Software Engineering (EN)

Integration of the Bexio API into Your Business Software: Procedure, Risks, and Opportunities

Integration of the Bexio API into Your Business Software: Procedure, Risks, and Opportunities

In the dynamic landscape of Swiss businesses, integrating Bexio into your ERP or any other existing business software within your organization is seen as a crucial strategy to optimize operations. This effective synchronization centralizes data, automates processes, and provides a comprehensive view of the company.

Edana, a Swiss expert in digital transformation, stands out with its expertise in custom development. In many of our projects, we often anticipate the integration of Bexio (or any other accounting or business software within the company’s ecosystem) in the early stages of development when relevant, creating tailor-made business software perfectly aligned with the specific needs of each enterprise.

In this article, we will examine the procedure for integrating the Bexio API into third-party software or a website. We will also look at a real case of our digitalization project for a Swiss SME in which Bexio was integrated into a business application we developed. Additionally, we will explore the risks and opportunities associated with such a procedure.

Procedure for Integrating the Bexio API into Your Business Software

Analysis of Needs and Integration Planning

Starting with a thorough analysis of your company’s specific needs is the first crucial step. Identify essential features to integrate, define data requirements, and clarify operational goals.

The subsequent planning phase involves creating a robust software architecture. This step ensures that your custom software aligns with your company’s specifics while being compatible with the Bexio API.

The actual development is carried out with meticulous attention to each line of code. Advanced technologies, such as Laravel, are used to ensure a seamless integration and efficient communication between your software and the Bexio API.

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Choice of Programming Language: Example of Integrating the Bexio API with Laravel

Why Choose Laravel (PHP)?

Laravel (PHP framework) is often the preferred choice for successful integration of the Bexio API into custom business software. The selection of Laravel is based on a thorough analysis of its exceptional features. As a modern and robust PHP development framework, Laravel offers a unique combination of simplicity, efficiency, and versatility.

Laravel excels in creating complex web applications, providing an elegant and clear structure that facilitates the development process. Its active community and regular updates ensure constant stability and scalability, essential criteria for integration projects like the one with the Bexio API.

Technical Example of Bexio Implementation via Laravel

Now let’s see how Laravel can shine through practical examples of its use in the Bexio API integration process.

  • Eloquent ORM: Laravel simplifies data access and manipulation with Eloquent, an elegant ORM. This allows smooth interaction with the database, ensuring efficient management of information needed for integration.
  • Artisan Console: Laravel’s Artisan tool simplifies common development and administration tasks. Custom commands can be created to automate parts of the integration process, ensuring increased productivity.
  • Middleware : Laravel uses middlewares to handle HTTP requests. This allows customizing the data flow between custom software and the Bexio API, providing essential flexibility for a tailored integration.

Specific Advantages of Laravel for Successful API Integrations

Laravel’s specific advantages significantly contribute to the success of integrations, especially in the context of the Bexio API.

  • Code Simplicity and Readability: Laravel promotes clean and readable code, facilitating maintenance and future software evolution.
  • Effective Database Management: With Eloquent, Laravel simplifies data management, ensuring a seamless integration with the databases required for the Bexio API.
  • Dynamic Ecosystem: Laravel’s active community and extensive ecosystem provide constant support, additional libraries, and solutions to common problems, enhancing the integration’s reliability.

In summary, choosing Laravel for Bexio API integration is justified by its advanced features, user-friendly nature, and dynamic ecosystem. These elements make Laravel an ideal partner to ensure the success of a smooth and efficient integration. If you are looking for a Laravel agency, we invite you to consult our guide on choosing your Laravel provider. However, you can use other programming languages since the Bexio API is compatible with languages such as Python and Node.JS. It all depends on your specific needs and constraints. One advantage of Laravel is its ability to easily build a rich and comprehensive business ecosystem, linking all your digital tools together (website, Bexio, emails, business software, etc.).

Later in this article, we will look at a real case of Bexio integration and examine the risks to manage during such integration.


Real Case – Gottofrey Electricité: Successful Bexio Integration in its Digital Ecosystem

In this section, let’s delve into the real case of Gottofrey Electricité, highlighting its positive experience of integrating the Bexio API into a custom business tool, orchestrated by our team, and how it has transformed the way the company manages its operations.

The Swiss company Gottofrey Electricité GmbH sought Edana’s expertise to optimize its business processes through the development of a custom mobile and desktop application. Strategic choices guided by our experts laid the groundwork for a complete digital transformation aimed at achieving operational excellence.

The integration of the Bexio API into the custom business tool brought tangible results for Gottofrey Electricité. The customized solution, at the intersection of CRM, project management, and invoicing, optimized operations. Advanced task management, resource tracking, and intervention planning tools improved overall operational efficiency.

By providing real-time synchronization of business processes, the custom tool created for Gottofrey Electricité greatly facilitated its field intervention management. Easy access to essential information, real-time data updates, and precise project tracking from any location and device transformed how the team operates daily.

Our case studies of business software with API integrations, including Bexio

Integrating third-party software and SaaS APIs into the business applications and digital solutions we create for our clients is an integral part of our expertise. Here are some links to concrete case studies in this regard.

I want to integrate an API and/or develop a business application

A custom approach makes all the difference in Bexio API integration

The case of Gottofrey Electricité demonstrates the power of a custom approach in developing business tools that integrate the Swiss accounting software Bexio API. Every aspect of the solution was meticulously designed to align perfectly with the company’s processes and operational requirements. The judicious use of Laravel and React (a possible development technology combo) ensures a scalable, robust, and secure solution. By integrating Bexio and email synchronization, Edana has created a 360-degree ecosystem, allowing Gottofrey Electricité to optimize its processes, increase efficiency, and respond agilely to changing customer needs.

Potential Risks and Mistakes to Avoid When Connecting Bexio to Your Business Ecosystem

This section closely examines potential risks associated with poorly managed integration of the Bexio API, highlighting concrete examples of errors and emphasizing the crucial importance of prevention to ensure project success.

