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Lead Generation: How to Get Started

Lead Generation: How to Get Started

Importance of Leads

Leads are extremely important for the success of any company. A lead is a person or company that is interested in your product/service and has provided personal information in order to use your services. They are your foundation for expansion, economic viability, reputation, stability, and credibility.

Lead generation is undeniably important yet it includes a wide range of factors. First and foremost, you must identify prospective leads. Then you have to figure out the best way to reach them. Following that, you should begin developing strategies that can help you effectively wrap up lead generation.

Businesses utilize leads to stay competitive. You’ll need a clear and distinct marketing message to be successful. You must offer your customers the information they desire and are interested in, as well as test various solutions to increase demand. You could come across many different kinds of leads.

Various Types of Leads in Businesses

Every company wants to be in a position to advertise its goods and services to customers who will be interested in them and value their work.  A company offering artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions wouldn’t want to introduce its products to newly enrolled college students. Such companies would target individuals and businesses most likely to purchase their products. Planning and researching are important for a lot of lead-generation activities.

Cold Leads

As previously said, businesses encounter many forms of leads. One of them is a cold lead. A cold lead is someone who hasn’t expressed any interest in your solution but flawlessly fits your ideal customer profile.

Consider the scenario where you own an online fitness coaching business and you stumble onto the social media profile of someone who seems to be interested in fitness and health. The individual in question has never interacted with you before. You must be the one establishing the contact and you must do it very tactfully if you want to pique their curiosity.

Lead generation software or even your own study can produce these leads. They are extremely difficult to deal with, but since they are potential consumers who may become devoted customers with well-thought-out strategies, you should be able to employ several solutions to handle their situation.

Communication skills are essential in this case. You must be persistent in your calls, emails, and so on. Inquire about a follow-up on your emails. Make them regard you as a problem solver.

Don’t give up if you don’t get an answer on the first try. They don’t automatically lead you to a significant decline in profits. You just have to continue sending them useful material, such as blog posts or data on the business landscape, and wait for them.

Warm Leads

A warm lead, on the other hand, represents a person who is already familiar with how your company operates. They read your blogs, watch your videos, and are generally more aware of your brand. They are easier to convert into prospects. 

Imagine that you run a software company specializing in project management tools. A few days ago, someone downloaded a free trial of your software from your website. Today, they’ve signed up for your newsletter to receive updates and tips about project management.

In this case, the individual is a warm lead because they’ve taken two significant actions: downloading a free trial and signing up for your newsletter. This type of engagement suggests that they may be more receptive to further communications about your software or related offerings. In any case, you must understand more about their demands and requirements.

Hot Leads

Imagine you manage an online electronics store and someone has just put a high-end gaming laptop in their shopping basket on your website. They’ve also submitted their payment and shipping information. The person in question is a hot lead in this instance because they have demonstrated significant buying intent by taking actual action to make a purchase.

Hot leads include people who are often ready for quick sales or conversion activities and frequently require minimum persuading or marketing efforts to complete the purchase. They require immediate attention since their curiosity may wane if you take too long to answer. They may even be contacting competitors to get the most accurate answers for themselves.

So when you have a hot lead, act quickly and don’t waste time. They already believe your company can fix their problems. They just require your help and expertise.

Information Qualified Leads (IQL)

An IQL is one that is just starting to look for a solution to their problem. An IQL is normally created when customers fill out a form in order to obtain any beneficial content that you provide – free eBooks, seminars, reports, and so on.

Basically, they are potential customers who have demonstrated interest by providing some specific information, but they may not yet be ready for direct sales or immediate conversion.

There are various methods to contact them. Prior to anything else, you need to ascertain what they are interested in learning about your business and what you have to offer. You should stay in touch with them via emails and newsletters. Informing them of solutions to their challenges will pique their curiosity.


Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL)

Marketing-qualified leads are actively looking for answers to their problems. They download your case studies and attend webinars hosted by your firm. It’s not very difficult to convert these leads into prospects because they are interested in what you offer. Sometimes you may even settle things through email or a conversation.

