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Successful Agile Project Management: Fundamentals and Methods

Successful Agile Project Management: Fundamentals and Methods

In a constantly evolving digital landscape, Swiss and international companies are constantly seeking ways to improve their productivity, accelerate their delivery times, and remain competitive in the market, whether it’s for internal projects or those carried out for clients. This is where agile project management comes in, a dynamic approach that we at Edana consider crucial for the success of digital projects (such as software development, mobile application design, branding, digital transformation, or marketing).

In this article, we delve into the world of agile project management together, understanding what it is, how you can successfully get started, and why a hybrid approach can sometimes be the key.


What is Agile Project Management?

Agile project management is an iterative and collaborative approach that focuses on flexibility and responsiveness to change. Agility is often a catalyst for the success of projects in general (not just for IT and digital projects). This approach promotes continuous collaboration among team members, stakeholders, and the client, ensuring a better understanding of requirements and expectations.

Fundamental principles of agility

Client-team collaboration

Agility, by placing the client at the center of the development process, promotes continuous communication and close collaboration. This dynamic approach allows for constantly adjusting priorities based on the evolving needs of the client, ensuring quick and effective adaptation to changes throughout the development cycle.

Rapid iterations (sprints)

In agile methodologies, projects are subdivided into iterations called “sprints.” Each sprint, typically of short duration, focuses on delivering a specific functional deliverable. This iterative approach offers several advantages, including the ability for stakeholders to regularly assess progress. Indeed, at the end of each sprint, a partial or complete product is delivered, providing a concrete opportunity to gather immediate feedback from stakeholders. This rapid feedback fosters close collaboration between the development team and end-users, allowing for adjustments to features along the way and ensuring constant adaptation to the changing needs of the project.

Adaptability to changes

Unlike more rigid methodologies, agility takes a proactive approach to changes. It encourages teams to remain flexible and constantly adjust their plans based on the experience gained throughout the development process. This means that agile teams are not only open to adjustments but anticipate and actively integrate them into their way of working. By relying on stakeholder feedback and staying attentive to market developments, agile teams can make informed decisions to ensure that the final product optimally meets the client’s needs. This ability to embrace change as an opportunity rather than an obstacle strengthens the resilience of agile projects, making them better suited to the realities of an ever-changing environment.

A digital project? Let’s talk about it now.

Agile frameworks: A range of options for successful projects

Within the Agile universe, several frameworks offer specific structures and guidelines to guide project management. At Edana, we advocate diversity and are ready to guide you to the framework that best suits your objectives, whether it’s agile, non-agile, or a hybrid of agile and non-agile solutions (because the world is sometimes too complex to be confined to narrow boxes). Here are the main agile frameworks.

1. Scrum

Scrum represents an Agile project management framework that relies on time-boxed iterations, called sprints. Each sprint is structured by four distinct ceremonies.

The process begins with sprint planning, which provides an overview of the work to be done. In the Scrum universe, two types of backlogs are present: the product backlog (under the responsibility of the product owner), which constitutes a prioritized list of features, and the sprint backlog, fueled by addressing items from the product backlog until reaching the capacity of the next sprint. Scrum team members are assigned specific tasks corresponding to their role in the process. Typically, a cross-functional team includes a Scrum Master, or Scrum methodology champion, the product owner representing the voice of the product, as well as other members responsible for task execution.

The four Scrum ceremonies are as follows:

  1. Sprint planning: A team meeting to define the tasks to be accomplished during the next sprint.
  2. Sprint demo: A sharing session during which the team presents its achievements for the current sprint.
  3. Daily stand-up: Also called a stand-up, it’s a brief 15-minute meeting allowing the development team to coordinate their activities.
  4. Retrospective : An evaluation where the team reviews what worked or didn’t work to improve the flow of the next sprint.

The Scrum board

A Scrum board visualizes all the work for a given sprint. During the sprint planning meeting, the team moves items from the product backlog to the sprint backlog.

Scrum boards can include multiple visible workflow stages, such as To Do, In Progress, and Done. They are an essential element to increase transparency in Agile project management.

2. Kanban

Kanban represents an Agile project management framework focused on aligning work with team capacities, aiming to promote rapid progress and increased responsiveness to changes compared to the Scrum methodology.

Unlike Scrum, Kanban typically does not employ backlogs. Tasks are instead listed in the “To Do” column. Kanban teams thus focus on continuous deliveries, achievable at any time. All work is visible, clearly defined, and ready to be undertaken. When a task is completed, the team immediately moves on to the next one. Work volume is aligned with team capacity through work-in-progress (WIP) limits, a predefined threshold for tasks that can be in one column at a time (except for the “To Do” column). The Kanban framework includes four key components: the task list (or stories), columns or lanes, WIP limits, and continuous deliveries.