Risk Identification

Poorly planned integration can lead to a series of risks that may compromise project success. These risks include service interruptions, software incompatibilities, and potential loss of sensitive data. It is essential to identify these risks early on to anticipate and mitigate them.

Concrete Examples of Errors and Their Adverse Consequences

To illustrate these potential risks, let’s examine concrete examples of common errors and their adverse consequences. Errors such as poor definition of needs, inadequate planning, or insufficient testing can lead to major malfunctions in the system, critical data losses, and damage to the company’s reputation.

  • Poor Definition of Needs: Integration based on poorly understood needs can lead to an inadequate solution that does not meet the company’s expectations.
  • Inadequate Planning: Unrealistic timelines can lead to delays, cost overruns, and compromise customer satisfaction.
  • Insufficient Testing: Inadequate quality testing can leave security vulnerabilities undetected, jeopardizing data confidentiality

The Importance of Prevention

Highlighting the importance of preventing these risks is crucial. Prevention begins with meticulous planning, transparent communication with all stakeholders, and rigorous testing throughout the integration process.

  • Meticulous Planning: Detailed planning, including a thorough analysis of needs and a realistic assessment of timelines, is the first crucial step.
  • Transparent Communication: Ensuring constant communication with stakeholders, including clients and development teams, is essential to anticipate changes and mitigate risks.
  • Rigorous Testing: Comprehensive testing, going beyond ideal scenarios, ensures system robustness and minimizes the risk of failure.

In conclusion, risk prevention is an essential step to ensure the success of a Bexio API integration. By identifying potential risks, avoiding common errors, and implementing preventive measures, companies can maximize the chances of a successful and smooth integration.

Why Choose Edana for Your Bexio Integration Project

At the end of this exploration of successes, risks, and opportunities related to integrating the Bexio API into your custom business software, the crucial question remains: who to turn to for a successful integration project? This section serves as a concluding guide by presenting the undeniable strengths that Edana brings to the table as a trusted IT partner.

Enhanced Skills and Expertise in API Integration and Custom Development

Edana stands out for its skills and expertise in custom development and API integration. Our expert teams possess in-depth knowledge of modern technologies such as Laravel and React, ensuring innovative and reliable solutions.

A True Partnership for Success

Collaborating with Edana goes beyond a simple partnership. It is engaging in a relationship where every step is guided by the goal of minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities for your business. Our strengths lie in:

  • Transparent Communication: We believe in open and constant communication with our clients, ensuring mutual understanding of needs and expectations throughout the process.
  • Agile Approach: By adopting an agile methodology, we adapt to changes and evolve with your project, ensuring a final solution aligned with your goals.
  • Local Expertise: As a Switzerland-based partner, we understand the specificities of the Swiss market, offering a personalized approach in line with local standards.
  • Security and Scalability: Data security is at the core of our concerns. Our solutions are designed to evolve with your ever-changing needs, providing unparalleled flexibility and robustness.

Tips for Choosing a Reliable Partner

Choosing a partner for business software development is a crucial decision. Here are some tips to guide you in this process:

  • Technical Expertise: Opt for a partner with proven technical expertise, capable of understanding and addressing the specific challenges of your industry.
  • Reputation and Testimonials: Consider the reputation and customer testimonials. A company with a track record of successes demonstrates its reliability and commitment to its clients.
  • Flexibility and Agility: Look for a partner who can adapt quickly to changes, offering a solution that grows with your business.

In conclusion, Edana positions itself as the ideal partner to guide your Bexio API integration project. Our commitment to excellence, technical expertise, and personalized approach make us a reliable choice to turn your ideas into concrete solutions, ensuring the continued success of your business in the digital era. Contact us now to discuss your project; one of our experts will advise you on the most suitable solutions for achieving your goals within your specific conditions.

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Digital Consultancy & Business (EN) Software Engineering (EN)

MS Power Apps vs Custom Development: A Critical Look at Business Solutions in Switzerland

MS Power Apps vs Custom Development: A Critical Look at Business Solutions in Switzerland

The business landscape is evolving rapidly, prompting companies to seek agile solutions to adapt to their specific needs. In this quest for efficiency and customization, Microsoft Power Apps emerges as an attractive application development solution, emphasizing its user-friendly nature and accessibility, even for non-technical users. As a digital consulting firm, Edana specializes in software development and integration for Swiss businesses, and we aim to carefully examine the promises of this no-code platform that claims to empower any business to create custom applications without programming expertise.

The growing need for custom business applications is evident in the current context, with businesses of all sizes seeking to optimize their internal processes and remain agile in response to market changes. MS Power Apps indeed positions itself as a response to this increasing demand. However, rather than viewing this solution as a cure-all, it is imperative to adopt a critical perspective.

Here, we will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of Microsoft Power Apps, highlighting the specific needs of Swiss businesses. Our goal is to provide a balanced evaluation, going beyond surface features to explore the profound implications of adopting this solution.

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Advantages of Microsoft Power Apps

1. Ease of Development

MS Power Apps stands out for its remarkable simplicity in application creation. One of its main advantages lies in the ability to develop applications without requiring extensive programming skills. This democratizes the development process, allowing even non-technical users to contribute to the creation of custom business applications. This fosters greater autonomy within teams, reducing dependence on IT services.

2. Integration with the Microsoft Ecosystem

Native integration with the Microsoft ecosystem gives MS Power Apps a significant advantage. Seamless connectivity with other applications such as Office 365, SharePoint, and other familiar tools simplifies access to existing data within the enterprise. This synergy enhances operational efficiency, eliminating information silos and promoting seamless collaboration across different platforms. Users can fully leverage existing resources without juggling between disparate interfaces.

3. Affordable Initial Cost

The financial accessibility of MS Power Apps is a major asset. Compared to custom development, the competitive pricing of Power Apps offers an economical solution, especially in the short term. Traditional development costs, including hiring qualified developers and associated delays, are often significantly reduced. This cost-effective approach makes application development accessible even to small businesses, fostering widespread adoption.