Keep in mind that expressing interest doesn’t automatically guarantee that they will follow you in everything. In many circumstances, marketing qualified leads (MQLs) are forwarded from the marketing team to the sales team for additional interaction and eventual conversion into customers.

Let’s go through one scenario to better understand them. Imagine you own a software firm that provides a customer relationship management (CRM) solution. A website visitor subscribed to your monthly newsletter, received an e-book, attended a webinar on CRM best practices, and visited your pricing page several times.

This sort of person would be the MQL lead. They browsed through the many options on your website and frequently went to the pricing page. These behaviors indicate that they can be open to marketing efforts focused on their specific needs.

Sales Ready Leads (SRL)

A Sales-Ready Lead (SRL) is a potential customer or prospect who has moved through the marketing funnel and is now very likely to make a purchasing decision. If a lead reads even one eBook, some organizations consider them sales-ready. Some want a demonstration of absolute interest.

In any case, you need to know if they are prepared to spend money, what challenges they are trying to fix with your solutions, and so on. Being sales-ready does not imply that customers are ready to buy right now. To prepare these leads for full collaboration, you still need to nurture them with follow-up calls and emails.

In order to better understand these leads, let’s go through an example of a B2B software company that offers project management solutions. A lead that was previously classified as a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) has executed many high-intent activities in a short period of time. Along with going through the educational content, they also asked for a customized project management software demo. They clearly had a strong desire to buy because they were quite detailed in their inquiries about the demo.

In this situation, the individual is a Sales-Ready (SRL). Their activities show a high level of interest in making a purchase. Since they are in the final stages of the purchasing process and demand individualized sales efforts to finalize everything, SRLs are often transferred immediately to the sales team.

Sales Qualified Leads (SQL)

A sales-qualified lead is one who is eager to meet with your sales team. They are obviously interested in your products and services and are ready to purchase. However, they may still be comparing you to other companies.

In any case, you should contact them as soon as possible before it is too late. Keep in mind that generally, recognizing the key differences between the various sorts of leads is critical for bringing in sales and not wasting time on outdated leads.

Imagine you own a company that provides advanced cybersecurity solutions to enterprises. Someone just contacted you using the contact form on your website. In his communication, he mentioned that he is the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of a mid-sized financial institution and that he is actively seeking a cybersecurity solution to improve their data protection procedures.

He requested a consultation with your sales team to discuss particular features that are important for his organization. This individual counts as an SQL lead because he has decision-making authority in his company, understands exactly what he needs, and clearly exhibits his interest in your company.

Obtaining Potential Customers Through Lead Generation

It’s clear that there are several forms of leads that must be identified right away in order to be dealt with properly. The lead-generating process itself is made up of several unique steps and points. Many critical aspects influence the journey towards the intended outcome.

First and foremost, you must obtain as much information as possible on your target audience. It’s a good idea to build customer profiles, which identify the demographics, budget, and desires of regular customers. Consider societal customs, career background, and even psychological characteristics.

Create excellent content that will appeal to your target audience. Each piece of content you develop should have a specific goal, such as educating your audience about your service, increasing brand awareness, or driving sales.

You should establish and use a lead database where you can record, examine, and filter potential consumers. Ideally, you should utilize a CRM system. Your team would be able to move through the lists more quickly. In any case, make sure you have an effortlessly navigable database.

Examples and Strategies for Lead Generation

The options for generating leads are nearly limitless. Content marketing is the practice of providing entertaining and useful content that can attract numerous leads. It can include newsletters, videos, and social media. Content marketing may be employed at any point in the sales process.

Email marketing is often regarded as one of the most cost-effective and successful methods of generating leads. You may also utilize social media platforms to attract more individuals towards you.

You can use coupons, deals, and free tests. Basically, run contests to draw people to you and to learn more about them. Also, a risk-free trial or discount coupon is an effective sales technique. After an individual has tried your product, you may retarget them with further offers to encourage a sale.

