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Understanding the Crucial Difference Between a Normal CMS and a Headless CMS

Understanding the Crucial Difference Between a Normal CMS and a Headless CMS

When working with Swiss brands and businesses of all sizes, it is often noticed that stakeholders (project managers, managers, CTOs, webmasters, etc.) do not fully grasp the yet crucial difference between a normal (monolithic) CMS and a Headless CMS.

Indeed, Content Management Systems (CMS) are the invisible architects behind many websites and applications, but their variety can be bewildering. In this article, we will explore two approaches: traditional CMS and Headless CMS, making them accessible even to non-experts, with practical examples illustrated by code snippets. Most importantly, we will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each solution to assist the reader in making an informed choice.

Normal (Monolithic) CMS: All-in-one but with Constraints

Normal CMS, often called monolithic CMS, are integrated solutions that bundle all the necessary features to create and manage a website into a single entity. Among the most well-known monolithic CMS are WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

Imagine a normal CMS as a turnkey house. When using a CMS like WordPress, for example, everything is included: content management, application logic, presentation, and even additional features via plugins. This approach simplifies the startup process but also introduces significant constraints when it comes to making changes, managing content, and evolving the solution in the future.

Constraints of Normal/Monolithic CMS:

  1. Tight Integration: In a normal CMS, the site’s structure, presentation logic, and content management are tightly integrated. For example, the code defining the layout of a specific page is often intertwined with the logic that retrieves and displays the content. This creates a close dependency between visual presentation and content.
  2. Difficulty of Change: Making significant changes to how the site is presented may require complex adjustments throughout the system. Modifying the layout of elements, akin to moving a window in an existing house, can lead to major renovations, making the process slow and potentially costly.
  3. Consistency Risks: Due to tight integration, changes in one part of the site may have unexpected repercussions on other parts. This increases the risks of visual and functional inconsistencies, especially as the site evolves.
  4. Limited Scalability: The increasing complexity of modern websites can make monolithic CMS less suitable for evolving needs. Adding new features can be a challenge, as it often requires substantial modifications to existing code.

Despite these constraints, monolithic CMS remain popular due to their initial ease of use and all-in-one approach to website management. However, with the evolution of modern web requirements, more and more companies are turning to more flexible alternatives, such as Headless CMS.

Headless CMS: Freedom of Composition

Headless CMS stands out for its modular architecture, offering a clear separation between the backend and frontend. This architectural approach provides unparalleled flexibility and freedom for shaping dynamic user experiences in web development. Let’s compare this architecture with an analogy before delving into its implications.

Architectural Analogy: Imagine the backend of a Headless CMS as a library storing your content, and the frontend as a variety of screens you can use to display that content. The screens (frontends) may vary, but the library (backend) remains the same, providing a solid and reusable foundation.

Backend (Content Management): In a Headless CMS, the backend is responsible for content management. It stores data in a standardized form, usually as JSON or REST API. This structure allows content to be agnostic of the channel or device on which it will be displayed.

Frontend (Presentation): The frontend in the headless architecture manages how content is presented to the end user. It could be a website, a mobile application, a smart display, etc. The freedom offered by this separation allows the use of modern front-end technologies to create rich and interactive user interfaces.

Advantages of Headless Architecture

  1. Flexibility in Front-end Technology:
    • Freedom of Choice: Developers can choose from a range of front-end frameworks such as React, Vue.js, Angular, or even newer technologies based on the specific needs of the project.
    • Facilitated Adaptability: The separation of frontend and backend allows for easier adaptation of the user interface to changing requirements without altering the business logic.
  2. Simplified Content Reuse:
    • Channel Independence: Content can be consistently reused across different channels (website, mobile application, IoT, etc.), avoiding tedious duplication.
    • Centralized Management: Centralizing content simplifies its management and ensures consistency across various platforms.
  3. Scalability and Simplified Maintenance:
    • Independent Adjustments: Frontend modifications do not affect the backend business logic, allowing visual adjustments without impacting system stability.
    • Ease of Adding Features: Adding new features can be done independently, facilitating the scalability of the site.
  4. Improved Complexity Management:
    • Modularity: The division into distinct modules for backend and frontend makes it easier to manage the increasing complexity of modern websites.
    • Effective Collaboration: Development teams can work more independently, improving collaboration and maintenance.