However, refer to our article on the total cost of ownership of a digital or IT solution to better understand the reality behind digital investments and better control your digital development.

In summary, the advantages of MS Power Apps in these areas—ease of development, integration with the Microsoft ecosystem, and affordable initial cost—present significant opportunities for businesses seeking to optimize their processes and respond quickly to evolving business needs. However, it is crucial to be aware of the limitations and consider these advantages in light of the specificities of each business. We will now explore these limitations in the following sections of this article.

The 3 Main Disadvantages of Power Apps

While Microsoft Power Apps offers an enticing solution to quickly build business applications at a relatively affordable entry cost, it comes with three major drawbacks that should be known before diving into this solution. Here they are.

1. Functional Limitations of Power Apps

Although MS Power Apps offers an appealing no-code approach, its features are often limited compared to custom applications. Complex and specific business needs may pose challenges, as the platform may not provide the advanced features required to meet specific requirements. This functional limitation can lead to frustration for users seeking more sophisticated or intuitively tailored solutions, eventually prompting a search for alternative solutions better suited to specific business scenarios.


2. Dependence on Microsoft

A close dependence on the Microsoft ecosystem exposes MS Power Apps users to certain risks. Changes in Microsoft’s policies or pricing can have a significant impact on the continued use of the platform. Companies adopting MS Power Apps may find themselves vulnerable to unforeseen changes in the Microsoft infrastructure, with the risk of being caught off guard. This dependence raises concerns about the long-term stability of the solution, urging careful consideration before fully committing to its use.

3. Limited Customization

Despite its development simplicity, MS Power Apps has limitations in terms of advanced user interface customization. Difficulties in modifying the aesthetic and functional aspects of applications can hinder the creation of unique user experiences tailored to the specific needs of the business. This constraint can be particularly challenging for companies looking to align their applications with specific design standards or provide a highly personalized user experience.

In summary, although MS Power Apps has undeniable advantages, the disadvantages related to functional limitations, dependence on Microsoft, and limited customization emphasize the importance of considering these critical aspects when evaluating the relevance of the platform for specific business needs.

Inherent Dangers of MS Power Apps

1. Data Security and Confidentiality

While MS Power Apps relies on the Microsoft cloud, this strategic choice is not without risks. Data stored in the cloud may be exposed to potential security vulnerabilities. Dependence on Microsoft’s security practices raises concerns, especially for companies dealing with sensitive information such as medical data, for example. Data confidentiality becomes a major concern, requiring a thorough evaluation of Microsoft’s security policies and potential additional measures to ensure adequate protection. Refer to our article on the security of business applications for more information on this crucial subject.

2. Limited Scalability of a Solution Built with Power Apps

The rapid growth of a business can be hindered by the scalability limitations of MS Power Apps. While the platform is suitable for initial needs, it may show its limits as the business expands. The rigidity of Power Apps can make it difficult to adjust to constantly evolving business needs. The risk of having to migrate to other, more complex and expensive solutions as needs evolve is a major concern. This transition can entail costs and potential disruptions, requiring careful planning to ensure smooth growth.

3. Technological Dependence and Flexibility

A major danger associated with adopting MS Power Apps is the technological dependence it creates. By relying on an off-the-shelf solution, companies may find themselves bound to features and developments decided by Microsoft. This dependence can result in a loss of flexibility in adapting applications to the specific needs of the business. In the face of new business requirements or strategic changes, the platform may not offer the necessary flexibility to quickly adjust applications, pushing companies to make compromises or seek additional solutions, which can be complex and costly. Thus, technological dependence is a potential danger that deserves special attention when making decisions.

In conclusion, awareness of the inherent dangers of MS Power Apps, especially regarding data security and limited scalability, is essential. Companies must carefully assess these critical aspects before adopting the platform, ensuring they anticipate potential challenges related to managing sensitive data and the solution’s ability to evolve with the growing needs of the business.

I want a tailored, scalable business solution

Custom Development: The Ideal Solution for Swiss Businesses

When Swiss businesses delve into the development of business applications, customization and relevance become major imperatives. In this demanding environment, custom development emerges as the ideal solution, offering a range of crucial advantages to meet the specific needs of Swiss enterprises.

1. Total Adaptability to Business Needs

The primary strength of custom development lies in its unparalleled ability to precisely adapt to the unique business needs of each company. Unlike generic solutions such as MS Power Apps, custom development allows exhaustive customization of features, user interface, and overall experience. This total adaptability ensures that each application optimally addresses the specific requirements of the business, providing maximum agility and operational efficiency.

2. Total Control over Infrastructure

Custom development offers Swiss companies an essential advantage: total control over their infrastructure. Emphasizing data sovereignty and the ability to use local solutions, businesses can ensure stricter management of their sensitive information. This enhanced control over infrastructure aligns perfectly with the high security and privacy standards that Swiss businesses attach particular importance to, providing unparalleled peace of mind.

3. Scalability and Sustainability of a Custom-Built Business Application

Custom development stands out for its ability to evolve seamlessly with the business over time. As business needs grow and evolve, custom solutions can be adapted and extended without compromising system stability. This scalability ensures that investments in application development remain sustainable in the long term, offering a lasting solution that can accompany the continued growth of the business without requiring costly migrations or operational disruptions.

Examples of Business Applications We Have Custom-Built for Our Swiss Clients

More and more companies choose to fully digitize with a completely integrated custom business solution into their digital ecosystem. For example, some of our clients already have their own business solution centralizing their emails, documents, custom workflows, employee management, invoicing, etc., in one secure place adapted to their specific processes. This allows them to gain competitiveness, increase margins, and, most importantly, face the future with confidence by relying on a solid foundation for their growth and development. Here are two examples of software created by our engineers for Swiss companies.

