Mobile Application Development (EN)

Tips for Designing an Innovative and Competitive Mobile Application in Switzerland

Tips for Designing an Innovative and Competitive Mobile Application in Switzerland

In the context of digital transformation where businesses are digitizing their processes (marketing, sales, internal processes, customer support), mobile development plays a central role in their growth, offering unparalleled opportunities for innovation and competitiveness but also presenting considerable challenges.

When creating a mobile application to digitize operations (online sales, providing a 24/7 customer portal, etc.) or launching a new digital product in the Swiss market (subscription sales, advertising, earning a percentage on user transactions, etc.), it’s easy to take the wrong path and end up losing the financial investment in the project.

In Switzerland, a nation known for its economic dynamism and relentless pursuit of quality, mobile development is crucial. However, many companies entrust the task of creating a mobile application to local or foreign providers without knowing how to make their project a success. Numerous projects have either never materialized or failed due to poor management.

Swiss SMEs and large enterprises operate in a unique ecosystem marked by high standards, specific market requirements, and a constant focus on improvement. Therefore, they must master their mobile application projects to ensure success, avoiding pitfalls that have plagued many projects before. While the conception and launch of a mobile application can be challenging, there are fundamentals that can lead to success.

This article explores the essentials for innovation and competitiveness in mobile development in Switzerland. By examining current trends, effective strategies, and specific challenges in this context, it aims to provide a comprehensive overview of key processes for companies looking to thrive by introducing an application to the market.

We have already discussed the topic of pitfalls to avoid in mobile development and the success factors in application creation. Let’s now explore together how mobile development in Switzerland can be a crucial lever to achieve excellence and distinction in terms of innovation and competitiveness and how to master it effectively to achieve satisfactory results in terms of return on investment for such projects.

Understanding the swiss market

The first fundamental step to succeed in mobile development in Switzerland lies in a thorough understanding of the local market. This involves a meticulous exploration of Swiss market specificities, user expectations, regulations, and cultural values shaping the mobile application ecosystem.

Swiss user preferences, often focused on quality, security, and user-friendliness, dictate application design choices. Additionally, increasingly stringent data protection standards require strict compliance. Swiss culture, imbued with values like precision and reliability, influences how applications are perceived and used in this demanding and dynamic market.

A deep understanding of these aspects is crucial to create mobile applications that effectively meet the unique needs of the Swiss market while respecting its standards and values.

To achieve this, it is advisable to turn to a digital agency capable of offering advanced guidance with a consulting dimension. For example, at Edana, we operate with a unique model, combining a team of digital consultants experienced in Swiss business consulting and digital transformation with a team of software engineers and mobile developers possessing advanced technical skills. These teams work together to advise the client and design the mobile application, accompanied by other experts (UX design, UI, marketing, DevOps, etc.).

Finding a provider offering both aspects simultaneously or engaging a digital consulting firm on one side and a mobile development company on the other is a choice to make. However, skipping high-quality advice is a crucial mistake.

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Adoption of innovative technologies

Various technological advances are emerging, such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), augmented reality (AR), and blockchain. More and more companies are focusing on their strategic integration into mobile application development in Switzerland. For example, AI offers insights into optimizing user experiences and personalizing features using sophisticated algorithms. IoT revolutionizes device connectivity, providing opportunities for interactive and connected applications.

Augmented reality expands user interaction by merging the virtual world with the real world, creating immersive experiences. As for blockchain, it revolutionizes transaction security and transparency, opening perspectives for secure and decentralized mobile applications. This section also explores how these technologies are adapted to Swiss requirements, considering high data privacy standards and qualitative expectations. It provides an overview of specific use cases in Switzerland where these technological advances transform and enrich mobile applications.

However, it is also essential to seek advice on the technology to use for your mobile application, regardless of its features. For example, choosing between React Native, Flutter, PWA, hybrid, or native is a critical decision. On the backend, building an API (if your application needs a robust and scalable architecture, which is highly recommended) requires a decision between Laravel, Symfony, pure PHP, Node.js, etc. Justifying these choices and turning to future-proof technologies for both front-end and back-end is crucial. Again, a reputable agency is synonymous with quality and good advice, but not always. It is essential to test your counterparts to assess their seriousness and the trust you can place in them, as the future of your project depends on it.

Our case studies: Innovative mobile applications

Our multi-specialist teams design software and mobile applications for Swiss companies seeking digitalization. Two mobile applications, based on appropriate modern technologies such as Laravel, React, or Vite, are examples of projects. The needs of these two projects were meticulously analyzed by our experts to select technologies suitable for their objectives and specificities.

Develop my mobile application

Security and data confidentiality

En Suisse et en Europe, la sécurité et la confidentialité des données sont des éléments cruciaux dans le développement d’applications mobiles. Lors de la conception d’une application, il est impératif de mettre en place des mesures de sécurité rigoureuses pour protéger les données des utilisateurs.

Adhering to strict data protection regulations helps gain the trust of Swiss users (see the New Data Protection Law – nLPD). It is also recommended to integrate advanced encryption protocols and robust access control mechanisms from the early stages of development. Ensure careful management of user permissions to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of their personal data throughout their experience with the application.

By prioritizing data security, you strengthen user trust and contribute to establishing a lasting and reliable relationship with your application in the Swiss market.

In the continuation of this article, we will address collaborations and partnerships, the launch of a mobile application, and post-launch monitoring to ensure adoption by the target audience and success in the market.


Collaboration and partnerships

To optimize your application and ensure its success with the target end-users, consider strategic collaborations with other industry players. Look for partnerships that complement your expertise, whether they involve specific technology providers or marketing partners. These collaborations can offer opportunities for innovation, expansion, and visibility in the Swiss market.

Keep in mind the importance of transparent and mutually beneficial relationships, based on common goals and a shared understanding of market needs. By cultivating strong partnerships and leveraging synergies, you strengthen the viability and relevance of your mobile application in the Swiss context, increasing its chances of success and growth in this competitive market.

Choose a partner capable of helping your project succeed from all angles. For example, at Edana, we are accustomed to not only getting involved from a technical perspective but also guiding our clients in implementing their projects in a much more global and comprehensive sense. This is a crucial factor for success.

Increasing impact: Optimizing the visibility of your application

Once your mobile application is operational (in production), it is essential to prepare its visibility on download platforms before its launch. In a saturated market of applications, standing out requires following best practices for store optimization (ASO – App Store Optimization). This method aims to increase the visibility of your application on the App Store and Google Play to stimulate organic downloads.

To optimize your application’s presence on stores, it is recommended to give it a catchy title, an attractive icon, a concise description, captivating visuals, and relevant keywords. These strategic elements will help attract the attention of potential users and improve its visibility among the multitude of available applications.

It is also crucial to think about your launch strategy and marketing plan well before the application’s release. If your application is a PWA, an SEO strategy can (and should) be implemented because this type of application benefits from rankings within search engines. Avoiding this would be shooting yourself in the foot.

It is obviously crucial to implement traffic analysis tools within your application (while respecting data protection standards such as nLPD) to track the behavior of your users and generate valuable insights to improve the user experience and inform your strategic choices.

This visibility step is crucial, and being accompanied by experts in digital marketing and mobile application market launch is a success criterion.

Post-launch evaluation and continuous optimization

After optimizing and launching your application on stores, you have reached a significant milestone. However, it is essential to understand that this online launch represents only half the journey toward your application’s success.