In conclusion, the headless architecture offers a flexible and scalable approach, suited to the requirements of the modern web where diverse channels and devices necessitate agile content management and flexible visual presentation.

In the continuation of this article, we will explore the advantages of the headless CMS and the technical differences between the two CMS types. We will also address the question of choosing between these two solutions to enable you to opt for the one that best aligns with your goals and needs.

Review of Headless CMS Advantages and Concrete Differences from Monolithic CMS

In this section, we will delve into the details of the three most notable advantages of a headless CMS. We’ll provide technical examples and more in-depth explanations.

1. Visual Flexibility – 100% Customizable and Flexible Interface

Changes in appearance can be made without altering the business logic.

Let’s explore a concrete example highlighting the difference in interface management flexibility between a monolithic CMS and a headless CMS.

Here is how a product page could be structured in a monolithic CMS, emphasizing the dependency between structure and business logic:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <h1>Product Title</h1>
  <p>Product Description</p>
  <span>Product Price</span>
  <!-- Size Selection -->
  <select id="size">
    <option value="s">S</option>
    <option value="m">M</option>
    <option value="l">L</option>
  <!-- Color Selection -->
  <select id="Color">
    <option value="red">Red</option>
    <option value="blue">Blue</option>
    <option value="green">Green</option>
  <!-- Other details... -->

In this case, dropdowns for size and color are integrated into the page, closely tied to the order processing logic.

Contrast this with a headless CMS, where content is dissociated from how it is displayed. Imagine independent building blocks that you can rearrange as needed.

With a headless CMS, product data, for example, could be stored independently, allowing for more flexible composition:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <h1>{{Product Title}}</h1>
  <p>{{Product Description}}</p>
  <span>{{Product Price}}</span>
  <!-- Size Selection -->
  {{Available Sizes}}
  <!-- Color Selection -->
  {{Available Selection}}
  <!-- Other details... -->

Here, how sizes and colors are presented can be changed without altering the business logic.

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2. Content Reuse and Centralized Management

One undeniable strength of a headless CMS is its ability to promote content reuse across different parts of the site and even on various platforms (mobile applications or other group sites, for example), all without the need for laborious duplication.

In a headless CMS model, content is managed independently of how it is presented. This means the same piece of content can be used consistently and efficiently across multiple site pages or adapted for mobile applications, smart displays, or other channels without unnecessary duplication.

This approach significantly reduces complexity during visual changes. For instance, if you have a special promotion, a product update, or any other content change, you make the modification once in the CMS, and these changes propagate consistently across all platforms, ensuring content uniformity across the site. This simplifies maintenance, reduces the risk of inconsistencies, and provides considerable operational efficiency. In short, content reuse becomes a strategic asset for effective and scalable website management.

Imagine a blog article stored in the headless CMS. This content can be integrated into different sections of the site, such as the homepage, the blog page, and even in a mobile application, ensuring content consistency across all platforms.

In general, it is common to plan for a mobile application that needs to connect to the developed website. Let’s take the example of an e-commerce website. If in the future (or from the beginning of the project), a mobile application needs to retrieve product data from the e-commerce site’s database. If the e-commerce site was designed using headless technology, developers only need to code the front-end part of the application (lower costs for the company). Importantly, administrators of the e-commerce site don’t have to change anything in their usual routine since the content of the site (managed through the e-commerce interface) will be automatically taken over by the mobile application. This magic happens through the API of the e-commerce site’s backend. It is through this API that the front-end of the website communicates, and the same goes for the mobile application, which doesn’t function differently in terms of architecture.