The task list, or stories, is detailed as tickets or tasks to be completed. Columns or lanes are used in a Kanban board to differentiate tasks according to different workflows, users, projects, etc. WIP limits are rules governing the volume of work based on team capacity. The team manages stories within WIP limits and can make deliveries at any time.

The Kanban board

A Kanban board visualizes all completed work. It also serves to plan resources, providing project managers with a view of the work and the ability to schedule accordingly.

The Kanban board is organized into columns and lanes, representing the passage of stories to completion. Stories start in the “To Do” column until the WIP limit allows for the next task. The work list must be subdivided into relatively small tickets and organized by priority.

3. Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming focuses on continuous improvement of the development process. It promotes practices such as test-driven development (TDD), pair programming, and frequent releases. XP aims to ensure optimal quality throughout the development process.

4. Lean Agile

Inspired by Lean principles, Lean Agile seeks to maximize value while minimizing waste. It emphasizes collaboration, transparency, and customer satisfaction. By eliminating non-essential processes, Lean Agile aims to create an efficient value chain.

5. Crystal

Crystal is a family of Agile methodologies, each tailored to specific contexts. The different Crystal methods share a philosophy focused on individuals, collaboration, and adaptability, while adjusting based on project size and complexity.

Balancing Agile and Waterfall: A hybrid approach

Although Agile and waterfall approaches have their distinct advantages, it is crucial to recognize that each project has its own unique requirements. A too rigid approach can sometimes be counterproductive. Too much agility can lead to constant instability. This is where the hybrid approach comes in, combining the best of both worlds.

The hybrid approach allows for a more structured initial planning while maintaining the flexibility needed to adapt to inevitable changes. Edana specializes in creating tailored approaches, skillfully combining elements of Agile and waterfall methodologies to meet the specific needs of each project.

Example of the Swiss HERMES method

The HERMES project management method, developed in Switzerland, is characterized by a structured and standardized approach. It divides the process into clear phases, emphasizing detailed documentation and rigorous governance. HERMES offers modular flexibility while maintaining a solid methodological foundation, allowing for adaptation to different projects. Unlike agility, which favors maximum flexibility, HERMES relies on planned processes but can also integrate agile elements based on the specific needs of the project and organizational preferences.

More information on the hybrid project management method HERMES on the website.

Discuss your project with our software development, mobile, branding, and strategy experts

At Edana, we believe that success lies in flexibility and adaptability. Agile project management, enriched by the diversity of available frameworks, offers a flexible and adaptable approach. However, the hybrid approach can often be the key to getting the most out of each method, thus creating an optimal balance between initial structure and responsiveness to changes. With our experts by your side, explore the best solutions that apply to your project and make it a success.

Let’s talk about your project and its specifics

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Digitalize Your Business with a Digital Experience Platform

Digitalize Your Business with a Digital Experience Platform

Digital Transformation with Digital Experience Platform

Technological advancement has been the base of success for numerous industries, Nowadays, undergoing digital transformation with a Digital Experience Platform is one of the best options for numerous companies.

The digital transformation itself ensures that any specific company will be able to successfully use new, fast, and rapidly changing digital technologies to solve their issues and improve themselves.

A Digital Experience platform is a key factor for delivering richer, real-time, connected, and more personalized customer experience to ensure the success of your company. You can also read another article to understand – “How Digital Experience Platform Can Improve Your Brand’s Performance”.

Components of Digital Experience Platforms

Digital Experience Platform (DXP) has several important components that make your job easier and more productive. First of all, you can manage your content and assets more easily. Asset management of course includes managing digital assets, like images, videos, etc.

You can use it for E-Commerce and make online shopping and payment processing better, in order to increase customer satisfaction levels.  You can also experiment a bit to discover more about your capabilities, and options and just improve your company.

Also, you can track and manage customer data, have tools to analyze content and channel performance, and easily share your information and assets with other websites and devices.

Set Digital Plan for Your Business

Plan carefully what you want to achieve and how digitalization can improve your business in this case. Determine which aspects are more important for you and devise a business plan, that will not only ensure your digital transformation but will make you more competitive as well.

Using Digital Experience Platforms is a great way for numerous industries to improve their services and ensure their success on market. People always expect to see something different in your company, a new approach, a new vision. With the correct plan and digital experience platform, you can make them see your strengths and true value.


Have Mobile-Friendly Support

Numerous people use mobile phones, so while talking about digitalization it’s important to ensure that no matter what you are doing, to make it mobile-friendly. People who are your loyal customers or are just browsing through the internet, find most of the information via their mobile phones and create first impressions about you.