We consider an application truly “successful” when it adds real value to users, proves useful and easily accessible. To achieve this goal, it is imperative to closely monitor and analyze the data generated by your application. Identifying user behaviors is essential to understand their preferences and needs, allowing for updates that precisely meet their expectations.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor include user actions, frequency and duration of use, number of downloads, among others. Once this data has been collected and analyzed (this is not an exhaustive list), it is recommended to develop an action plan aimed at ensuring the sustainability and continuous improvement of your application. The ultimate goal is to ensure that your application can evolve and remain relevant to its users over time.

Conclusion for a quality and successful mobile application

In an ever-evolving digital environment, mobile application development in Switzerland presents an exciting and challenging endeavor. All the steps covered, from understanding the Swiss market to post-launch optimization, underline the crucial importance of a strategic, user-focused approach to ensure the success of a mobile application.

Mobile application development in Switzerland requires a balanced combination of technological innovation, adaptation to specific market needs, commitment to the quality of the user experience, and an iterative approach to continuous improvement. It is this synthesis of technical expertise, understanding of the local market, and focus on the user experience that ensures the success and sustainability of mobile applications in the constantly changing Swiss context.

At Edana, our Swiss digital agency specializing in mobile development and digital strategy, we understand the crucial importance of each element mentioned in this article to ensure customer satisfaction. Our dedication to customer satisfaction is reflected in a constant commitment to applying these principles to advise, design, and develop superior quality mobile applications that meet the high expectations of the Swiss market.

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Mobile Application Development (EN)

10 Crucial Questions to Consider Before Launching Your Mobile Application

10 Crucial Questions to Consider Before Launching Your Mobile Application

Are you considering creating a mobile application? A great idea! However, before diving headfirst into development, it’s imperative to ask the right questions to avoid pitfalls that could cost time and money.

At Edana, a Swiss digital agency with specialists in mobile development, digital transformation, UX design, strategy, etc., we understand the importance of preparation in the success of your application project. Here are ten crucial questions to consider before bringing your mobile application to life.

1. What is the purpose of the mobile application in a few sentences?

Understanding the purpose of your mobile application is fundamental to its success. It goes beyond merely defining goals. It involves a deep exploration of user needs, market gaps, and the unique solutions your application will provide. This clear vision informs design and development, providing a roadmap for features, user experience, and expected outcomes.

Moreover, a precise understanding of the application’s purpose helps establish key performance indicators (KPIs), facilitating continuous evaluation and adaptation to changing user needs. In summary, being able to formulate a clear and precise purpose creates an essential foundation for the success of your mobile application. Do not overlook this phase to ease your work later, as the success of each phase depends on the success of the preceding ones in such projects.

2. What is the real deadline?

When do you want to see your mobile application in the market? Do you have a specific constraint?

Understanding deadlines fully allows for effective planning and anticipating unforeseen challenges throughout the development process. This step goes beyond setting deadlines to become an informed anticipation of key phases, time constraints, and necessary margins. In-depth time clarity not only allows for precise planning but also integrates the required flexibility to resolve potential issues without compromising project quality. Furthermore, it serves as a guide to optimize resource allocation, minimize delays, and maintain a viable work pace.

Therefore, a well-defined deadline promotes effective collaboration, open communication, and ongoing motivation within the team, providing stakeholders with a clear vision of the path to achieving set goals. Coordinate with all project stakeholders and clarify this point to move forward without uncertainty.

3. What are the risks associated with the development of the mobile application?

Identifying potential obstacles is the foundation of a proactive approach to ensuring project success. This strategic anticipation not only recognizes upcoming challenges but also initiates the implementation of preventive action plans. By fully understanding these potential risks, a team can not only mitigate them before they escalate but also develop alternative solutions to avoid any negative impact on the project. Thus, this proactive approach goes beyond simple foresight, strengthening the team’s resilience and cultivating an adaptability mindset in the face of adversity.

In the end, this proactive approach establishes an environment conducive to innovation and quick problem-solving, making project success an achievable reality.

Examples of risks that can compromise a mobile application project

Compatibility issues

Mobile applications must work on different platforms (iOS, Android) and various devices. Hardware and software differences can lead to compatibility issues, requiring extra efforts to ensure a consistent user experience.

Data security

Data security is crucial for user trust. Security breaches can compromise user-sensitive information, leading to legal consequences and a loss of trust. Robust security measures must be in place from the early stages of development.

Changements dans les réglementations

Laws and regulations regarding data protection and privacy evolve regularly. Non-compliance can lead to significant sanctions and delays. It’s essential to stay informed and adapt to regulatory changes.

Technical challenges

Technical issues such as persistent bugs, slow loading times, or malfunctioning features can hinder the user experience and discourage potential users.

Increased competition

The mobile application market is highly competitive. Constant competition can make it challenging to acquire and retain users. It’s essential to develop unique features and stay tuned to market developments.

Ineffective project management

Lack of effective project planning and management can lead to delays, cost overruns, and a degradation of the final product’s quality. Clear communication and constant monitoring are crucial to avoid these issues.

Limited resources

Budget constraints, a lack of qualified staff, or delays in obtaining necessary resources can slow down application development and compromise its quality.

By anticipating these risks and implementing mitigation strategies, the development team can strengthen the application’s robustness and maximize its chances of success in the competitive mobile application market.

Discuss your mobile project with one of our experts

In the continuation of this article, we address questions related to business strategy, business model, target audience, user experience, project management, and market competition. Continue reading to learn more and succeed in your mobile project in Switzerland or internationally.


4. What are the business goals of the mobile application?

Clarity in business goals guides the development of the application toward tangible and measurable results. By determining these goals, you create a solid foundation to evaluate the application’s success, focusing on clear and tangible performance indicators.

This precise definition of business goals also fosters a shared understanding within the team, aligning efforts towards achieving the company’s strategic objectives.

Examples of business goals for an app:

  1. Customer base expansion: Increase the number of users of the mobile application within a given period.
  2. Improvement of user retention: Enhance user loyalty by increasing the number of monthly sessions per user or reducing the uninstallation rate.
  3. Direct monetization: Generate direct revenue from the application through models such as in-app purchases, subscriptions, or in-app transactions.
  4. Strategic partnerships: Establish partnerships with other companies or platforms to expand the application’s reach and reach new market segments.
  5. Brand awareness: Improve brand visibility by using the application as a communication and marketing channel.
  6. User data analysis: Collect and use analytical data to understand user behavior, optimize application features, and personalize the user experience.

By defining clear business goals and choosing a suitable economic model, the development team can better align its efforts to create an application that meets the business needs and can be meaningfully assessed in terms of commercial success.

5. Who are the target users?

A deep understanding of your audience will facilitate the design of an application that will precisely meet their specific needs. By clearly identifying the characteristics, preferences, and behaviors of your target audience, you will be able to create a tailored and engaging user experience.

This thorough understanding notably promotes a closer connection with your audience, allowing the establishment of lasting relationships and user retention.

To achieve this, conduct market research, UX research, and brainstorm with all stakeholders in your project. Feel free to involve potential users and conduct test sessions with a navigable prototype if possible.

Examples of applications we have designed, revolutionizing UX in a specific sector:

Designing mobile applications, software, and websites for our Swiss clients is our core business. Here are some mobile development case studies illustrating UX logics tailored to a specific user target and innovating in their market.

Get your mobile application designed by Swiss experts

6. Who are the key stakeholders?

The precise determination of key stakeholders, whether internal or external to the project, is essential to build strong foundations for collaboration. By clearly recognizing these stakeholders, it becomes possible to establish transparent relationships, define responsibilities, and align everyone’s expectations. This identification facilitates smooth communication and optimal coordination among the different parties involved.

In this way, a better understanding of each party’s roles and needs contributes to quick decision-making and effective problem-solving. In summary, it fosters a harmonious work environment and successful cooperation to complete the project.