On websites, applications, and social media, display adverts, videos, and photos. They are a fantastic approach to connecting with your target audience where they are, combined with paid search and PPC.

Another excellent strategy to get new leads is to have your present clients do the work for you. Encourage them to submit reviews or refer friends in exchange for a discount or anything of value. 94% of customers claimed that favorable reviews increased their willingness to support a company.

Lead Generation and Its Challenges

The very first challenge is accurate data collecting. Your organization may have a large list of potential clients and leads, but you must also ensure that the information you have about them is correct. You must be well-versed in your target market.

Another challenge is converting high-quality leads into sales. You must have solid relationships with individuals. Just because you have high-quality leads does not imply you will immediately sell everything.  Also, bear in mind that one of the most effective methods to attract and retain customers is through innovative content.

It is critical to have a well-established method for lead generation and to track the success of your lead generation campaign. Not having a strategy or not being able to analyze your outcomes can result in numerous difficulties for you in the future. 

To properly manage everything, use specific tools such as the correct software and platforms. There are lead generation systems with various functions, such as lead nurturing tools, sales analytics and reporting, and so on. To keep this process alive and effective at all times, you need suitable staff and the right technology.

Gain High-Quality Leads in Your Market and Surpass Your Competitors

Lead generation is critical to succeed in the digital 21st century. Getting prospects to buy your goods or services can not naturally occur without obtaining leads. Edana specializes in lead engine design. We apply the best approach for your industry to produce a great amount of leads in a sustainable and profitable manner, therefore supporting your growth and generating long-term value.

Would you like to enhance your sales volume by generating more leads, requests for information (RFI), requests for quotations (RFP), and requests for quotes (RFQ)? To discuss company growth prospects, get in touch with us right away, and a lead-generating specialist will get back to you shortly.

Featured-Post-Marketing Featured-Post-Marketing-EN Growth Marketing & Growth Hacking (EN)

Meta Verse Marketing-Promising Futuristic Tools for Marketing Strategies

Meta Verse Marketing-Promising Futuristic Tools for Marketing Strategies

Meta Verse for Future Marketing

Meta Verse has only begun to establish itself, but it’s very likely to become leader amongst the marketing platforms. The audience does not still have a specific model of how Meta Verse can possibly work, so here we are awaiting its features and functionality. Augmented reality is getting more and more attention, which also indicated Meta Verse becoming the popular platform to enroll in virtual reality. Let’s review several examples, how can Meta Verse become the marketing leader in closest future.

Why should you try out Meta Verse?

Currently all we have to do is observe and try some features for ourselves. Keep in mind, that meta company has a service called Meta for Business. This indicates that their products including Meta Verse itself are going to develop further platforms of service for enterprises.

The Meta Verse is promising its potential users to blur the lines between digital and physical solutions. Imagine all the newbie marketing strategies that can potentially evolve from this approach and especially how it could benefit your business if you’re the first to try!


Current Meta Marketing Strategies

  • Insert yourself natively within the platform.
  • Parallel real-life and virtual environment.
  • Virtual Goods and Digital Avatars
  • Your own virtual venue.
  • Immersive experiences.

In following paragraphs, let’s review these strategies individually and how they can benefit the communications and sales of your business.

Native Platform

By inserting yourself naturally in the platform, for example say-You Tube, allows you to communicate with potential customers without interrupting their viewing experiences. The point is to not annoy the customers, or general viewers.

We do get annoyed with pop-ups for example, when watching a specific video-especially, when we are very focused on the content. To avoid this irritation, insertion in the native platform has a potential to be the greatest solution.

One of the greatest examples of in-platform advertisement can be found in gaming industry. Coca-Cola for example inserted its virtual billboards and Coca-Cola participates as a beverage of refreshment during breaks in the scenes from the mobile game “Wild Rift” by Riot Games.