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Custom development presents itself as the ideal answer for Swiss businesses seeking to maximize the relevance, control, and sustainability of their business applications. As customization becomes imperative, custom development emerges as the path to follow for creating software solutions truly tailored to the specific challenges of the Swiss business landscape.

Conclusion on Power Apps and Custom Development

In the current context, the choice between MS Power Apps and custom development proves to be a crucial decision for businesses seeking to optimize their operations and stay competitive. In light of the examined advantages and disadvantages, it becomes clear that custom development emerges as the better option, particularly for demanding Swiss businesses wanting to build their future on solid foundations in a time when everything is evolving rapidly, and a strategic misstep can be costly.

Indeed, the ability of custom development to offer total adaptability to specific business needs, ensure total control over infrastructure, and provide long-term scalability and sustainability proves to be the most relevant and enduring answer for businesses operating in the Swiss context. As a Swiss company specializing in custom business software development and digital transformation consulting, we have clearly observed that businesses investing in custom solutions benefit from increased operational flexibility, enhanced data security, and the ability to evolve in harmony with changing market requirements. Want to convince your leadership to invest in such a future-proof solution? Check our post on the advantages to highlight to help decision-makers understand the stakes of digital investments.

At Edana, we strongly encourage Swiss businesses to undertake a thorough assessment of their specific needs before deciding on a business application development solution. By clearly understanding business requirements, the complexity of internal processes, and growth ambitions, companies can make informed decisions that align technology with their long-term strategic goals. The customization offered by custom development enables businesses to precisely address their needs, creating a significant competitive advantage.

The choice of a business application development solution should not only be technological but also strategic, closely aligning with the specific goals and values of each Swiss company. Want to discuss your digital transformation with a Swiss expert from Edana? Contact us now and be guided toward the achievement of your goals.

Let’s discuss your goals and needs

Software Engineering (EN)

How could you improve your business with Business Process Automation?

How could you improve your business with Business Process Automation?

Importance of Business Process Automation

Business process automation can help you to eliminate all the issues that would otherwise make you waste your time and resources. Generally, with automation solutions, you resolve many tasks without humans. If you require a human mind for certain tasks you can use your team, but if you have a complicated situation you can just reduce human intervention and use a wide range of digital solutions.

Nowadays businesses frequently use many different options in order to successfully digitalize and improve their environment. They use different automated systems, industrial robots, artificial intelligence, and many more.

Time Is Money

Time is important for companies and is associated with many factors that are crucial for success. Time is money, so when you are wasting your time that means that you are wasting your resources as well.

In this case, with business process automation you’ll be able to do tasks more quickly. Your team members will take care of other tasks that need the human mind to be accomplished successfully. So, you are saving lots of time and money with this option.  


Increased Profits

Using business process automation can help you to go through different processes more quickly and create value as well for your customers. You get more work done in a short amount of time with good quality and almost no mistakes, so of course it automatically means that your chances of increasing your profits are better.

Higher Productivity

When you’ll start actively automating different processes in your company, you’ll see how certain events are connected and bring you profits. You just need the right strategy to make sure that this chain won’t be disrupted. Because when you do everything correctly you can automatically ensure that you’ll have higher productivity and many other benefits as well.  

Also, consider the fact that, unlike humans, machines can do many tasks at once, don’t tire easily, and do everything with fewer errors. Your team members can be more flexible and take care of the work that needs different approaches and innovative solutions, while the rest of the job will be done by machines. Many tasks will be done with minimal resources and you’ll improve your efficiency as well.

Minimized Errors

As mentioned before it can minimize errors and delays for you. Because of that business process automation technologies are used by many different types of businesses. For example, manufacturing industries can automate and manage processes that are related to order processing and product line process, and be more sure about their product quality as well.

Financial industries could automate billing processes and improve risk management. In the banking industry customer onboard processes, credit check processes, and many other aspects can be automated. While your machines will take care of certain tasks with minimized errors, you’ll be able to take care of everything else that needs human workers.

Better Standardization

Another gain for your business is related to standardization. Managing this factor will definitely help you to improve your business. Everybody uses different, original, and unique approaches while dealing with certain tasks. It’s understandable because we are humans and that’s exactly how it should be. However, standardizing certain processes will help you to constantly have great results.

For example, for your company, you might want to automate processes that are related to product delivery or marketing research. Your team members might find different approaches to deal with these processes, but with business process automation you’ll be able to make these processes work with certain standards. The biggest benefit of it is that you’ll be more sure about how everything can be accomplished and will have no doubts about the final results.

Recordings About Every Process

No matter what you are trying to accomplish, with business process automation you can record every step that you are taking and every solution that you are using. You’ll be able to monitor what’s happening and improve your administrative control as well.

Records will help you to communicate with your team members better. You can tell them what went right or what went wrong and guide them through different scenarios.

Improved Customer Experience

With business process automation you are changing and improving many factors in your company. You are more flexible, constantly maintain quality and efficiency, your products and services are better, and many more. So of course customers start feeling better about your brand and gain more loyalty toward you.

What You Have to Consider for BPA

Automating lots of processes can be a very beneficial option, but you have to consider many things before you start working on them. Keep in mind that there are many tasks that need to be done by your team members. Automating everything or automating processes that don’t need automation at all would be very bad for you.

This solution can be used to deal with tasks that have a high volume, are time-sensitive, and require the intervention of numerous people. Also, after automating several processes you should check their progress and make sure that everything is working effectively for you.

What We Offer

For more similar articles, make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. Your Digital Consulting Firm in Switzerland can aid you with Software Engineering services along with many others to help you get the best results for your company or organization.   

Non classé Software Engineering (EN)

How does AI complement RPA?

How does AI complement RPA?