7. Are there competitors to your application?

By carefully examining competitors in the market, you can grasp their trends, strengths, and weaknesses. This in-depth analysis provides a unique opportunity to position your application in a distinctive and remarkable way. By understanding gaps or unmet needs in competitors, you can identify opportunities to offer a unique value proposition to users.

This not only differentiates your application but also anticipates user needs while making significant improvements compared to what is offered by competitors. Ultimately, this informed competitive analysis establishes a solid foundation for creating a mobile application that innovatively and relevantly meets user expectations while standing out in the market.

8. What is the budget for development?

This budget directly determines the scope of features, the project’s scale, and influences strategic decisions. By setting clear financial limits, you can define specific priorities, paying particular attention to essential features and critical business needs.

This strategic approach ensures alignment of business goals with available resources, ensuring project success within the pre-established budget. Furthermore, it promotes careful resource management throughout the development process, maximizing efficiency while avoiding unforeseen financial overruns.

In the end, a well-defined budget streamlines choices, keeps the focus on goals, and optimizes results within the available resources.

9. What is the application’s monetization strategy?

The monetization strategy of an application is crucial for its long-term financial success. It represents the master plan that determines how the application will generate revenue, whether through targeted advertising models, sponsorship partnerships, subscriptions, in-app purchases, or other methods.

A well-thought-out strategy takes into account the value offered to users while ensuring an optimal user experience to guarantee sustainable profitability. It requires an in-depth understanding of the market, users, and trends, as well as flexibility to adapt to evolving needs. Ultimately, a well-thought-out monetization strategy is an essential pillar to maximize the financial potential of your application while preserving its relevance and value for users.

Example of a business model for a mobile application in Switzerland

  1. Freemium : Offer a basic version of the application for free, with premium features available for payment.
  2. Subscription : Propose a model based on a monthly or annual subscription to access all the application’s features.
  3. Advertising : Generate revenue through advertisements integrated into the application, using models such as CPC (cost per click) or CPM (cost per mille impressions).
  4. Data selling : Monetize data collected by the application by selling it to third parties, while adhering to privacy and data protection rules.
  5. Integrated e-commerce : Facilitate purchase transactions through the application, taking a commission on completed sales.
  6. Software license : Offer a usage license for the application to other businesses or partners.

Discuss your mobile application project with an expert

10. How will your customers make purchases?

Understanding your customers’ purchasing process is essential for designing a smooth and convincing user experience. By carefully examining the various stages of purchase and identifying potential obstacles or frictions, you can create an intuitive and suitable user interface. This approach optimizes the purchasing journey, facilitating navigation and simplifying payment processes.

Such a deep understanding of user needs and behaviors guides the design of a seamless purchasing experience, promoting customer satisfaction and encouraging conversions. In summary, it contributes to building user trust in your application and establishing lasting relationships based on a positive and smooth purchasing experience.


Launching a mobile application is an exciting venture, but success depends on meticulous preparation.

At Edana, we are experts in the field, ready to guide you through each step of the process. Before you launch, make sure you have answered these crucial questions. The clarity you gain will facilitate the development of a powerful and effective application.

By considering your business goals, specific context, and particular needs, we develop, from strategy to execution, the digital transformation and mobile application you need. Our approach aims to provide you with a tailored and effective solution, designed to meet your specific requirements and business goals.

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Reinvented Customer Experience: The Impact of Personalized Mobile Applications

Reinvented Customer Experience: The Impact of Personalized Mobile Applications

In the digital era, customer experience has become a cornerstone for Swiss businesses seeking to stand out in an increasingly competitive market. Among the elements redefining this experience, personalized mobile applications are emerging as powerful tools to create deeper and more meaningful connections with customers.

In this article, we explore how these applications have transformed the way businesses interact with their clientele, highlighting inspiring examples and some of our case studies (mobile projects carried out for Swiss companies).


Personalized Mobile Applications: Context and Benefits

Evolution of Customer Expectations in Switzerland

Consumer expectations have undergone a profound transformation, fueled by the omnipresence of digital technology in our daily lives. Today, Swiss customers aspire to more than just a simple commercial transaction. The rapid evolution of society has led to a quest for significance, where the overall experience with a brand has become as essential as the product or service itself. From the first interaction to beyond the act of purchase, each touchpoint shapes the customer’s perception and directly influences their propensity to remain loyal to a brand.

This reality redefines the current commercial landscape, as customer loyalty is no longer solely the result of a quality product but rather the outcome of a complete and memorable experience. Consumers are now more inclined to engage with brands that understand and cater to their specific needs, thus creating personalized and engaging interactions.

In this era focused on personalization, mobile applications play a central role by providing a platform where customization can thrive. Designed with a customer-centric approach, these applications go beyond mere transactional functions to create interactive, immersive, and tailored experiences based on individual preferences. They become trusted partners in the consumer journey, offering a seamless continuity from the first virtual exploration to long-term loyalty.

The Essence of Personalization

In the constant quest to meet ever-growing consumer expectations, the essence of personalization emerges as the master key to unlocking a truly unique customer experience. Personalized mobile applications, as facilitators of this personalization, open up an entirely new universe where each interaction becomes a customized experience tailored to each user.

Personalization clearly transcends simple user interface adaptation. It extends to a profound understanding of individual preferences, purchasing habits, and even personal aspirations. From product recommendations based on past purchases to meticulous interface customization, every aspect of the mobile application is carefully adjusted to intuitively meet the specific needs of each customer.

For example, product recommendations cease to be a mere feature and become an enriching experience. By analyzing purchasing habits and preferences, applications can anticipate future needs, creating a space where each suggestion becomes a personal discovery. This approach transforms the simple act of purchase into an adventure, where every interaction with the application invites exploration of new horizons.

Impact of Personalized Mobile Applications on Customer Loyalty in Switzerland

Personalization clearly emerges as an essential driving force to forge unparalleled customer loyalty. We observe this at Edana through the journeys of Swiss companies we advise and support in their digital transformations: companies that successfully integrate this approach experience a significant improvement in loyalty. By personalizing each interaction, they cultivate a sense of appreciation in the customer, thus strengthening the emotional connection.

For example, loyalty programs integrated into personalized mobile applications become powerful tools to encourage customer retention. Going beyond generic rewards, these programs offer personalized benefits that align with individual preferences. This also applies to all types of businesses and ways of personalizing the customer’s experience and interaction with the company (some case studies and examples will be provided in the following parts of this article).

I want to develop a mobile application

Examples of Mobile Transformation by Industry

Swiss Financial Services

Swiss financial institutions have begun to widely adopt personalized mobile applications to offer more intuitive and personalized banking services. Although many innovations are yet to be created, features such as expense management, personalized financial advice, and real-time notifications have significantly improved the customer experience in this sector. The possibilities are endless, whether in the fintech sector or more traditional financial institutions; the ways to reinvent the relationship with the customer and make their daily life easier are practically infinite, promising innovation and growth for this strongly present and prosperous industry in Switzerland.

Revolutionizing the Restaurant Sector

Personalized restaurant applications are reinventing how customers order and interact with restaurants. From personalized menus based on dietary preferences to exclusive offers based on purchasing behavior, these applications create tailor-made culinary experiences. Other solutions are emerging, such as recruitment and job search solutions in this sector, for example. Applications for booking and delivering meals are also a significant part of the digitization of this industrial and tertiary sector in Switzerland.

Mobile Applications in the Travel Sector

In the travel industry, the integration of personalized mobile applications has revolutionized the customer experience. Travel companies are increasingly adopting these solutions to offer tailor-made services, thus redefining how travelers plan and live their adventures. Flexible booking features, personalized travel itinerary suggestions, and real-time disruption alerts have significantly improved the convenience and personalization of travel.