Isn’t it creative? Now, Meta offers general virtual reality platform and imagine how many ways this can marketed! Gameplay realism campaign has earned Coca-Cola an increase of sales in 12% ratio.

Parallel Virtual and Real Life Marketing

A good kick-starter to adapt to virtual reality is to basically replicate your physical marketing strategies before establishing new completely digital ones. The digital avatars are likely to multiply from time to time. After research of virtual customers you can either replicate your marketing strategies, or create new ones virtually corresponding and engaging-yet, connected to your physical marketing models.

Virtual Goods Sales

Well, traditionally we have customers with traditional needs and interests for specific products. What you will need to do on Meta Verse platform is to create digital goods relevant to the needs and interests of the avatar. Certain brands like Balenciaga have already started collaborating with Meta Verse for creating a one of a kind virtual shopping experience.

Personal Virtual Venue

The whole fun thing about Meta Verse is that you can basically open your virtual 3D shop on a platform. This can become a fun experience for your sales team as well. There are huge possibilities of designing such digital environment, so feel free to let the creativity flow. This will help you communicate your ideas visually on a higher level.

Immersive Experiences

The possibility of creating virtual venues and avatars gives us another chance to offer brand-new experiences to the customers. Immersive experiences have a great potential of engaging the customer base to a whole new level.

What We Offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Mobile and Software Engineering Services and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

Featured-Post-Marketing-EN Social Media Marketing (SMM)

The Importance Of ROI in Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

The Importance Of ROI in Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

ROI Definition

Social Media ROI abbreviation deciphers as Return On Investment. So, let’s discuss what it means in further detail. ROI allows you to understand how well your SMM strategy demonstrates the value of your brand. With the help of ROI you refine your brand gradually overtime to increase your returns.

How Is ROI Calculated?

Just like every other SEO attire, which measures the productivity of your Brand’s communications, ROI has the metrics as well. The most widespread ROI calculation method is comparing Net Income to the Cost of Investment. As a more mathematical formula it goes like this: Net income divided by cost of investment multiplied by 100 equals the ROI rate. ROI is starting to get profitable once it gets over 30% in summary.


Profitable Social Media Activities

Generally, we might spend most of our investments sponsoring the Social Media Posts. When doing this, certain brands tend to make a mistake of separating these ads from one another. Well, here is what we mean: most social media platforms are owned and connected via Facebook. In fact, Facebook has gained enough trust from world-wide customers to register on multiple websites via your Facebook Account. So, keep in mind, that this platform allows you to spread your sponsored posts on any other connected platform simultaneously. This also allows you to control your data in one space more effectively. So, no need to create separate sponsorships for separate platforms when they are actually connected.

Engagement Metric

In social media, engagement is the so called king of all. It’s one of our metrics that will help us understand if our Social Media Marketing campaigns are actually worth the input work or not. This also clearly affects your ROI. Content performance carves a path to your business to gain more profits, have higher returns on investments and attracting potential customers, which will make our target-audience research more and more specific by the time.

Calculate Your Budget

Social media marketing needs budget planning just like any other marketing campaign. Even though it’s definitely clear, that SMM greatly affects our productivity, we still don’t want to waste our money on campaigns which might not work on our specific target audiences. The costs could include following activities:

  • Tools On Specific Platforms (managing/creating)
  • Social Ad Costs
  • Content Creation (Tools, Gadgets and Locations)
  • Consultants Or Agencies (Optional)

Clear SMM Objectives

With clear social media objectives, you can best define the alignment of your social activites with your brand-strategy and missions. By objectives we mean clarity on what you want to achieve with a specific social media campaign and how. Quite as clearly you must have a specific target audience in mind. Some brands tend to make a mistake of over-expanding the target audience in hopes of having more engagement and visibility. This is not the best attitude towards the targeting. Specify the audience via most possible resources and individual characteristics to get an actual long-term engagement from interested people.

