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Custom Business Application: Pricing, Timeline, and Steps to Create Your Enterprise Software

Custom Business Application: Pricing, Timeline, and Steps to Create Your Enterprise Software

Digital transformation has reshaped how Swiss businesses operate, compelling them to rethink their processes and adopt innovative solutions to remain competitive. Among these solutions, custom business applications stand out as essential tools to meet the specific needs of each company or organization. In this article, we will explore what a business application is, why it is crucial for the growth and survival of your business in the Swiss and international markets, how much it can cost, and how a custom software development provider like our agency, Edana, can help you create a business application tailored to your needs.

What is a business application (or business software)?

A business application, also known as business software, is a software solution specifically designed to meet the unique requirements of a company or organization. It can be a comprehensive suite for managing all of its business operations or a solution dedicated to a single or multiple tasks (CRM, invoicing, warehouse management, time-sheeting, accounting, etc.). Unlike generic software that can be sold on the market (so-called “off-the-shelf” solutions), a custom business application is developed taking into account the internal processes, workflows, and specific needs of the company or organization. It has no limits in terms of possibilities, and its functions and user interface are perfectly tailored to the precise needs of the business activity.

Examples of business applications designed by us

You can see examples of business applications that we have custom designed for Swiss companies such as Filinea (intervention management software, emails, calendars, human resources, and other custom functions) and Goteck (customer management, project management, and invoicing). These two enterprise applications constitute real digitized ecosystems since everything the employees need is centralized there, all in an ergonomic and secure manner.

Develop my own business application

Business applications can be developed using web, native, or a combination of both languages. Often hosted on a secure and dedicated server, they offer significant flexibility, allowing employees to connect from various locations (office, home, field) and devices (mobile phones, tablets, computers) or facilitating data backups or updates to their features and deployment.

Why opt for a custom business application?

A business application tailored to a company’s needs can lead to various benefits such as task automation, reduced payroll costs, increased employee happiness (often measured through the Net Promoter Score), increased customer satisfaction (also measured via NPS), as well as increased productivity, etc.

Here are the main advantages of custom business software:

Maximum customization

Custom business applications offer unparalleled customization, allowing companies to easily adapt to changes and evolutions in their industry. Indeed, each company or organization has different specificities (employee profile, management or project management method adopted, products and services sold, customer typology, etc.). So many parameters make a company unique and turn preconceived solutions into inadequate burdens and often unnecessary expenses for a company believing to do well by digitizing itself but paying for an inadequate solution that will not be adopted by its employees.

Process optimization

Delving into the heart of operational mechanisms is the promise of a custom business application developed by Edana. Understanding every nuance, every interaction within your company enables us to tailor solutions that transcend the ordinary. From streamlining workflows to automating repetitive tasks, a meticulous approach ensures maximum operational efficiency. With a well-designed custom business software, process optimization becomes more than an aspiration; it becomes the reality that propels your company towards operational excellence.

Enhanced security

Customized solutions offer a higher level of security tailored to the specific needs of the company, ensuring the protection of sensitive data. They take into account the types of data stored and the working mechanisms, thus being developed accordingly to protect your data against threats related to your activity.

Centralization & ecosystem

In general, digitizing through business software simplifies many processes and centralizes key tools (having emails, contacts, and business tools centralized in one place ergonomically changes the game and simplifies many things). This avoids, for example, opening several different programs and juggling with them to perform a task.

Unmatched scalability of a custom-built enterprise application

A well-designed business application is scalable, capable of adapting to the company’s growth without compromising performance. It can be gradually improved and become everything you need to achieve and maintain operational excellence, without any limits!

Let’s talk about your digitization

How long does it take to develop a business application?

The time required to create a business application can vary considerably depending on several factors. These factors include the complexity of the application, the required features, customization requirements, the size of the development team, the development methodologies used, and many others.

It is essential to note that each project is unique. Some projects can be completed more quickly using frameworks and pre-existing tools, while others require more customized and in-depth development. In general, the creation of custom business software involves several stages, from needs analysis to design, development, testing, and finally deployment.

As an indication, the complete cycle can last from 2 to 3 months for an MVP (minimum viable product), 6 to 8 months for a complete software, and over a year for a complex complete software. Some very important and highly complex projects may even see their development last for several years.

To obtain a more precise estimate, it is recommended to consult a custom software development agency in Switzerland, such as ours, which can assess your specific needs and provide you with an estimate based on the scope of your project.

Get an estimate of the timeline tailored to your company

Budget for developing custom business software in Switzerland

Budget for developing custom business software in Switzerland The cost of a custom business application in Switzerland can vary considerably depending on several factors. Like the development time, some of the main elements that influence the cost are also the complexity of the application, the number of features, the level of customization required, the technology used, the degree of security required, the size of the development team, and other specific project requirements.