Applications and Portals in the Medical Sector

The medical sector is increasingly embracing personalized mobile applications to redefine healthcare delivery. Health establishments are adopting these innovative solutions to offer more tailored and accessible medical services. These applications revolutionize how patients manage their health by providing features such as personalized symptom tracking, appointment management, and remote consultations with healthcare professionals. Personalization in healthcare allows a proactive approach to health, providing advice and recommendations tailored to each individual. Thus, personalized medical applications contribute to a more individualized and patient-centric healthcare experience, improving the accessibility and efficiency of medical services.

However, it is essential to ensure the security, processing, and storage of patient data, which are regulated in Switzerland. Our article on this topic can enlighten you on the prerequisites and pitfalls to avoid for a successful mobile digitization in the healthcare sector.

Some of Our Mobile Case Studies

Our teams of UX-UI designers, strategy and digital transformation consultants, front-end and back-end developers, mobile and software engineers, create robust and tailored solutions adapted to the specific conditions of each of our clients. Here are some examples of mandates carried out:

Develop my mobile application

Challenges and Lessons Learned for Successful Mobile Transformation

Technological and Ethical Challenges of a Personalized Mobile Application

While personalized mobile applications offer enormous benefits, they also present crucial challenges in terms of privacy protection and data security. Striking a balance between immersive personalization and privacy respect is a major challenge.

Companies must ensure full transparency regarding the collection and use of data while implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive information. This delicate balance is essential to establish and maintain customer trust, making privacy protection both an ethical and business imperative in the era of advanced personalization.

The Essence of Success in Personalization: Going Beyond Expectations

At the core of the success of companies that have fully integrated personalized mobile applications lies a profound understanding of the individual needs of customers. This understanding goes beyond simply adapting to existing preferences; it anticipates evolving needs based on attentive listening and ethical data collection.

Indeed, the key to success lies in the ability to innovate continuously, constantly evolving to meet changing customer expectations. This proactive approach ensures not only current satisfaction but also builds a solid foundation for the future, where each interaction becomes an opportunity to exceed expectations and create exceptional customer experiences. Thus, personalization becomes a dynamic process of constant adaptation, where the business and the customer evolve together towards an ever more enriching relationship.

Transform Your Customer Experience: Discuss It with Our Experts!

If you aspire to transform your customer experience, our digital consulting, brand strategy, and mobile and software engineering firm are here to accompany you on this journey.

Our experts are ready to collaborate with you to create personalized strategies that go beyond usual expectations. By integrating personalization into every aspect of your customer interaction, we aim to create experiences that go beyond simple commercial transactions to become true memorable moments.

We take into account your business goals, context, and specificities to design from strategy to execution the digital transformation and mobile application you need.

Let’s talk about it now

Mobile Application Development (EN)

User-Centered Design in Application Development: Importance and Methodologies

User-Centered Design in Application Development: Importance and Methodologies

Importance of User-Centered Design

The strength of user-centered design lies in its ability to prioritize the needs, desires, and capabilities of users in the application development process. This fundamental approach recognizes that the success of an application depends on its optimal ability to meet the expectations and requirements of those who will use it.

By adopting a user-centered perspective in the early stages of application development, designers and developers can better understand the target users. This allows them to anticipate users’ needs, behaviors, and preferences, leading to the creation of more intuitive, user-friendly applications tailored to specific needs.

This proactive approach reduces the risk of designing applications that are disconnected from users’ actual expectations. By deeply understanding end-users, development teams can create simpler and more effective interfaces, providing an enhanced user experience and reinforcing long-term adoption and loyalty to the application. From a business perspective, this is crucial, as the success of a digitalization program or a market-released solution directly depends on its alignment with user needs.

User-centered design also contributes to minimizing costs related to post-launch modifications and adjustments. By integrating user feedback throughout the development process, teams can iterate and refine the application continuously to meet changing needs and market trends. This is also a central point for a company’s profitability.

At Edana, aware of its importance in creating meaningful and high-performance user experiences, we actively integrate user-centered design into our application development process for Swiss and international businesses. Whether it’s providing support in digital strategy, software engineering, mobile application development, or comprehensive guidance, we prioritize user needs.

Key Principles of User-Centered Design

The key principles of user-centered design represent essential foundations that guide the development process by placing the user at the forefront of thinking. These principles are crucial for creating applications that truly add value, whether it’s a business application to digitize company processes or a consumer-focused application like a mobile app or web platform. Here are some of these principles:

Empathy and Understanding Users:

The first step is to develop deep empathy for users by understanding their needs, motivations, and challenges. This profound understanding guides all design decisions to ensure the application meets users’ actual expectations. This is what a user experience (UX) specialist, a product owner, or to some extent, a marketing strategist does. However, every stakeholder must show the utmost empathy during their participation in the application design stages. This requires varying levels of effort and specific guidance. Workshops are sometimes good opportunities to facilitate this co-creative process in which empathy towards the end user takes a central and crucial role.

Active User Involvement

Actively involving users throughout the development cycle is crucial. Continuous user feedback allows for adjustments and improvements, ensuring better alignment with their needs. This can start with tests and questionnaires targeting an audience close to the end users during the project’s design phase. Once the product is in production, feedback obtained from direct users of the product is valuable to evolve it in the right direction and ensure it better aligns with the expectations of its actual users.

Continuous Iterations and Testing

User-centered design involves iterative cycles of design, testing, and feedback. This iterative approach quickly identifies and resolves potential issues, constantly improving the user experience.

User Experience (UX) Design

Placing user experience at the heart of the design process ensures the application is easy to use, intuitive, and enjoyable for users. Well-thought-out user interfaces and smooth navigation are key elements for a positive user experience.

Adaptability and Scalability

Applications designed based on these principles must be flexible to adapt to changing user needs and technological advancements. They should be scalable to integrate new features while maintaining a consistent user experience.

By combining these principles, development teams can create applications that not only meet user needs but also delight users with their user-friendliness and relevance, providing exceptional experiences that stand out in the competitive application market, for example.


Common User-Centered Design Methodologies

Common user-centered design methodologies encompass various methodological frameworks and specific approaches aimed at integrating user needs throughout the development process. Here are some of these methodologies:

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is an iterative process focused on deep understanding of users, creative idea generation, and solving complex problems. It encourages an empathetic approach to define, conceptualize, and implement innovative solutions.

UX/UI Design

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design are key disciplines in user-centered design. UX Design focuses on creating positive user experiences by analyzing user behavior and optimizing accessibility and ease of use. UI Design focuses on the visual design of the user interface to ensure an aesthetic and intuitive experience.

In-Depth User Research

This methodology involves techniques such as interviews, observations, surveys, and user testing to gather valuable information about user needs, desires, and preferences. This data guides the design process.

Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping involves creating iterative and simplified versions of the application to gather user feedback as early as possible. These prototypes validate concepts, identify potential issues, and allow for rapid iteration of solutions.

User Testing and Continuous Evaluation

User testing involves having real users test the application to assess its functionality and user experience. These tests help identify issues and make continuous improvements throughout the development process.

Illustrative Case Studies

Illustrative case studies highlight successful examples where user-centered design has been applied effectively. Here are some representative case studies:

Improving User Experience at Airbnb

Airbnb redesigned its interface based on a user-centered approach, collecting user data through surveys, behavioral studies, and platform usage analysis. Using user testing and prototypes, Airbnb identified pain points and revamped the interface to make searching and booking accommodations more user-friendly.