Social Media Investment Creates Value

In the very first paragraph, we have defined ROI as a metric of your Brand’s value in the digital platforms. Now, the question is-how exactly can it show the values. One thing is to calculate ROI itself for profit research, and defining the brand’s value is another. Here are some of the value research examples:

  • Conversion Rates-This involves mostly lead generations and subscriptions to product or services for regular communication.
  • Brand Awareness-Simply said, the bigger picture of customer behavior analysis and creating customer-generated content on the base of that very knowledge.
  • Customer Experience-Best customer experiences mostly end up with the loyalty. That’s how you know, you are giving a good customer experience.
  • Employee Trust-The inner core of the company decides its outward success just as much. Make sure to support your team.
  • Partner Confidence-Choose your business partners wisely. It’s quite distracting when you decide on the one you don’t quite trust, right?

What We Offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Social Media Marketing and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

Featured-Post-Marketing-EN Growth Marketing & Growth Hacking (EN)

How Omni-Channel Marketing Strategy Benefits Your Digital Communication?

How Omni-Channel Marketing Strategy Benefits Your Digital Communication?

Omni-Channel Marketing Definition

Due to its currently rising popularity you might have not heard of Omni-Channel marketing yet, or maybe you just have not known this strategy had a specific name. To put it simple, this marketing strategy involves using all resources of organizational channels you can, to interact with your customers. This involves old-school physical and digital channels working simultaneously. The given strategy provides customers with more purchase options.

Modern Omni-Channel Marketing

Modern digital channels give a high-functioning Omni-Channel marketing strategy possibilities. You can now use multiple platforms at a time and maintain your communication with the target audience far more effortlessly than before. Even automated messages have become more productive in this matter. Consistent and constant communications play a huge role in succeeding the Omni-Channel marketing strategy.


Stay Customer-Centric

As a business owner you must know the saying: “Customer is always right”. Some of us do get a little bit upset about this viewpoint, especially those who work in service. But, maybe the phrase is not formulated quite correctly. Being customer-centric is a vital part for your sales after all. Instead of saying that the customer is always right, consider re-building this phrase into something like this: Customer always needs maximum attention. To make sure you do not have a chaotic experience with omni-channel marketing, listen closely and constantly. Might take more work than usual, but will have better results than usual as well.

Multiple Communications

Individual communication is very important as already stated in the previous paragraph. Now, the question is, how do we maintain such communications on a personalized level, especially-when the customer base consists of hundreds and thousands of individuals at the very least? Automated messages used to be very boring maybe a decade ago, but current technologies do give us chances to make it feel like insightful communication.

Automated Messaging

Well, generally this type of B2C communication is still being frowned upon, but we know how cool automated messaging can be if programmed properly. The ease of this digital communication, which can be acquired through social media channels as well, is that it answers a concrete question in seconds without wasting yours and customer’s time. Of course, if a question is more complex, there must be an option to be transferred to a real-time customer service representative. But, just in case, automated messaging always comes in handy.

Customer-Journey Concentrated

The content or services you offer through your Omni-Channel marketing are more functional to be customer experience based. So, in one of our articles we have discussed the benefits of negative feedback and how you can actually use it for your own good. Now, let’s say automated messages again. Collect as much insight on often happening bugs in your B2C relations, sort them out and if necessary add an option in automated messaging which corresponds to that issue. Quite soon, customers will notice this in a positive context of course.

Omni-Channel And Multi-Channel Marketing

These two sound quite similar, but in a way they are not quite the same. The thing that differentiates Omni-Channel from Multi-Channel Marketing strategy, is that Omni-Channel marketing tracks a whole span of customer’s journey around your brand. Whereas the Multi-Channel concentrates on the customers’ journey from one dot to another in a more straightforward manner.

If your experience as a customer might look like a complicated spiral, Multi-Channel Marketing will simplify it and only emphasize major curves, instead Omni-Channel marketing will go around that spiral with you completely and navigate through the exact same path.

What We Offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Brand Strategy and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!