The Role of RPA and AI in a Digital World

In order to move forward in this digital world, it’s necessary to enrich your company with different tactics and digital solutions. One of the solutions that makes navigation easier in the digital world and aids numerous industries with digital transformation is Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Robotic process automation software can aid you with rule-based actions and help you to improve various business operations.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a widely known option as well that has helped companies to move forward and accomplish numerous tasks. Artificial intelligence (AI) in most cases is a great aid for RPA software and can tremendously increase business efficiency. Both of them together can make seemingly hard goals more achievable. Even repetitive tasks are accomplished better. They can help you to define new ways of achieving customer satisfaction and sort out numerous other factors for you in the most cost-effective ways.

The Power of Intelligent Automation (IA)

One of the most widely known solutions in the business world is known as Intelligent Automation. It’s impossible to skip this topic when AI and RPA are mentioned. Because, IA is a powerful combination of AI, RPA, machine learning, etc. It plays a great role in digital transformation as well.

Numerous cases highlight the fact that AI is the perfect complement to RPA when you want to have more improved automation. This combo can help you to simplify numerous processes. Their interaction in IA is the power that drives changes and improves numerous processes. So you can be sure that this solution will help you to become more productive and efficient.


Increased Efficiency Based on New Digital Capabilities

AI as the digital representation of human-like cognitive capabilities, can help you to solve numerous problems and make you more efficient. As for the RPA, it’s a great solution to seize important and beneficial opportunities. Having more digital solutions, including RPA and AI, will help you to increase your efficiency and run operations in a cost-effective way.

For example, imagine that you are using tools that can act as virtual assistants and are able to quickly respond to customers. With the benefits of RPA and AI, this process along with many other processes would be better and would help you to move forward with new digital capabilities. There are numerous companies that use RPA bots along with many other RPA tools to increase their productivity.

Extracting, Validating, and Processing the Data

Data is always a very important aspect for many companies. Business data would be able to show you any kind of information about your company and operations. But extracting, validating, and processing data that could consist of many statistical aspects, sales numbers, and many more, could be confusing and needs to be carefully handled. The combination of AI and RPA can help you to understand more about your data and aid you with any processes related to it.

Production and Supply-Chain Management

How AI and RPA drive beneficial changes can be seen in many other aspects of the company as well. By using their combination you’d be able to gain another digital solution for yourself. You’d be able to automate numerous processes and would make them more efficient as well. Also, this combination is a great way to improve your production and supply chain management as well.

For example, with AI and RPA, you’d be able to predict supply and demand and act accordingly. As mentioned before it’s a good solution for dealing with data as well, it can help you to sort out any errors. Overall, it will help you to run different processes more smoothly, like different financial services, order entries, and fulfillment.

Improved Customer Experience

Besides being able to reward you with more accuracy, efficiency, and productivity, they can help you to enrich your customer service and customer experience as well. On top of that, all of these goals are achieved in the most cost-effective way. Using different digital solutions to deal with your target audience and to understand their needs and requirements is always a good idea.

In this case, communication would be more effective between your company and customers. You could make them more loyal to you and improve your products and services as well based on their feedback. Using these options will help you to improve all the above-mentioned aspects along with many others.

What We Offer

For more similar articles, make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. Your Software Development Agency in Switzerland is ready to provide you with Expert-Level assistance and aid you with various Software Engineering services to create software, applications, and web platforms for your company.

Non classé Software Engineering (EN)

What are the best content collaboration software?

What are the best content collaboration software?

Benefits of Content Collaboration Software

Content collaboration software is a crucial component of the digital world. It’s focused on creating different ways to improve the workforce and productivity. The benefits of collaboration are great, but if during the working process, you’ll use different computer systems and enhance cloud collaboration as well, you’ll take another great step toward success.

Your team members would be able to work from anywhere but still share important information with each other with great speed and security. Collaboration brings you solutions that are great for problem-solving as well. Team collaboration or any form of collaboration that you can achieve with this solution and other operating systems as well will help you to do many business operations effectively.

AWS WorkDocs

AWS WorkDocs, also known as Amazon WorkDocs is a secure content collaboration system that can help you to share information and create connections with numerous teams together. It’s a high-quality, fully managed platform with very rich digital content.

This software is very secure and comfortable to use. All the teams from the company can be connected, and access to files will be possible offline and online as well from any place and any device.



Box is another great solution that can help you to simplify your work. Box is a trusted solution for many leading companies because it provides users with good security, and seamless collaboration, and lets them make their workflows move faster.

For example, one of the companies using this option is Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley as the global leader in financial services helps numerous people and businesses to build and manage wealth to reach their financial goals. With Box API they are able to upload any documents and receive notifications about that. They feel more secure that way and can improve their customer experience as well based on all the benefits Box provides them with.


Citrix is another great solution that can help you to work from any device easier. You’ll see many features that can help you to work the way you want. Because all the aspects included in the Citrix collaboration platform are focused on helping organizations improve information-centric and collaborative factors. The main goal is to make your company more competitive and productive in the digital world.

This software is very easy to use, and very secure. It gives you more visibility in document sharing and can detect any issues or delays. You can be sure that critical information will be shared between team members effectively and securely. The price that you’d have to pay for this software solely depends on the features that you’d like to use. Also, you can use discounts as well on certain occasions.

Dropbox Paper

Dropbox is a name that has been famous in the cloud storage space for a very long time and for very good reasons. Its new features and solutions are great for bigger enterprises. With its tools, you can keep everyone in your company organized and provide everybody with the information that is crucial for them. It can help you to transform your company, and increase your productivity. Its main goal is to help you do anything that you want with the full power of your team.

Google Suite

Google Suite is also known as G Suite and it includes Docs, Sheets, Slides, and many other options to help you work better. You’ll have many familiar tools here which of course will help you to understand everything more easily. You’ll be able to connect and collaborate with your team members and suppliers effectively.

It has several plans. You can even have a free trial at the beginning. The selection of paid plan solely depends on what type of business you have. The options that you’ll see are called the business starter, business standard, and business plan.

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft office emerged as one of the first solutions for collaboration. Over the years it gained many features that are well-suited for different enterprises. Core features that you can use with this option include Outlook, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and many others.