Discuss a solution for reusing my content and unifying its management

3. Use of Modern Front-end Technologies

In the ever-evolving world of web development, the use of modern front-end technologies is essential for creating dynamic and responsive user experiences. A significant advantage of a headless CMS lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate these technologies.

With a headless CMS, you have the freedom to adopt front-end frameworks such as React, Vue.js, or Angular. These frameworks offer unparalleled flexibility in manipulating the user interface, allowing developers to create interactive, responsive, and aesthetically appealing web pages. The clear separation between content and presentation in a headless CMS facilitates the integration of these frameworks without affecting the underlying business logic.

The advantage of using modern front-end technologies lies in the speed of development, modularity, and ease of maintenance. Reusable components, real-time updates, and advanced animation features become accessible, providing a significantly enhanced user experience compared to more traditional approaches.

Example of using React with a Headless CMS:

// React Component Retrieving and Displaying the Title of a Product,
{ useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const ProductTitle = () => {
  const [title, setTitle] = useState('');

  useEffect(() => {
    // Calling the CMS API to Retrieve the Product Title
    // (API call code here...)
    setTitle('Product title from CMS');
  }, []);

  return <h1>{title}</h1>;

export default ProductTitle;

How to Choose Between a Monolithic CMS and a Headless CMS?

In conclusion, the decision between a normal CMS and a headless CMS depends on the specific needs of your project. If visual flexibility and independent content management are crucial, the headless CMS offers a modern and powerful solution.

In general, companies tend to opt for the so-called monolithic CMS when they have very simple, standard needs, do not require entirely custom design (at least for more complex parts such as online reservation forms, payment forms, ordering, etc.), and they do not need (nor plan in the future) a mobile application related to this project. In other cases, they opt for a headless CMS, which generally requires a slightly higher investment but offers many advantages ensuring scalability, customer experience, and stability over time unmatched by the company.

If you would like to discuss your project with our experts or obtain more information on the subject, contact us now, and one of our experts will guide you through the process.

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E-Commerce Development (EN) Non classé Social Media Marketing (SMM)

AR Try-On Filters are the Future of Online Shopping

AR Try-On Filters are the Future of Online Shopping

Importance of AR Try-On Filters in a Digital Age

AR try-on filters are not new in the commercial sector. Many particular firms, especially e-commerce sites, are intimately familiar with this option.  AR try-on filters have transformed the way businesses engage with their customers. These interactive filters allow users to virtually try on products, from clothing to makeup, providing a unique and immersive shopping experience.

Customers can engage with brands in a fun and memorable way, leading to increased brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. The popularity of AR try-on filters can be directly linked to sales. When customers can visualize how a product looks on them before purchasing, it instills confidence and reduces the likelihood of returns. Additionally, the rise of social media platforms has further propelled the popularity of them.

Users can seamlessly access these filters on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, making them a part of everyday online interactions. This integration allows businesses to reach a wider audience and capitalize on user-generated content. Also, AR try-on filters collect valuable data on customer preferences and behavior. Businesses can use this data to personalize recommendations and marketing strategies, providing a tailored shopping experience.

How can AR Try-On Filters Boost your E-Commerce Sales?

AR try-on filters have become a cornerstone of modern marketing and e-commerce. Their ability to engage customers, boost sales, integrate with social media, offer personalization, provide a competitive advantage, and serve various industries showcases their importance and continued popularity among businesses seeking to thrive in the digital age.

One of the primary challenges in online shopping has always been the inability to physically try on products. AR Try-On Filters bridges this gap by allowing customers to visualize themselves wearing or using the product. This builds confidence and trust, as shoppers know exactly how the item will look on them. When customers are satisfied with their virtual trial, they are less likely to return the product due to misfit or dissatisfaction, resulting in cost savings for the business.