In general, developing a custom application in Switzerland can cost from tens of thousands to several hundreds of thousands of Swiss francs, or even more for very complex projects.

It is recommended to have a thorough discussion with a custom software development agency in Switzerland to obtain an accurate estimate based on the specific needs of your company. A detailed analysis of your requirements will determine the costs associated with each phase of the development of the custom business application.

Get a cost estimate tailored to your company


Steps to create a business application for your company

1. Needs assessment

Before starting the development process, it is essential to understand the specific needs of the company. At Edana, our experts work closely with clients to identify essential features and goals. Our enterprise architects, software engineers, UX designers, product owners, and digital strategists accompany you from this first step in your strategic thinking and advise you on the best solutions for your company or organization.

2. Design and planning

Once the needs are identified, the development team at Edana creates a detailed plan and architecture for the application. This includes designing the user interface, planning features, and identifying necessary technologies.

3. Development

The development process begins, with particular attention to code quality, security, and scalability. Clients are regularly updated on progress, and adjustments are made based on feedback.

4. Testing and validation

Before deployment in production, the application undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its proper functioning, security, and compliance with client requirements. Our project management and QA engineering teams conduct a battery of tests and adjustments necessary to meet our very high quality standards.

5. Deployment and maintenance

Once testing is successful, the application is deployed. Edana also ensures continuous maintenance, ensuring that the application remains up-to-date and functions smoothly. Our cybersecurity specialists also ensure that your system remains protected against threats and cyber-attacks (firewall management, anti-virus, software security patches, source code fixes, 24/7 monitoring, as well as backups and restorations).

What technologies to use to design custom software?

It is possible to build a business application with various technologies, which can also vary depending on the unique requirements of each project. Nevertheless, web technologies are increasingly used as they allow applications to be deployed in server environments without any limits and to be easily and quickly maintained and improved (these technologies are widespread, widely mastered, and their community is strong). It would be too long to list all the languages and technologies that can be mobilized to build a business application. So, we will talk about our approach. At Edana, we embrace technological diversity to create custom business applications that perfectly meet your specific needs. Our flexible approach includes the following technologies:

Powerful backend with Laravel, Symfony, or pure PHP for robust business applications

Laravel, the most powerful PHP framework, ensures a solid structure and easy maintenance. It also shortens development times thanks to its php artisan which makes life easier for backend developers or thanks to its packages.

Interactive frontend with React, Angular, or pure markup

We use React for dynamic components and Angular for business applications requiring a solid architecture. Our front-end developers also code in pure JS and HTML when necessary, depending on the project.

High-performance database with MySQL (or PostgreSQL) and Node.js

MySQL or PostgreSQL, recognized relational databases for their performance, are used, as well as Node.js for server-side operations. We carefully select the best technologies to handle and manipulate your data according to your needs. To learn more, you can read our article on different database systems for Swiss companies.

Hosting in Swiss territory with Infomaniak and other Swiss data centers

Swiss hosting guarantees stability and security, in compliance with Swiss data protection standards. This is notably a prerequisite for organizations and companies processing sensitive data such as patient (medical) or financial data (banks, insurance companies, investment funds, family offices, etc.).

Agile deployment with Docker, Kubernetes, and others

When necessary, Docker ensures smooth containerization, while Kubernetes orchestrates deployment, offering exceptional flexibility and scalability necessary for robust and responsive business applications.

Source control with GitLab

We use GitLab but also other collaboration and repository systems for efficient source code management, ensuring precise tracking of changes and fostering transparent collaboration.

Flexibility and specialization in multiple languages and technologies

At Edana, we are aware that each project is unique. That is why we specialize in a multitude of technologies including Python, C++, PHP, Kotlin, JSON, Rubis, Node.js, etc. We are open to all technologies and adapt our choices according to the specific needs of each client.

Contact us for a robust business application

Conclusion : a business application makes all the difference

Investing in a custom business application is a strategic step towards operational efficiency and sustainable growth. Edana, as a Swiss custom software development agency, offers its expertise to design solutions tailored to your specific needs and allows you to adapt to the constantly evolving digital world while automating and improving your internal processes.

A custom business application can have a very significant impact on your company (increased employee happiness, reduced lead times, increased yield rate, automation of tasks and positions, increased operational transparency, improved customer experience, protection against cyber threats, etc.). Contact us today to start your journey towards digital transformation and maximize the potential of your business.