Besides that, it’s very comfortable to use and can fulfill any of your needs and requirements. It can be used from any major platform and device. This is a solution that can help you to effectively go through digital transformation and progress.

Choose the Right Content Collaboration Software

All the options that you read about are very beneficial. But this is just a small list. In order to achieve success, it’s important to use the kind of collaboration tools, computer programs, and digital solutions that will lead you to effective collaboration.

You need to check the specific features that the software has, security management solutions, and many other factors. So go through your options carefully and use the assistance of professionals to determine what is the best solution for you.

What We Offer

For more similar articles, make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. Your Digital Consulting Firm in Switzerland can provide you with different Digital Strategies and Software Engineering services, along with many other solutions to help you achieve your objectives in Switzerland and Internationally as well.

Software Engineering (EN)

How and why digitalize your product development process

How and why digitalize your product development process

Importance of Digitization

Digitization truly has impacted the world in a very unique way. The development of modern digital products changed every industry in one way or another. With digitization, you’d be able to redefine how to leverage tools, people, and processes in your company. You could improve your customer experience as well and create new business models.

After understanding what digitization refers to you’ll understand how you can give everything the kind of digital form that could be beneficial for your company’s development and success.

Innovation in Product Development

Digitalizing the product development process is a great way to gain a competitive advantage. When a company goes through the digital transformation process successfully it can innovate and improve more aspects. For example, in order to improve the product development process, you can use many technological solutions. With machine learning, AI, IoT, cloud, and different digital platforms you’d be able to turn simple concepts into a high-quality product more easily and quickly.

So digitalizing the product development process is beneficial because it helps you to finish certain tasks more easily and makes you more productive. In order to execute this plan you’ll have to use the kind of digital solutions that would be more suitable for you. There are numerous options that you could use. For example, you could try out Digital Twin Software in order to improve your products.


Innovative Uses of Tools and Technologies

Nowadays, it’s impossible not to hear terms like digitalization and digital transformation. All the solutions seem to contain the word digital. You’ll hear from many market leaders about how leveraging digital business processes and the benefits of digitalization seem to be the base of sustainable development.

Because of the many advantages of digital technologies that can be used now, all companies that want to become industry leaders have decided to fit their processes and actions into a digital format, in order to speed up the process of moving into the more innovative path. On this path, they’ll be able to successfully create a digital version of their company that can fulfill all the development goals with different digital devices.

Improved Productivity

Using all the new tools, technologies and software would be very hectic and confusing. Especially at the beginning. But all you need at the beginning is to know how you can use all the new additions in your company, how everything could be organized and the rest will be done by machines.

For example, you could automate administrative processes. This way you’ll do everything more quickly and you’ll eliminate mistakes as well. AI and machine learning are great options for testing. You could even use specific software to control the whole product lifecycle. This way you’d spot any changes or issues immediately. You’ll get new products on the market faster and make better business decisions.

Better Collaboration

With more technologies in your industry, you can improve communication between different teams who might be physically far away from each other or just might need constant correspondence. Information about any changes that will be done and might impact any other department could be shared more quickly. Improved communication and collaboration between different team members will have a positive influence on the product development process and will help you sort out other aspects as well in your organization.

Increased Speed to Market

Now, this happens to be one of the biggest interests that any company could have. Digitalization is the quickest and safest way to reach that goal. When you are implementing different tools and processes in your company, you give yourself a chance to speed up the process of delivering new products to the market.

In order to have a stable and good connection with your target audience you could even test your products and get the feedback very early. You could make the changes immediately and finally create a product that meets and satisfies all the needs that your customers might have.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

All the above-mentioned processes make sure that your relationship with customers will be improved. You can gain their interest and loyalty and make them stay with you for a very long time. Basically, when you are showing them that you have all the tools that can develop high-quality products for them in a short time, and if necessary can make immediate adjustments as well, they see the power in you and start thinking that you are reliable. So you can most definitely improve your productivity and also make them see your company in a better light.

Save Money and Become More Profitable

With different technologies, you can gain more benefits and advantages. They will positively influence your long-term goals as well. Most of the money is needed at the begging of the whole process. After equipping yourself with all the necessary tools you can save money and get the profits that you gained from your investments in the digitalization process. Define your goals from the beginning and discover with professionals what are the best solutions for you.

What We Offer

For more similar articles, make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. Your Digital Consulting Firm in Switzerland can provide you with different Digital Strategies and Software Engineering services, along with many other solutions to help you achieve your objectives in Switzerland and internationally as well.

Non classé Software Engineering (EN)

Cloud-based ERP in digital transformation

Cloud-based ERP in digital transformation

Importance of Cloud-Based ERP

Cloud-based ERP can play a great role in digital transformation and can help you gain a great competitive edge. It’s basically the brains of the company that can provide you with advanced functionalities that would be very beneficial for you. It’s another additional component that can help you successfully go through digital transformation and make you stand close to the leading companies in your industry.

Nowadays companies deal with many challenges. Besides delivering certain products and services to their customers, they have to do it very fast, constantly try and improve them, be more reliable, etc. Then they deal with numerous partners for production, distribution, sales, and support. Managing a business could become chaotic without software that could help you with these processes. That’s exactly why you would need a cloud-based ERP.

Setting the Stage for Digital Transformation

Upgrading the business landscape is important in order to move forward. In this case, ERP can help you to advance your digital transformation, drive strategic changes and integrate important technologies into your company.

For example, it could be successfully used in the manufacturing industry as well. It could control numerous manufacturing operations that are related to staff, inventory, etc. It can manage, track, and monitor any aspect and every step that is related to the manufacturing process.


Improved Security

ERP can help you with innovation, and transformation and can help you to improve your company for the better. It can help you create the kind of long-lasting results that you’ll benefit from for a while. But one of the biggest advantages is that you can use the benefits with confidence. You are very secure with ERP, have better access to your data, and generally, you know that your business data is well protected.