AR Try-On Filters provide a fun and interactive way for customers to engage with a brand. This engagement can lead to longer time spent on the website or app, increasing the chances of making a purchase. Businesses can leverage this immersive experience to captivate their audience. Additionally, these filters collect valuable data on customer preferences and behavior. E-commerce businesses can use this data to personalize recommendations and marketing efforts.


Augmented Reality Try-On Filters Are Transforming Industries Across the Board

Augmented Reality (AR) Try-On Filters are not limited to a single industry. Fashion retailers and beauty brands were among the first to embrace AR Try-On Filters. Customers can virtually try on clothing, accessories, makeup, and hairstyles, ensuring a personalized shopping experience.

Eyewear companies use AR Try-On Filters to allow customers to see how different glasses and sunglasses look on their faces. It aids in choosing the perfect frames, increasing customer satisfaction, and reducing indecision. Businesses in the home decor and furniture industry leverage AR Try-On Filters to help customers visualize how furniture and decor items will look in their homes.

In the home improvement sector, businesses are incorporating AR Try-On Filters to help customers experiment with paint colors, flooring, and decor choices. Fitness brands are using AR Try-On Filters to help customers visualize how different items fit and look on their bodies. Real estate agencies are employing AR Try-On Filters for virtual property tours. Customers can virtually place their furniture in a property to assess its suitability.

Hairstylists and salons offer filters for clients who want to evaluate different hairstyles before making a change. Optical businesses are using them for customers to visualize how different contact lenses and eyeglasses appear on their eyes and face, making the selection process easier. The adaptability of AR Try-On Filters transcends all the industry boundaries.

AR Filters as the Future of Social Media Marketing

AR filters enable businesses to create personalized and shareable content. Also, users love to share their filtered experiences on social media. This user-generated content attracts more customers towards you. Many social media platforms have embraced AR filters, integrating them into the user experience. Because of that, many brands can increase their customer base, customer engagement rates, and ROI.

As the future of social media marketing unfolds, AR filters are at the forefront, setting the stage for more interactive and personalized brand interactions. With their ability to captivate and convert, they have become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to engage with audiences in novel and impactful ways.

Famous Companies Using AR Filters

Snapchat’s Lens Studio has been a game-changer in the world of AR filters. Brands like Pepsi, Gatorade, and Taco Bell have created sponsored AR lenses that allow users to interact with their products or mascots. For example, Pepsi’s AR filter turned users into dancing hotdogs during a Super Bowl campaign, and Taco Bell’s filter transformed users into delicious tacos.

Sephora’s Virtual Artist is an AR try-on filter that allows customers to try on makeup virtually. Users can experiment with different shades of lipstick, eyeshadow, and more. This filter not only enhances the shopping experience but also helps customers make informed purchasing decisions.

L’Oréal’s AR beauty try-on filter allows users to experiment with various makeup products virtually. Users can test lipstick shades, and eyeshadows, and even experiment with hairstyles. It’s a creative way to engage users and promote L’Oréal’s product range.

Nike introduced the Nike Fit AR feature in their app, which helps users find the perfect shoe size. Users can scan their feet using AR technology to determine their precise shoe size, ensuring a comfortable fit when ordering online. These famous examples demonstrate the versatility and impact of AR try-on filters across industries, from beauty and fashion to furniture and automotive.

An Inventive Approach that Adapts to Objectives and Specificities

The right digital marketing strategy and plan make all the difference in terms of results. At Edana, we have a unique approach that allows our clients to grow quickly and sustainably according to the objectives set by their management.

We generate growth through powerful and tailor-made multi-channel solutions. Thus, we establish and/or execute global or specific strategies mainly in the following areas: SEO, SMM, digital advertising, growth marketing, PR, sales, and marketing automation.

E-Commerce Development (EN) Non classé

Why you should use Headless Commerce for your E-Commerce?

Why you should use Headless Commerce for your E-Commerce?

Importance of Headless Commerce

Headless Commerce is another innovation for online retail. Since e-commerce is improving and changing drastically on daily bases, using headless commerce became a priority for numerous brands.