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Connecting with customers – The Importance of Client Portals

Connecting with customers – The Importance of Client Portals

Definition of Client Portal

A customer portal is a website that gives us the ability to connect with our organization or company. We use different services there, have access to important information about the company, and usually have our own accounts which are secure and private.

We might have access to payment information, support mechanism and etc. but at the end of the day, we actively communicate with the company, use the services that we require, and get the desired results. And we can do it from any location, anytime.

The Most Important Attribute to Customer Experience

All customers need a fast response and problem-solving solutions. They need you to be accessible from different channels which are associated with your company. They need to know about the new services and the products that you can provide them with.

Of course, they will need to communicate with the company representatives as well, but the most important thing for all the customers is to know how to use the company tools.

That’s why self-service helps. If we can provide our customers with online support and guidance we would get maximum results in a short period of time. 


Customer Portal Benefits

Customer portals are well received by customers and gives the brand an opportunity to be informative and active in customers’ life.

Nowadays, customers have the ability to self-serve, and many of them are more than happy to do it, but they need information and comfort from our side to do so.

For example, McDonald’s Self Ordering Kiosks are part of their digital revolution, you see every available product there, you choose, you pay and then you just wait. All the customers use it, it’s simple, quick, easy, informative, and gives them control.

You can make the customers work on their issues themselves with simple guidelines and get involved directly only if they seem to struggle or ask for your help.

Customer Satisfaction Rate improves because the customers don’t have to wait for company service agents, they sort out everything based on our portal and guidelines. 

Security Should be the Top Priority of Customer Portals

Customer-centric digital transformation strategies increase our connection with them. We need to create well-designed and well-managed portals, that store their information and protect them from any risk.

Secure client portals increase user experience and client loyalty. So we can create the kind of portal where security initiatives will be embedded in the design, this way we can ensure that the design will still be attractive for our customers and most importantly secure.

Elements that all the Customer Portals Should Have

Since our customers would want to manage their accounts and products independently, they’ll require information to navigate between our webpage and mobile app, so we need to be simple. They shouldn’t spend too much time on research. To solve this issue, we can provide them with chatbots, virtual assistants, and FAQs.

Customer portals can include communities as well where the customers will be able to help each other and share their experiences. Again it’s going to increase loyalty and make problem-solving less time-consuming for them.

Getting feedback from your customers would always help you to improve yourself and see what’s important to them. You could even discover what’s the most demanded product or frequently used service from your company.

When customers are in control and involved in the ongoings of their chosen company, they are more inclined to continue working with them.

Your Portal is the Face of your Company

Most shops always use attractive window displays to gain more customers. It’s a common trick that works all the time. Because our eyes pay more attention to bright colors and we immediately notice the contrast between them, we see the style, if several parts of the text are in the same color they have our attention again.

So when we’ll know the purpose of the portal we can start working on making it memorable from the first glance. The first step is the visuals and graphics; after that, we have to work on functional design.

We have to provide customers with simple but important options. Because customers get confused with lots of information and it’s better to use straight to a point approach.

Use more simple terms, like contact us, about us, etc. Use the colors that are associated with your brand. While sharing important information use bold colors since they are more eye-catching. All in all, design is truly the silent ambassador of your brand.

What We Offer

For more similar articles, make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. Your Swiss Digital Agency is ready to provide you with Expert-Level assistance which is built on customer loyalty, progressive ideas, and dedication. Our expertise includes Software Engineering and many more.

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Design Tips for Your Software to Increase the Profits of Your Organization

Design Tips for Your Software to Increase the Profits of Your Organization

Software Design Basics

Basically, for functional software design creation you need a specialist who creates a specific of a software archetype focused on accomplishing the assigned goals. Using a combination of primary components and subject of constraint gives you the final product. So, based on your intentions you will let the agent choose the software model best fitted to your current mission.

Make Your Goals Clear

When working on a software design, you better have a well-planned brief for the developer to follow up with. The point is, that if you don’t have a clear goal of what you want to reach through this design, your software will not do anything as a matter of result. The success of your software design is almost like a chain reaction. Have at least one thing in mind that you want to progress.

Customer Behavior Research

This specific research is like beginning of all operations conducted on your software including its design. We are speaking both-User Interface and User Experience design here. In quite short timing you’ll be able to notice certain behavior patterns of your customers regarding purchases and content engagement. If you notice for example, that a certain “check out” button is referred more to that another-try to investigate why and if making that button universal will actually benefit your sales. Seems like a funny and small detail, but can be game-changing for your online commerce.


Develop A Functional Design

Functionality is the key to your software design. Of course elements like color design and aesthetics are important as well, but if it doesn’t work towards assessing the customer’s needs, then it’s regretfully useless. Make sure your design creates a comfortable navigation process for your customers. You might have seen popular apps and websites which don’t seem to have great and beautiful interface, but customers prefer them due to functionality and simplicity.