Improved Communication

Cloud-based ERP makes communication very easy. All the departments from the whole organization can freely connect to each other and share necessary information. On top of that, all of them use the same source of data. You can add other applications as well here if you think that they are necessary for your business or might be beneficial in the future.


Another benefit is related to your system and how it can be set up. You can set up the system in a way that will make working easier and more understandable for you. You can basically configure any aspect to make them more suitable for you.

Try out this with different processes and documents and make sure that every aspect of your company makes you and your team members more comfortable. Use AI, machine learning, or other solutions if they can help you to deal with certain aspects.

Better Usability

Cloud-based ERP might seem complicated at the beginning, but in fact, it’s very easy to manage. First of all, the user interface is very simple. Implementation is easy as well. You won’t need guidance from different IT teams if there isn’t something drastic happening. You just need to understand the basics, see how it will fit into your strategy, and then you can use it without any complications or assistance.


After some time, all the companies start thinking about expanding their business and going past the borders where they took their first steps. Digital transformation is the key here. It can equip you with numerous tools that would aid you in this journey.

So if you want to expand your business, going through digital transformation with the help of cloud-based ERP would be great. ERP would help you to share important data across different business units and global enterprises without any issues.

Powerful Analytics

Analytics are important to determine how far you are progressing and generally what’s the everyday life of your company. ERP will let you see in real-time how different areas of your business are performing right now and can help you predict future outcomes as well. You’ll be able to measure any aspect that you were interested in to determine what are your strengths and weaknesses.


If your business isn’t agile, the chances of success will be decreased for sure. Agility is a concept that seems to cover many areas of businesses and its existence or non-existence decides a lot. With cloud-based ERP you’d have better access to data that would help you to make quick and accurate business decisions. On top of that, your team members would be able to work from anywhere.

What We Offer

For more similar articles, make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. Your Digital Transformation Experts in Switzerland can accompany you in every step that serves the improvement of your company and can aid you with numerous Software Engineering services along with many others.

Non classé Software Engineering (EN)

Advantages of Electronic Data Interchange for your business

Advantages of Electronic Data Interchange for your business

Importance of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Digital transformation is the basis of success now. One of the components that could help you to successfully digitalize your company is to use solutions related to electronic data interchange. EDI is basically a standard format that is used to exchange business information between two organizations electronically.

It’s a great option for replacing paper-based documents. As for the necessity of replacing paper-based documents, it’s beneficial because this way your organization could save time and get rid of costly errors. EDI can help you to improve your efficiency, productivity, and your customer experience.

EDI Shortens the Supply Chain

EDI is suitable for many different companies, no matter what’s their size. One of the biggest advantages is that it can shorten your supply chain effectively. It can help you with document management and allows you to send and receive different documents more quickly.

You can understand more easily as well what products you might need to buy. You have a better understanding of everything and are able to take care of numerous tasks. You can shorten your supply chain and make better decisions.


Increased Transaction Accuracy

While using electronic data interchange it’s no wonder that your transaction accuracy will be increased as well, because EDI deals with numerous documents for you without delays and human errors.

This type of automation could help you to save lots of money for your company and increase the chances of having more international partners. You’ll know for sure that while dealing with them with the aid of EDI you’ll work more productively with them.

EDI Enables Transaction Tracking

Another benefit of EDI is related to transaction tracking. It’s important for companies because this way you could monitor more essential factors of your company.

You’d know if the documents were sent in time and in the correct directions, if they were properly received, etc. Overall, you’ll know with this digital solution exactly what’s going on in your company.

Reduced Costs

EDI brings many benefits to you. Since it’s eliminating the use of paper from your company, you won’t need to spend your money on printing, postage, or any other aspect that could be related to papers.

Also, you can save money on other operations, like you’d be able to reduce information processing costs. When you use the principles of EDI correctly, you can reduce costs and increase your effectiveness.

EDI Improves Communication

Companies deal with many different types of audiences on daily basis. For example, you have to communicate with your customers, suppliers, etc. Unlike traditional communication, many aspects are improved with EDI which makes communication easier and more effective.

Also, generally, it can help you to improve your customer experience as well. Because EDI makes sure that your products and services will be delivered to your target audience properly, which automatically improves your customer experience and makes you more visible on the market.

EDI Improves Security

Electronic data interchange is valuable because it can improve your security as well. It can aid you with all the necessities that are required to improve the security of document interchange.

Also, it can record all the transactions. You’ll be able to monitor everything better and make sure that everything in your company is operating according to the rules. Also, recording transactions can aid you as a verification tool against fraud.

Reduced Paper Usage

Reduced paper usage is a great way to reduce your costs, it can help your staff as well because generally organizing papers require more time, and also, it has a great effect on the organization’s environmental impact as well.

Using Edi to Smoothly Run Your Business

Electronic data interchange is frequently used by many different organizations. For example, it has numerous advantages for the retail sector. It’s a very competitive sector but EDI makes many tasks easily manageable and can help you to save money as well.

In the finance sector, EDI is a common but welcome addition. Because it allows companies to have an access to many financing channels that are secure and also can sort out many different types of documentation.

What We Offer

For more similar articles, make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. Your Performance-Oriented IT Development Agency in Switzerland can help you to develop new websites, applications, and platforms along with many other Software Engineering Services.

Software Engineering (EN)

Advantages of CI/CD Pipeline 

Advantages of CI/CD Pipeline 

Importance of CI/CD Pipeline

In today’s world, every company needs a software or platform that will aid them in their digital needs. The base of success mostly depends on digital transformation and all the benefits that can be gained from this process. Besides the products and services that you have, you’ll need software that will be useful for your employees and customers as well. CI/CD pipeline is a solution that can help you to accelerate software delivery and improve your business.

CI (continuous integration) and CD (continuous delivery) create an environment for you where all of your team members will be able to work towards certain goals. The key factor of this pipeline is related to the use of automation to deliver higher-quality code faster. The automated pipeline can effectively eliminate all the errors for you. It has numerous advantages that could help you to boost your business and improve your performance on market.