UI Redefinition at Slack

Slack redesigned its interface based on in-depth research into user behaviors and needs. Usability studies, interviews, and careful listening to user feedback informed changes such as menu simplification, improved visibility of notifications, and organization of communication channels. These adjustments were made to streamline interaction and navigation, enhancing platform efficiency and user-friendliness.

Mobile Experience Overhaul at Google Maps

Google Maps revamped its mobile application by focusing on specific elements to enhance the user experience. They simplified the user interface by restructuring menus and navigation options for smoother use. Additionally, Google Maps integrated customization features such as route suggestions based on user travel habits and real-time traffic information, providing a more personalized and convenient experience. This redesign resulted in more intuitive navigation, better adaptability to user needs, and increased overall user engagement with the application.

Projects by Our Engineering Teams

Our experts in UX design, software architecture, full-stack development, DevOps, and security design user-centered applications that are robust and business-oriented. Here are some concrete case studies of projects we have undertaken for Swiss clients:

These case studies highlight how applying user-centered methodologies has enabled these companies to develop remarkable products and user experiences, demonstrating the tangible benefits of a needs-focused approach in application development.

Let’s talk about your application/software project now

Challenges and Future Perspectives

Les défis et les perspectives futures dans le domaine de la conception The challenges and future perspectives in the field of user-centered design provide insight into current obstacles and upcoming trends for application development professionals. Here are some of these challenges and perspectives:

Current Challenges

In application development, a major challenge lies in the increasing diversity of users, characterized by a variety of needs, habits, and skills. Adapting applications to meet this diversity represents a constant challenge, requiring a flexible and inclusive approach.

Collecting data to understand users is crucial, but it also raises questions about privacy and ethical management of personal data. Responsible approaches are necessary to ensure the security and confidentiality of collected information while using data ethically to improve user experiences.

Another major challenge is maintaining the long-term relevance of applications. User needs evolve rapidly in a constantly changing technological landscape. Keeping an application relevant and useful requires continuous adaptation and regular updates to meet changing user needs while aligning with technological advancements.

Managing user diversity, ethical data collection, and the need to maintain long-term relevance are key challenges in application development, requiring an agile and constantly adaptive approach to meet changing user expectations in a dynamic technological environment.

Future Perspectives

The increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) to personalize the user experience is an emerging trend. This evolution aims to offer more tailored and relevant interactions for each user, using AI algorithms to customize application features and content based on individual preferences.

Immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) open new horizons for creating innovative and captivating user experiences. These technological advances offer opportunities to design applications with more immersive and engaging interactions for users.

In the context of user-centered design, ethical-based approaches are gaining importance. It becomes crucial to ensure transparency, security, and accountability in the collection and use of user data. This ethical approach aims to preserve user confidentiality and rights while responsibly using data to improve user experiences.

Closer interdisciplinary collaboration between different fields such as design, technology, psychology, and ethics becomes essential to create more holistic applications. This collaboration considers various aspects of the user experience, ensuring a comprehensive and balanced approach in developing user-centered applications.

By addressing these challenges and anticipating these trends, user-centered design professionals can develop more adaptive, innovative, and ethical applications that meet changing user needs while providing exceptional and relevant user experiences.

Conclusion on User-Centered Design

In conclusion, user-centered design goes beyond a simple development process. It is a crucial strategic investment, not only to meet user needs but also to strengthen the competitiveness of the company, ensure compliance with market requirements, and ensure operational resilience.

By integrating this approach into your technological strategy, you consolidate your company’s competitive position in Switzerland and/or internationally, foster customer loyalty, and open up new growth opportunities. Edana remains at your disposal to assist you in the successful implementation of these strategies, essential to ensuring your competitive advantage in the market.

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Optimizing Operational Efficiency: Workflow Automation Guide for Swiss Businesses

Optimizing Operational Efficiency: Workflow Automation Guide for Swiss Businesses

At Edana, we observe this within our digital transformation engagements with our Swiss clients, ranging from SMEs to large enterprises seeking operational efficiency or effectiveness: automating workflows is a crucial aspect of a company’s development, especially in Switzerland, as it significantly enhances competitiveness on multiple fronts.

We also note that many business leaders struggle to navigate the various solutions available in the market, whether in terms of digital consulting, ready-to-use solutions, or custom business tool development. However, it is certain that there is a suitable solution for each practical case of workflow automation, and finding it is imperative for the success of a digital transformation project, where many other Swiss companies fail.

As experts in digital consulting and execution in Switzerland, providing tailored solutions, especially in software and application development for businesses, we have decided to create this practical guide to help local businesses get started in this area. It serves as an introduction to the subject. In this guide, we will explore the powerful lever that workflow automation represents, its key role in optimizing the operational efficiency of businesses, and most importantly, how it can be successfully implemented within a Swiss company, including a review of common pitfalls to avoid and the steps to take for a successful transition.

Understanding Workflow Automation

Workflow automation is much more than a simple application of technology. It is a strategic approach aimed at streamlining internal processes, eliminating repetitive tasks, and increasing productivity. In this section, we will detail the tangible benefits of automation, supported by concrete examples of solutions that enable companies to transform their operations through this innovative approach.

What is Workflow Automation?

At Edana, we typically distinguish four main aspects of workflow automation:

  1. Process Streamlining: Workflow automation involves identifying, assessing, and streamlining an organization’s internal processes. This often includes reducing manual steps and simplifying procedures, enabling faster and more efficient task execution. Auditing work frameworks and task organization is imperative to ensure an optimal work architecture and identify existing optimization opportunities.
  2. Elimination of Repetitive Tasks: It aims to eliminate repetitive and administrative tasks that can be automated. By freeing employees from these routine activities, the company promotes a more judicious use of their skills and time, contributing to increased job satisfaction by reducing the tediousness of tasks.
  3. System Integration: Workflow automation often involves integrating different software systems within the company. This enables smooth communication between applications, eliminating information silos and improving data consistency.
  4. Adaptability and Scalability: A well-designed workflow automation solution is adaptable and scalable. It can adjust to organizational changes and evolving needs, ensuring continued relevance over time. It provides flexibility in operations and often aligns working methods across teams within a company or organization.

Benefits of Workflow Automation for Swiss Businesses

Here are the main benefits that Swiss businesses, undergoing digitalization with our guidance, derive from properly executed workflow automation:

  1. Time and Efficiency Gain: By automating repetitive tasks, workflows become more efficient, allowing employees to devote their time to higher-value activities.
  2. Error Reduction: Automation reduces the risk of human errors, ensuring increased precision in process execution.
  3. Improved Traceability: Automation solutions often provide complete traceability of processes, allowing businesses to track and analyze each step of the workflow.
  4. Enhanced Collaboration: By integrating systems, automation promotes collaboration between teams, enabling more effective information sharing and transparent communication. See our article on intranets and custom collaboration tools that greatly enhance team efficiency.


Key Steps in Workflow Automation

To embark on this operational revolution, it is essential to understand the key steps of workflow automation. In this section of our guide, we will present the important stages of this process, some examples of business operations automation, and the tools that our consultants and experts use in the field in Switzerland to digitize our client companies.