List Of Design Patterns

Now, that we’ve spoken of several design aspects of functional software designs, let’s review the list of design patterns, which generally work for upgrading your organization’s productivity online:

Creational Patterns

  • Factory Method
  • Abstract factory
  • Builder
  • Prototype
  • Singleton

Structural Patterns

  • Adapter
  • Bridge
  • Composite
  • Decoration
  • Façade
  • Flyweight
  • Proxy

Behavioral Patterns

  • Chain Of Responsibility
  • Command
  • Interpreter
  • Iterator
  • Mediator
  • Memento
  • Observer
  • State
  • Strategy
  • Visitor
  • Template Method

Follow The Patterns

All of the patterns with the following elements are basic keys to one big door of software design. Simultaneously processed they create the environment in your digital space which don’t just navigate existing customers, but also create additional leads which are later likely to turn into regular customers, users or visitors of your website.

Modern Trends

Among many trends we decided to pick some of the most important ones and review how they benefit your organization. One of them is remote work, which turns out to give increases in cloud computing process. Cloud usage has become a necessary attribute, especially now, that almost all work is done online.

Another very important trend you should not sleep on is AI adoption in your software. It’s become quite trendy to at least have a chat-bot as a communications service provider. It’s also gaining popularity among customers certainly. AI implementation reduces errors on your software and serves as a time-saving tool for your customers as well.

Interconnections, automated task management and cloud computing are most likely to continue rapid development. Yet, given developments come with challenges still to be overcome.

What We Offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Software Model Engineering and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

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Why is Cohesion the Primary Foundation of Software Design?

Why is Cohesion the Primary Foundation of Software Design?

Definition Of Cohesion

When speaking of cohesion, at some point we will have to look at the subject with a little bit of mathematic viewpoint. To put it simply for the beginning, in software engineering, cohesion is a basic formula calculating strength of connection among methods of data analysis and classification to create a union for certain purposes.

Coupling And Cohesion

Except for cohesion, in software engineering we also have the term coupling. So, why are we comparing them? Because they are connected, serving pretty much one basic purpose, but on different levels. Coupling analyses internal relationships between modules, but as for cohesion, it analyses how related the roles within a single module are.


Cohesive = Effective

Team work always gives us better results. The term “cohesive” means working on the foundation of effective union. Clearly, even if we take the simplest physical machines, we cannot make them work correctly, unless all insider elements are working harmonically and simultaneously. Funny how music can be a great example. One note taken wrong and it ruins the whole symphony, not to mention that even an unprofessional listener can notice that one small disruption.

A.K.A. Sliding-Scale Metrics

As mentioned in previous paragraphs, cohesion is all about processing and analyzing internal elements of a specific module we have in mind. There are certain classical methods and strategies in cohesion and they have to be measured according to their functionality. Especially, when we are speaking of software engineering, functionality is a must!

Element Analysis

Research methods are in every field, especially in marketing and even more in digital marketing. Well, what analysis can come before research in the first place right? Now, let’s review certain qualities of element analysis in the cohesion principle and how well-based are they on general research.

  • Coincidental-Processing particles are grouped in an arbitrary manner and have no significant communication/connection. Well, clearly the laziest and possibly the most unwanted analysis you want to base your further actions on.
  • Logical-From a module viewpoint, processing elements are belonged to one-another because they match with the similar logical class of connected functions. Invoking the module simultaneously invokes the processing element.
  • Temporal-Processing particles are connected in time aspect. They are grouped with one-another because those are invoked simultaneously at a particular timing in a program implementation, but quite funny enough, they are not related to each other. A different program requirement may require a different combination of processing the elements stated above.
  • Procedural- Processing insider elements are in logical order- part of the same functionality unit but do not share the same data. They are connected, because they continually follow a specific sequence of implementation.
  • Communicational-Processing elements on the functional quality of implementing inputs and outputs in your software design.
  • Sequential- Processing component are related when the output of one processing component can be used as input for the next component element. Think of it as a chain reaction in its own way.
  • Functional-By far the best and most effective element grouping strategy. All processing components of a module are vital to the performance of a single and specific task. Maybe for this one we can say, that focus is the base concept.

Digital Team-Work

Now, that we have discussed so many grouping, analysis and research strategies in the paragraphs above, let’s look at the subject in a relatively non-mathematical viewpoint. The whole point of the given concept is to pretty much choose functionally matching components of a module for your effective software design. Functionality and effectiveness will manifest themselves in how your software works for you or against your interests.

What We Offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Software Design and Engineering and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!