Reduced Time-to-Market

In the highly competitive environment where all the businesses exist, it’s important to find more solutions that could help you to be more competitive. One of the main goals of the CI/CD pipeline is to ensure that users will get specific software quickly. You need to know more about your customer needs in order to adopt or create more innovative features for your company. CI/CD pipeline can aid you very well in this process.

You’ll be able to go through changes easily and quickly. You’ll be able to respond to new trends better, and take care of any pain points when they’ll emerge. The path that products have to go through from their production to market availability will be full of more advantages for you.


Reduced Risk and Better Development

When you are able to release some products more rapidly you can become more competitive and improve your development process as well. This kind of activity can help you to understand more about the market, competitors, etc. You’ll be able to test your products as well.

You’ll know that whatever you are doing can be checked for usability. So you won’t waste the time on the aspects that won’t benefit you in the future. With CI/CD pipeline you’ll observe the whole software development lifecycle better and will easily spot and isolate any code issues that might not be good for you. This aspect can help you to improve your productivity.

Reduced Costs

With CI/CD pipeline you depend more on automation and the chances of human intervention in specific tasks are lower.  You can save your time and money while developing and delivering high-quality software. Automation is the key factor that can help you to reduce your costs as much as possible while still maintaining quality and efficiency. For example, CI/CD can automate deployment mechanisms and testing processes for you along with many other processes.

Smoother Path to Production

CI/CD pipeline can let you see all the pain points that might hinder your progress and will let you deal with them immediately. You can add automation for tests, environment creation, or deployments to make every step consistent and repeatable. Basically, you can optimize every stage to make important processes more effective.  With the benefits of the CI/CD pipeline, you can ensure that you’ll have a smoother path to production and improvement.

Better Code Quality

Companies go through different options to find solutions that can help them to enhance their code quality. CI/CD pipeline can shorten the code-change-result cycle, make sure that the code can be easily fixed, and aid you with numerous other advantages in your development process.

Rapid Feedback Cycle

CI/CD pipeline can help you to get feedback immediately. It can let you understand more about the software development phases and give you feedback about the aspects that could become obstacles in the near future. This feedback, along with user behavior data and the key performance metrics will be very useful for you.

You’ll be able to use the information that you got from this process for better decision-making. You’ll know what works for your organization and how you can improve your products.

What We Offer

For more similar articles, scroll through our Publications on Edana. Your performance-oriented Software Development Agency in Switzerland can aid you with Software Engineering services and solutions and create different applications, websites, and platforms for you.

Non classé Software Engineering (EN)

The use of value stream mapping for your software delivery

The use of value stream mapping for your software delivery

Importance of Value Stream Mapping

Value stream mapping is frequently used in software development. It gives the company chance to optimize its software delivery processes. For example, VSM is successfully used in manufacturing industries as well, like Toyota. Almost every company appreciates value stream mapping because it can help you to see your needs clearly and lets you understand more about the critical areas for your development. The complete guide of value stream mapping could help you see the path which will help you to grow.

Using VSM in Organizations

Optimizing the development and delivery processes is critical for many software organizations and decides their future success. It can help different organizations to keep up with digital transformation as well. Customer demands and trends are always changing and the best ways to adapt to those changes come from digital transformation.

Value stream mapping could help you if you require complex software and could aid you in the development process as well because the software development process isn’t easy to manage. You’ll be able to match your performance and business outcomes with each other better.


Continuous Improvement with Value Stream Mapping

Value stream mapping can be very beneficial for software delivery because it can show you all the inefficiencies in ideas or production. Also, you’ll be able to finish your work more easily and quickly. Basically, you’ll be mapping all the processes to visualize what is really happening to determine the next steps. That’s why VSM can help you with continuous improvement.

Improvement of Software Delivery with Product Value Stream

Product value streams pay more attention to customers. In this case, organizations can work in a customer-centric and cost-effective way. Making products that can be successfully used by your customers is the greatest goal for companies. Software delivery itself is about getting a software product to customers, and it ends with the purchase of certain products. So considering everything related to customers is important.

While trying to improve your software delivery it would be great to have a value stream per product, application, or service. Seeing and analyzing everything in detail will help you to identify strategic ways for your improvement. In the long run, you can achieve a lot. You could eliminate delays, improve the quality of software delivery, reduce costs, etc.

Flow Framework for Software Delivery

Flow framework has great importance for software delivery. According to this framework, all the units of value that flow through a software product value stream are called Flow Items. There are different types of flow items, including features, defects, risks, and debt.

For example, the flow item could be a feature that will deliver new capabilities for certain products, or it could be related to any solution that could eliminate the defects in products to improve their usage.

Measuring Flow

There are numerous metrics that could help you to accomplish numerous tasks, but selecting the ones that can help you to measure your software delivery is important. In this case, different flow metrics could be very beneficial for you, because they will help you to measure software-related work better. There are several important flow metrics that can help you out a lot.

For example, the flow velocity can help you determine if the value delivering is accelerating or not. You can also use flow efficiency, flow time, flow load, and flow distribution. As a final result, you’ll be able to determine what are the reasons for slow or great software delivery, where you need to make strategic investments for future improvement, and generally, you’ll understand how software delivery could impact quality and costs.

Value Stream Management in Software Delivery

It’s clear that value stream mapping could play a significant role in software delivery. It’s a solution that can help you determine how you are performing and how you can develop yourself. With value stream management you can bridge a gap between your business strategy and technology delivery. Growing and being successful is a goal that every company had in the past and will have in the future as well. This is a solution that can help you understand better what’s happening and can help you to move in the right direction as well.

What We Offer

For more similar articles, scroll through our Publications on Edana. Your performance-oriented software development agency in Switzerland can aid you with Software Engineering services and solutions including different applications, websites, platforms, and many more.