Successfully Achieve Your Automation in 10 Phases

Workflow automation involves several key steps to ensure successful implementation and seamless integration within the company. Here is a list of important steps to consider:

  1. Analysis of Existing Processes:
    • Identify key company processes.
    • Evaluate the complexity and frequency of tasks involved.
    • Identify friction points, delays, and inefficiencies.
  2. Definition of Goals:
    • Establish clear goals for workflow automation (e‧g., reduction of deadlines, improvement of accuracy).
    • Involve stakeholders to understand specific needs.
  3. Design of Automated Workflows:
    • Map current processes and design automated workflows.
    • Define rules and conditions for triggering automation.
    • Integrate exception and error management.
  4. Selection of Tools and Technologies:
    • Choose suitable automation tools and platforms.
    • Consider integration with existing systems (ERP, CRM, etc.).
    • Evaluate user-friendliness and flexibility of proposed solutions.
  5. Custom Solution Development:
    • Engage developers to create custom solutions if necessary.
    • Ensure modular design for future scalability.
    • Integrate reporting and analysis features.
  6. Thorough Testing:
    • Conduct thorough testing to ensure proper functioning.
    • Validate automation on real cases to detect any issues.
    • Involve end-users in the testing phase.
  7. User Training:
    • Provide comprehensive training on using new automated workflows.
    • Raise awareness among employees about the benefits and impact of automation.
    • Establish support resources if needed.
  8. Continuous Integration:
    • Ensure continuous integration with operational teams.
    • Gather regular feedback to adjust workflows over time.
    • Implement mechanisms for continuous improvement.
  9. Performance Measurement:
    • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate effectiveness.
    • Monitor time savings, error reduction, and other benefits.
    • Adapt workflows based on achieved results.
  10. Change Management:
    • Proactively communicate upcoming changes.
    • Involve teams in the automation process to foster adoption.
    • Evaluate and adjust the change management strategy as needed.

Concrete Examples of Workflow Automation

There are many ways to automate workflows within a company, both because there are numerous different tasks and various ways to solve a problem. Here are some examples of workflow automation that a company in Switzerland can implement:

  1. Automated Invoicing Processes: An enterprise can automate the generation and sending of invoices, reducing payment delays and improving cash flow.
  2. Leave Request Management: An automated system can process employee leave requests, check availabilities, and automatically inform relevant teams.
  3. Project Tracking: Workflow automation can be applied to track and automatically update the progress of projects, ensuring real-time visibility for all team members. See our feature on custom project management software.
  4. Customer Request Processing: An automated solution can classify, prioritize, and automatically redirect customer requests, thereby improving customer satisfaction and responsiveness.

Workflow Automation Software Designed for Swiss Businesses

Our consultants, software engineers, application developers, and UX designers create tailor-made solutions for each business, enabling them to control their internal processes without relying on external software (high licensing costs, low adaptation to company-specific needs, insufficient data security, etc.). Here are two case studies of projects led by our teams in this area:

Automate my workflows with Edana

Tools Used by Our Consultants and Experts in These 10 Key Steps

In the realm of workflow automation, our teams use a range of technological tools at different stages to facilitate an efficient transition to automated and optimized workflows. It is interesting to note that this depends on each digitization journey, as the specific conditions of each company involve the use of different tools, methods, and technologies to ensure automation truly tailored to its situation.

During the analysis of existing processes, modeling tools such as Lucidchart or Microsoft Visio can be used to map and understand existing business processes.

To define project objectives and track progress, Edana leverages project management platforms such as Jira or Asana.

The design of automated workflows is carried out using workflow management systems such as Kissflow or Nintex, allowing the definition of rules and the integration of specific conditions for each project.

The crucial step of evaluating automation tools is performed through in-depth analyses using tools like Zapier, Integromat, or Microsoft Power Automate to select the most suitable solutions.

Custom solution development takes place in integrated development environments such as Visual Studio Code or Eclipse, tailored to the specific needs of each project.

Thorough testing is automated using tools like Selenium or JUnit, ensuring the proper functioning of workflows in various scenarios.

For user training, online learning platforms such as Udemy or LinkedIn Learning are sometimes used (when live training is not possible or not sufficient) to ensure a smooth transition to the new automated workflows.

Continuous integration is achieved using tools such as Jenkins or GitLab CI, automating the process of integrating new features into existing workflows.

Performance measurement is ensured by analytics tools such as Google Analytics or New Relic, allowing real-time monitoring and analysis of the performance of automated workflows.

Finally, to facilitate change management, collaborative communication platforms such as Slack or Microsoft Teams are used, promoting transparent and real-time communication with all stakeholders.

The judicious use of these tools at each stage of the process enables any proficient consultant, digital transformation strategist, and specialist to offer tailor-made workflow automation solutions, adapted to the specific needs of their clients.

Overcoming Automation Challenges

Despite the considerable benefits of workflow automation, specific challenges may arise during the process. This section will delve into crucial aspects such as data security, team training, and the importance of a scalable solution. We will share our best practices with the reader to ensure a smooth and secure transition to an automated enterprise.

Data Security

Workflow automation often involves handling and transmitting sensitive data. To ensure the security of this crucial information, our teams implement strict data security protocols. This includes the use of advanced encryption, rigorous access permission management, and the implementation of firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Working closely with clients to identify vulnerable points and implementing security measures tailored to their specific needs is of paramount importance.

Best Practices for Data Security:

  1. Advanced Encryption: Implement advanced data encryption to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information during transmission and storage.
  2. Rigorous Access Permission Management: Establish strict access control policies by assigning permissions only to necessary personnel, thus limiting the risk of unauthorized access.
  3. Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems: Integrate robust firewalls and intrusion detection systems to monitor and prevent any unauthorized attempts to access data, reinforcing system security.

Team Training

Adopting new automated workflows requires a deep understanding from the involved teams. Recognizing the crucial importance of training is necessary for successful adoption. Customized training programs need to be implemented, covering both the technical aspects of workflow automation and the organizational changes that may result from this transformation. The goal is to ensure that team members feel comfortable and competent in using the new automated processes.

Best Practices for Team Training:

  1. Customized Training Programs: Develop custom training programs that cover not only the technical aspects of workflow automation but also the organizational implications, tailored to the specific context of each team.
  2. Continuous Training: Institute ongoing training sessions to keep teams informed about updates, best practices, and new features, fostering continuous and evolving adoption.
  3. Personalized Support: Implement a dedicated support system to address user-specific questions and resolve issues, reinforcing team confidence and competence.

Need for a Scalable Solution

Companies evolve, and with them, automation needs. Based on our experience, we often emphasize the design of scalable solutions from the start. This means establishing flexible and adaptable architectures capable of adjusting to future changes in the operational environment. By anticipating long-term needs, our team always assures clients that their investments in automation remain relevant and beneficial over time.

Best Practices for Scalability:

  1. Modular Design: Opt for a modular design of solutions, facilitating the addition of new features and adaptation to evolving business needs.
  2. Integration of Open APIs: Prefer the use of open APIs that allow smooth integration with other systems and applications, ensuring the necessary flexibility to adapt to technological advancements.
  3. Regular Evaluation of Needs: Schedule regular evaluations of the operational needs of the business to anticipate future changes and adjust automated solutions accordingly..

Overall, it should be noted that workflow automation is a dynamic process, and by proactively addressing these challenges, it ensures clients a successful and sustainable implementation.

Discuss Workflow Automation and Digitalization with Our Experts

Are you planning to automate the internal processes of your company? Our team of multi-experts is at your disposal to guide you through this process. Our strategy teams are here to analyze your business, propose solutions tailored to your goals and specificities, and address constraints. Our teams of software engineers and application designers are specialized in developing custom business tools.

Discuss workflow automation with an expert

Mobile Application Development (EN)

The Future Of Health And Fitness Apps

The Future Of Health And Fitness Apps

With the arrival of the stay-at-home lifestyle, people were driven to replace their immobile lifestyle with more cardio activities due to developing trends in the fitness app development industry.

According to a report, sales in the fitness sector are expected to exceed US$23,127 million by 2024. Fitness applications are the most popular, with over 96 % of app users exclusively using one fitness and health app.

