quality, performance and trust. A strategy that allows us to build true long-term partnerships and increase the satisfaction of our clients and our teams. We understand that it is difficult to navigate through the complexity of the offerings and structure of digital agencies, which is why we always take the time to explain to our clients and make them aware of the issues related to their project so that they can make the right decisions according to their objectives and means.


Neglecting a field of expertise is very expensive

Creating a successful website today is multi-faceted and it is important to take into account the latest advances in several different fields in order to achieve a quality, unique and effective website (consumer psychology, user experience, development technologies, branding, security, growth marketing). The most common mistake is to focus on only one of these disciplines (which is what specialized agencies or unscrupulous agencies do, for example). At Edana, we have developed a unique and fluid approach that mobilizes a multi-disciplinary team for optimal results and a truly value-generating end product without requiring a high time investment from the client. To have access to such a complete team, experienced in each field and focused on its success is extremely rare and we make it our difference and our strength.

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