Nowadays, companies need to harness creative, omnichannel experiences to get customers’ attention, make them interested, and then maintain relationships with them. So all the additional services and platforms that they use, always revolve around these aspects.

In this case, headless commerce is a great way to create incredible shopping experiences for your customers, increase their satisfaction levels and sell anything anywhere without any obstacles.

Frontend and Backend in Headless Commerce

Traditional commerce ties those two elements together, while in headless commerce you’ll see a completely different scenario. Frontend presents users with the content and they click on frontend elements to interact with backend functionalities. Fronted includes images, buttons, search bars, navigation, etc.

Backend is related to all the systems, processes, workflows, and tools that are in the background and ensure that your business will run smoothly. This combo gives the brands abilities to improve their business without any limitations.

Unlimited Customization and Maximum Conversion

Headless commerce can bring numerous benefits to e-commerce. It can give your brand the look and feel that you want. You can customize everything from the first day and don’t restrict yourself to anything, especially designs.

You can personalize customer experiences which is critical for the e-commerce market. All the customer shopping data is always centralized and easily accessible, so retailers who have this information can personalize everything for customers and show them the options that will be more interesting for them. As an end result, you can maximize your conversion levels as well.


Marketing Effectiveness

With a headless solution, you can adapt to new trends and create new experiences, because you won’t be bound by the old, traditional systems. The marketing team gains a great advantage in this case. They can use innovative technologies to keep up with modern trends and don’t be restricted.

When you have a clearly defined strategy you can easily implement a headless solution to improve conversion rates and lower customer acquisition costs that most companies struggle with. In this case, you can use a content strategy or experience-led strategy to organically attract traffic instead of using paid advertisements.

Flexible Opportunities with Headless Commerce

Using headless commerce for your e-commerce is a great option since you’ll be full of more opportunities. Headless commerce was a complete game-changer for the market and highly profitable for e-commerce systems.

You’ll have limitless development options because of independence from front-end design constraints. It gives customers more personalized experiences. You’ll have inherent omnichannel potential due to simple connections.

One of the biggest advantages here is flexibility, which will have a great impact on your development as well and will provide you with numerous advantages. You can improve your performance and move on to higher goals in less time with minimized risks and cost-effective ways.

Headless Commerce and the Tools You Need

Headless commerce can create better experiences for your buyer and for your teams as well, but at first, you might need additional tools to make it work for you, like frontend tools, API layer tools, backend connectivity tools, page builder, revenue tools, and many more.

When you have a well-defined strategy it’s easy to determine which tools would work the best for you, also you have to consider your customers’ needs and behaviors. Only then can you start working on the options that will be best suited for your audience.

What We Offer

For more similar articles, make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. Your Swiss Digital Agency is ready to provide you with Expert-Level assistance built on customer loyalty, progressive ideas, and dedication. Our expertise includes E-Commerce Development and many more.

E-Commerce Development (EN)

Everything you need to know about Multichannel e-Commerce Software Development 

Everything you need to know about Multichannel e-Commerce Software Development 

Do you want to know how developing multichannel eCommerce software may help your company grow? The future of retail is certainly multichannel eCommerce since today’s consumers are receptive to it.

Customers are more eager than ever to purchase in many locations, therefore firms must take into account all contact points, including multichannel eCommerce.

But many shops frequently need help with trying to offer their goods through numerous platforms. This may apply to the management of products, various product categories, and various IT frameworks.

Request and stock management may become cumbersome without a single framework, which can reduce business efficiency, increase the chance of mistakes, entirely delay deliveries, and lose all clients. A multichannel eCommerce executives structure might be a significant benefit in this situation.

Understanding the Basics

Multiple sales channels from different markets and platforms are connected in this strategy. This further enables the companies to broaden their client base and brand recognition, increasing sales.

The technique involves connecting many platforms to the website as a hub. Many of these vendors utilize specialized software to increase efficiency rather than repeating tasks like uploading items and maintaining inventory for each channel.