Improve SEO with Digital Experience Platform

SEO management is crucial for companies, but you can use the systems that will include this component and make your website more visible. These kinds of digital experience platforms can help you to improve your business and expand your horizon.

For example, Adobe Experience Manager has numerous tools that can help you to set up a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy for your website. Bloomreach’s SEO can help you determine what your customers are interested in and help you to increase their engagement levels.

Key Features That Your Digital Experience Platforms Needs

Performance-driven Digital Experience Platforms should have several key features in order to work successfully for your business. Companies mostly use DXP to deliver more rich and personalized experiences for customers, but when you implement DXP in your digital transformation strategy you will see that it can do much more for you.

DXPs that can play the main role in the digitalization of your business, can do various tasks for you. Their rich ecosystem ensures that you’ll be able to create a specific product or develop a winning idea in one environment, without additional tools or systems. Data that is given to you by DXP, tells you more about the preferences of buyers, their behaviors, and their activities.

Despite the fact that most of the DXPs are able to fulfill all the requirements that you might have, you still have to go through them and choose the one that suits your needs best. You can read more about them in one of our articles – “Top Digital Experience Platforms (DXP)”.

DXP is a Logical Step in Your Digital Transformation

Customers actively search for better digital experiences, and that’s why companies try their best to fulfill their expectations with more innovative approaches. This is the digital era and businesses that have more digital aspects integrated into their strategies come on top.

Digital Experience Platforms are already replacing basic web content management systems, soon it might be only DXPs that will be used, so the rush to get them and use them isn’t really surprising. No matter what’s the business goal, or what’s the future of the company, DXP still will be a great advantage for anybody.

What We Offer

For more similar articles, make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. Your Swiss Digital Agency is ready to provide you with Expert-Level assistance built on customer loyalty, progressive ideas, and dedication. Our expertise includes Digital Strategy and Audit, and many more.



Marie is an expert in digital strategy and project management. She audits the digital presences of companies and organizations of all sizes and in all sectors, and orchestrates strategies and plans that generate value for our customers. Highlighting and piloting solutions tailored to your objectives for measurable results and maximum ROI is her specialty.

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Use Marginal Gains Strategy To Increase Your Sales

Use Marginal Gains Strategy To Increase Your Sales

Basics Of Marginal Gains Theory

Basically the theory of Marginal gains has its roots in sports field, more specifically cycling. If you have never heard of this theory, it’s only because it didn’t begin being applied to business field until the legendary win-win of the British team in Cycling. It was early 2000s. David Brailsford was the one who implemented the theory of marginal gains into sports activities and brought the British team great progress by doing so. The strategy dictates to break down our objective into small pieces/segments and improve them little by little, to later improve the bigger picture automatically.

Marginal Gains In Business

Profits are earned quite slowly, especially at the beginning of the business career. Even if you obtain a great sales strategy for your business, it still needs constant monitoring and research to know when to repurpose or retarget your marketing strategies in order to support the sales flow. Sometimes it just so happens, that we focus only on one thing and neglect all other elements of success. To take a sports example again, you need to warm up before the workout and stretch after it, to make sure you don’t hurt yourself. In business, the marginal gains strategy says to improve aspects of your business little by little, which will later make your business better as a full.


Marginal Gains In Branding

So far, we’ve been speaking about sports and sales. Now, here is the branding part. It’s well-known that branding consists of tons and tons of elements and each of them needs equal attention. For a clear example let’s consider you have these three marketing strategies for your brand image: Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing and Outdoor Marketing. Social Media and Content marketing are the ones concentrated on digital world, yet outdoor strategy is visible to anyone, target or not. If you only concentrate on one of these and improve SMM alone it will reflect on engagement and sales, but not so positively. It’s one thing to have a priority strategy, but you cannot let your attention down on other strategies either.

Live Communication In Marginal Gains Strategy

Making time for real-life communication with your audience is of great help when you are implementing the marginal gains theory in your business and branding strategies. Or maybe should we say, real-time communication. It’s a current trend to opt for online communication accessible for everyone, but as very social beings it’s important to give your customers a chance to form a stronger bond as a community.

Gather A Community

Let’s say you decide to host an event of any format. The guests can be your loyal customers in certain areas of residence. It’s great to give them a chance to actually speak with you, discuss the improvements a brand needs to make.  This way you will find out more customer based insights on multiple areas of your business and branding strategies. After several events make notes about almost anything even small details you’ve acquired feedback on and try to improve that by 1% for example. Small changes make a big impact and that’s exactly what the Marginal Gains Strategy is all about.