With these data and a growing awareness of health, it’s evident that how customers handle their physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being will drive the health and wellness industry’s future growth.

With the wellness industry’s positive and increasing outlook, there is plenty of opportunity for firms to profit from predicted and upcoming wellness app industry trends.

Because of their easy functioning, these apps are an excellent resource for both fitness fanatics and people who only regularly attend the fitness center or exercise. They encourage them to exercise regularly.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Augmented reality is a technology that effortlessly incorporates digital material into a person’s real-world surroundings, especially those related to health and fitness. Because VR takes a user’s whole attention, AR is a better fit for incorporating into everyday chores.

Virtual Coaches 

Virtual coaches are one of the most current innovations in the fitness application development industry. Virtual trainers may show consumers how to perform an exercise and answer their queries.


The virtual assistant might be a real person or a machine learning program. The main objective is to help individuals with their inquiries and to help them achieve their fitness goals.

Social Sharing and Geolocation

You may also incorporate social networking with geolocation into your fitness app. It will also help you improve the user experience. With the aid of social sharing integration, the user may share a post on a variety of social sites. As a consequence, it will help you sell your goods more effectively.

Furthermore, during the training, the customer can offer advice and discuss their successes. As time passes, more people will download and utilize the app.

Wearable Technology

The wearables business in general is growing. Smartphones can track locations and count steps, but they lack critical functionality like heart rate monitoring. Smartwatches, on the other hand, fit comfortably on your arm and do not interrupt your activities.

Your fitness app should be fast and interoperable with as much wearable technology as feasible. Wearables motivate users to be healthy, faster, and stronger, thus incorporating them into fitness applications makes them more appealing to customers. Wearables track users’ objectives and progress, motivating them to outperform their previous day.

Fitness App Development Difficulties

Data Security: Data security is a top focus for fitness app development. Keep an eye on the issue of data security.

Another challenge is to deliver an excellent user experience for the applications so that they are speedy and simple to use. If you lack knowledge in this area, you may need the help of a team of UI/UX designers at this stage of fitness app development.

Having a unique selling point: There are several health and fitness applications available in today’s app markets. It takes a lot of effort for mobile app developers to create a unique and engaging fitness app with some of the top Unique Selling Propositions.

Wrapping up 

There’s no doubt that the wellness and health industry has aroused customers’ interest. Keeping up with the newest fitness technology developments will set your fitness app out of the pack. The market becomes larger by the day. Emerging technological improvements are advantageous to embrace, but if you want your app to be ready for the future, you must focus on its performance and usability.

What we offer 

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Mobile Application Development and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

Mobile Application Development (EN)

How to Rank Higher with App Store Optimization

How to Rank Higher with App Store Optimization

App Store Optimization is becoming more important in the mobile app business as the number of applications is rising every day. Last year 230 billion applications have been downloaded worldwide. All this shows how important it is for the application to stand out from the rest and to be optimized at the same time.

 App Store Optimization is the process of increasing your app’s visibility and rankings in the App Store.  App store optimization is key to getting more downloads from Google Play & App Store search results. 

Difference between the App store and Google play

Even though App Store and Google Play both serve the same purpose and have a lot in common, there are still many differences between them.

The platforms have not released their algorithm’s intricacies, but it’s still possible to draw conclusions about which one is more relevant to your app.

The goal of both app stores is to maintain perfect quality. However, Apple’s review system is significantly longer than other platforms. To get the most out of your app, you’ll need to leave a three-day buffer for iPhone apps. 

One of the biggest differences between the app stores is how they use keywords. The Google Play Store indexes all of the content included in an app’s description, while the Apple App Store only uses a specific field for adding relevant keywords. 


In addition to all this, Google Play and the App Store have many other differences that must be taken into account when optimizing the application. But to begin with, some steps are necessary in all cases

Steps to optimize your application

These are the essential things to consider for app optimization. To maximize the visibility of your app on both the Google Play and Apple App Store, make sure that you pay close attention to the differences between these platforms.

App’s title and subtitle 

The title of your app is the first thing that users will see on the search results of both the Apple and Google Play stores. It’s also used as a ranking factor for apps. Your app’s subtitle in the Apple App Store also aids in providing context and extra explanation.

Keywords need to be used with care. The most significant weighting of any ranking element is this one, however, you must use keywords organically and make sure your name is catchy and interesting.


Your description is one of the primary content items indexed and reviewed by the algorithm for ranking purposes on the Google Play Store. Considering this, you should properly add the keywords you wish to rank for.

The character count for the description is limited to 4,000 both on the Apple and Google stores.

If you think about it, the description of your app should assist customers to understand what it is, what its major features are, and any additional information you need to offer.

Right screenshots and the preview video

As was already established, raising your exposure is only one aspect of ASO; the other is getting users to click on and download your software.

Selecting the appropriate designs to grab attention is one of the most effective things you can do to boost the CTR on the Apple App Store. On iOS, images are visible both in the listing itself and in the app search results. On google play, They only appear when someone clicks on your app.

This is your chance to visually present your application even before a customers click on it. And there is an opportunity to be creative and produce very distinctive images.


How you share your app is just as important as the app itself. So you’ve built a great app. Now let’s review the process that will maximize your downloads and visibility in the marketplace. We’ve highlighted the essential parts of ASO to help you better understand how to create a winning app that users will find, download, and use!

More ranking means more exposure and more downloads which in turn means more revenue for you. If you have any concerns about the best way to rank higher, then rest easy, our experts weighed in and help you to make your application the best version of itself. 

What we offer 

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Mobile Application Development and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

Mobile Application Development (EN)

Marketing Strategy to promote your Mobile Application

Marketing Strategy to promote your Mobile Application

Why is Mobile Application strategy important?

If you just launched your first mobile App and you are celebrating, it is a little too soon cause no one knows about it, and your application might get lost in the endless number of apps. For more clarity, approximately 3.4 million applications are in App Store, and more than 80 thousand apps are in Google Play. 

It is not difficult to realize how low your chances of approaching your target audience are without a proper marketing strategy. 

80% of the world’s population owns a smartphone and uses different apps for 6-7 hours daily. So having a mobile app isn’t only essential. But also a great competition, too. To stand out, you should build a marketing strategy for your mobile app. 

What is Mobile Application marketing?

Mobile Application marketing is a marketing technique used to promote Apps. It is very similar to traditional marketing, but it has a few differences you should know before starting to work on mobile app marketing.

Marketing your mobile application does not mean just making people interested in your product. It means guiding users altogether, teaching, and communicating with them. Mobile App marketing strategy has three main stages during app development.

  1. Awareness stage
  2. Acquisition stage
  3. Retention stage 

Let’s see each stage closely and find the main steps to make your mobile app attractive for users. 


Awareness stage

This stage is often called the pre-launched stage. That is the phase when your main goal is to make your product visible and known. Before starting work on your brand’s awareness, you should have a vision of your brand’s values, positioning, and messaging. 

Everything starts with launching, but Before deciding on the launch date of the app, you should consider some important things. Firstly, make sure that nothing important is planned for that date, because it may outshine your application and put you in second place. Also, consider that Apple reviews apps more strictly than Google. 

Another crucial thing you should do for successful launching is a market research and building a user persona. It will help you understand who your ideal customer is, what is important for them and how the market responds to their desires. 

From there you are starting building awareness for your app, use every possible channel, but use them wisely.  Social media, influencers, and websites, all of them will help you promote your app. 

Acquisition stage 

Congratulations! You moved on to the user acquisition stage, where you have to work on gaining users, it is time to be creative, try different methods, and focus on achieving as many downloads as possible. 

You can use various strategies to reach your users, for example, paid ads, App store optimization (ASO), and many more. 

Always keep an eye on where are more downloads coming from and work on it. The more downloads you get, the more chances you have to appear on the top of App Store searches. 

Retention stage 

The next step is to make your new users into your loyal customers because if the app isn’t used there is no benefit for the business. To improve your app, You should communicate with your users and make them want to use your product every day.  You can use in-app messages, and push notifications, offer them a referral bonus, ask them for feedback, etc. you should make your mobile app user feel involved. 

Also, another important thing is user experience. If your application is hard to use, the interface is not interesting and simply, there is a big chance to lose most of the customers soon.

To find out how to keep your Apps user friendly and aesthetically attractive make sure to check out our article – When should I hire a UI/UX designer?


As you saw as any other product, a mobile application also needs a well-planned marketing strategy. If you want to have a successful mobile app you should set your goals, keep track of all the important metrics and never stop the development of your product. It sounds like a hard and complex process as it is, but our team can help you with every step. 

What We Offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Mobile Application Development and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

Mobile Application Development (EN)

Communication Strategy for your Mobile Application 

Communication Strategy for your Mobile Application 

Why is Communication Strategy important?

Humans are different from every other creature because of their communication ability. People interact every day with each other. Communication skills are crucial for every relationship, whether in work or everyday life.

We exchange information with this, make new friends or even say goodbye to old ones. Have you ever heard the phrase –  communication is key? It is, in every kind of situation and marketing is not an exception. 

In the digital world, we reached a critical point of communication, there is an enormous amount of unwanted content we receive every day on every channel started from social media, email, TV and others. and it is challenging to be outstanding, This is why an accurately creative communication strategy is dramatically important. 

Types of Communication Strategies

There are three main types of communication strategies: verbal, non-verbal, and visual.

  • The verbal communication strategy uses words to deliver a message, either in written form or oral. Blog posts, letters, and email messages are examples of written verbal communication. 
  • Non-verbal communication strategy includes facial expressions, hand gestures, hugs, smiles, handshakes, etc. 
  • A visual communication strategy makes visual content for exchanging information, for instance, any kind of graphic design, art, illustrations, and many more.

The best practices for Mobile Applications

Even if your product is perfect in any way if the customer doesn’t have information about it, it does not have any value and after gaining all the customers, it doesn’t end here, you want to keep them purchasing and continue to use your product. This is exactly why you need a proper communication strategy.

There are a few practices that may be a good start for your business to master communications, but keep in mind that to stand out you need your unique style which will be suitable for your product and customized for your target audience. 


Customize the message

People are very self-centered. They like when companies talk to them personally. So try and make your messages as customized as available. To do that, you should collect as much data about customers as possible, create a few segments and make people think that you talk to them personally. 

Think twice before choosing a communication channel

There are so many ways to tell mobile user news, mobile marketing is diverse enough, For example, push notifications, in-app banners, etc. But by considering which your target audience is the best place where your massage should appear changes. In some cases, push notifications work better. For instance, Gen Z is more likely to open notifications than millennials or bummers. 

Look beyond conversions

Purchases are essential, but if you are only pushing your customer to buy something with a call to action button and do not communicate with them in any other context you will lose them soon. So try and make them feel special, ask them their opinion or provide them with new information. That will help you keep your active users with you. 

Invest in CRM

CRM( customer relationship management) is dramatically important for mobile applications. Some companies do not consider CRM until they realize they are losing customers. So be sure to plan your communication strategies from the begging. 

Control your effectiveness

Always be on the truck what is working and what is not. Nothing is constant and neither is communication strategy, people are changing all the time, and trends are different every week and it is important to be aware of these changes. 

Do not be afraid of experimentation

There is no right answer or a unique formula that works for every mobile app, so never stop testing and experimenting, try new things, people love creativity, and different approaches. If one thing doesn’t work try another, but there is one thing – never forget your brand values and always keep in mind your customer’s interests. 

Summing up

With the growing market, when we are receiving push notifications every minute it is more and more difficult to reach your user, but with an effective communication strategy, nothing is impossible. But once again keep in mind that every brand and every App is different and they need different approaches, our marketing team can help you find the best strategy for your product and company. 

What We Offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Mobile Application Development and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

Mobile Application Development (EN)

How to launch your own App – A Step by Step Guide

How to launch your own App – A Step by Step Guide

Mobile Applications Today

Nowadays, mobile applications are the vital part of your company’s digital marketing and communications. So, let’s discuss-why is that? Keep in mind, that current customers tend to use their smartphones far more often than their laptops. In many cases, when creating a website for their business, enterprises tend to adapt their wireframes to mobile view first and then the desktop version.

Yet, some businesses think it’s a luxury to have a mobile application. Actually, it’s not. Creating a mobile application has become relatively easier, especially-with some basic knowledge of coding languages. Before we get to discussing launching process-let’s review some benefits as well.

Benefits of Mobile Application

One of the most important perks is, that applications are far easier to use for the customer. Surely, we can adapt our desktop website to the mobile frame, but still-buttons for example tend to work out not quite as simply as they would in an application.

Quick access is another huge benefit of having a mobile application. Instead of entering a browser, typing in the web domain and waiting until it loads-you can have the app right on your smartphone lock-screen menu. One click is enough, once you’ve saved the authorization details.

As for safety-currently loads of apps have biometric security measurements-which especially come in handy when it comes to mobile banking for example. Fingerprint access is one of the most popular biometric security methods. A customer feels safe and the developer can relax as well, so both sides have security benefits.


Get started with Application Launch

  • Market Research

Whatever you decide to do for your Digital Marketing strategies, the Market and Customer persona research is a must. In this case-make sure you get to know what your buyer/potential client want from an app before you get set on creating design elements. Also, don’t forget to take a good look at your competitors and study the basics of successful mobile applications. Try to adapt them in your planned app and keep in mind-adaptation does not equal to replicating.

  • Initial UI/UX Design

Once you’ve researched your market and the customer’s interests-it’s time to think of designs most suitable for the taste of your target audience. Only a good choice of colors and fonts will not be enough of course. Make sure you’ve done your studies on wireframes most suitable for the purpose of your application. Create low-fidelity mockups first and think through the simplicity of actions taken through the digital medium. Free platforms like Figma enable you to create such mockups and have a good look at other designs.

  • Clear Goals and KPIs

Once you’ve completed the tasks above, start focusing on the strengths of your application and make its purpose clear. What are you trying to find a solution for? Why would a potential customer choose your application instead of another? Once you’ve made your strengths clear, you know what to focus on.  

  • Prototype Testing

Before launching your app, make sure to find the relevant audience willing to test the functionality of your application. It would also be smart to have a QA engineer test the quality of your mobile application. During the various testing rounds, you can see if the app achieves what it should, which means you might let it be, or reevaluate your mobile app features to meet the desired standard.

  • Specific Planning

Specific planning mostly includes choosing the right time for launching the app. Now, analyze the means of your application-what is it mostly connected to? Is it for food delivery service? If it is and let’s say-Thanksgiving is next month, maybe launching it a week before, when your target audience is getting ready and shopping-would be great timing.

  • Beta Release

After you have everything in order, develop a limited release for a few testers to observe how the refined product performs but without the danger of things going wrong.The study, like the previous testing, should be targeted and attempt to ensure that all functionality is in place. You can utilize these insights to bring the big launch even closer.


Launching an app is surely time consuming and takes up a lot of energy and creative juice. No matter how perfect the results-always make sure to be an active listener to your customers’ feedbacks. Stay an active listener for not just successfully launching, but successfully maintaining the performance of your Mobile Application.

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