Do Not Rush The Results

Another very important aspect of the stated theory/strategy is to be slow and steady. Do not expect to see results in 24 hours instantly. Sometimes you just might be timely for even one strategy to work out all too well because it responds to customers’ instant needs. But, don’t set your expectations for quick results. In this case taking this strategy slow will be the key to winning the race against your past results.

What We Offer

For more interesting articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana and don’t forget to check our services for professional assistance in your Marketing Strategy Planning. Feel Free to contact us anytime!



Marie is an expert in digital strategy and project management. She audits the digital presences of companies and organizations of all sizes and in all sectors, and orchestrates strategies and plans that generate value for our customers. Highlighting and piloting solutions tailored to your objectives for measurable results and maximum ROI is her specialty.

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Use these Brand Archetypes To Target the Right Audience

Use these Brand Archetypes To Target the Right Audience

12 Classic Brand Archetypes

Generally, in Branding there are 12 classic archetypes which help you determine the persona and purpose of your brand. So if you know your persona and purpose well enough, logically you have a solid base to target specific audiences without wasting time and resources. Picking the right archetype to relate to is essential. But first, let’s overview the classic archetypes and understand their part in creating a meaningful communication with the related target audience.

The Innocent Archetype

The goal of an Innocent archetype is to spread happiness. It strives to be good, kind, helping, pure, optimistic, with strong moral code and love for romance. As for the overdose of these traits or misusing them in the wrong communications-they might appear naïve or boring at times. Dove soap is a great example in this case, with its soft and almost fragile looking advertisements.

The Regular Guy/Gal Archetype

The goal of this archetype is to belong or connect with others, general surroundings. They are more down to earth, practical, supportive, faithful. Somewhat of a Guy/Gal next door type. The double edged knife is that sometimes this archetype is risking to blend in too much, almost looking uniqueness. Ebay is the closest example of the stated archetype.


The Hero Archetype

Well, judging from such a bold name it’s easy to guess this archetype wants to make the world a better place. The Hero is strong, bold, courageous, strong, confident and it inspires the customers. Yet, in worst case scenario Hero can turn out to be arrogant to a certain point. It’s all the matter of balancing these traits. Possibly, Duracell fits for this archetype.

The Outlaw Archetype

Outlaw just wants to break the rules and confront authorities, which is fun for sure. This archetype is rebellious and is starving for a change in this dull lifestyle. The risk is to not take it too far, otherwise the Outlaw actually does a great job changing audience’s perspective on certain subjects critically. Harley-Davidson Motorcycles are a great fit for this brand archetype.

The Explorer Archetype

Again, judging by the name, this archetype wants to explore and discover all possible experiences new or daily. It’s adventurous and restless and very independent. Yet, might not quite fit into the mainstream trends due to their very specific traits. Indiana Jones is a prime archetype fit.

The Creator Archetype

This one wants to keep creating until the very end. Something valuable and enduring time. Artistic, imaginative, creative nature. But might be too much of an impractical perfectionist, so be careful with that. Lego fits with this archetype perfectly.

The Ruler Archetype

Guess who’s a control lover? Order comes from chaos is pretty much a motto for this archetype. Just make sure it doesn’t manifest itself into tyranny. On the other hand, organized work-ethic is its Ace. Microsoft is a go-to order lover.

The Magician Archetype

Make all the dreams come true with one swipe of a wand, wouldn’t that be great? That’s what a magician does. The balance must be held though, to stay grounded and not be too selfless. Magician connects the audiences and helps them feel belonging. Apple can be a nice example to this archetype.

The Lover Archetype

Intimacy, Inspiration and Love. Not surprising, but in case of misbalance could turn out to be taken for granted or exploited. Care and love-Marie Claire acquires it all too well.

The Caregiver Archetype

Wants to care and protect others at all times and circumstances, but in a worse can scenario despite being so maternal, could be overly compassionate to the point of annoying. Yet, Johnson & Johnson is a good example of this archetype in a balanced form.

The Jester Archetype

Jester just wants to bring fun and joy to the world. Party and dancing and playing games all too well. Jester has a great sense of humor too. If it’s not crossing the line of disrespectful, Jester’s all good. Ben & Jerry’s fits this one archetype quite well.

The Sage Archetype

This one’s almost like a final Boss. Sage likes to gain wisdom and insight on everything and provides very trustworthy information. The risk is to not become too opinionated. But this archetype does help people understand their surroundings better. Google is a complete sage without a question.

What We Offer

Make sure to scroll through our publications for more interesting articles on Edana and don’t forget to check out our services for Professional Assistance on your Branding journey. Feel free to contact us anytime!