Why Is Multichannel eCommerce Required for Brands?

It enables businesses to offer seamless experiences to customers as a start. while also monitoring sales, support requests, customer communications, and inventories. Saving money, time, and effort is made possible by using solutions designed specifically for multisource sellers.

Businesses can benefit from investing in multichannel eCommerce software development in the following ways: Spread out your risk, create many revenue streams by offering a specialized client experience, Overstocking and overselling pose no threat, Access data at any time, from any location, and eliminate human error.

Features of Multichannel eCommerce

These technological advancements can increase customer engagement, satisfaction, and sales. These particular elements are the foundation for multichannel eCommerce software development, which may aid organizations in comprehending the facets and trends surrounding the same.


Interactive bots, according to 55 percent of them, help retailers acquire more high-quality leads. Additionally, this technology saves eCommerce companies time and money while keeping them operational around the clock, seven days a week. Consumer queries may be answered, customized recommandations can be made, and transaction processing can be sped up with the help of smart bots.

Social Commerce

130 million Instagrammers click on advertisements and promotional posts each month. It’s hardly surprising that impulsive purchases bring in money for eCommerce businesses. The benefits of social networking sites are increased. Popular social media sites like Facebook and Instagram provide easy online shopping without requiring your customers to leave the site!

Progressive Web Applications

PWAs seem to be the most efficient approach to increasing customer experience and income for eCommerce organizations, that are constantly looking for innovative strategies. They boost your engagement and conversion rates by offering all the benefits of a mobile user experience at a reasonable price. Are you aware that PWAs have a conversion rate that is 36% higher compared to native apps? The brands must take PWAs into account for their whole income stream to comprehend multichannel eCommerce software development.

Fulfilling Orders in a Dynamic Environment

69 % of customers are less inclined to purchase from a brand again if an item does not arrive within 2 days of the promised date. This shows how urgently they want flexible and speedy delivery options. Retailers are switching to order fulfillment strategies that are more practical for their customers, such as placing online orders for pickup in-store, returning purchased items online to the store, making in-store purchases and having items delivered to your home, and obtaining out-of-stock items from the company’s warehouse.


You need to do a lot more than just maintain track of sales, inventory, orders, and customer information as you grow your business through multichannel eCommerce. When it comes to incorporating new trends and shifting social standards, multichannel eCommerce software creation requires ongoing management.

What we offer 

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Digital consultancy and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

E-Commerce Development (EN)

Marketing Trends in the E-commerce Fashion Industry

Marketing Trends in the E-commerce Fashion Industry

Fashion eCommerce firms continually change the way they do business. Changing markets geographically and economically, new technology, and the specter of profitability affect the fashion industry. Adapting to these changes is essential to business success.

That’s why we offer future strategies you should consider implementing if you own an e-commerce business in the fashion industry.

Don’t forget the privacy 

Customers’ experiences with brands need to be customized and personalized. Using technology based on people’s buying habits is one approach to do this. Based on a person’s prior purchases, provide offers and suggestions.

Additionally, provide technical options that allow someone to see how they might seem in other outfits, like augmented reality. The technology uses a person’s picture and layers their choices onto it to offer them a realistic representation of how the items will appear on them. It functions like a virtual dressing room.


You can only personalize things a little, though. You lack time to create customizable designs and don’t want to violate people’s privacy with the data you gather, either.


Compared to what they were ten years ago, consumers are much more aware of their carbon footprints and the effects of climate change, and fast fashion has come under fire for using production techniques that pollute the environment with chemicals.

Around the world, 42% of customers choose environmentally friendly products. Showing what sustainable activities they engage in can help fashion businesses appeal to this sizable portion of their audience.

Enter the Metaverse

The metaverse is a virtual reality environment where virtual, digital worlds are present. In the metaverse, things are sold as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using cryptocurrencies.

NFTs are special sections of code that are exclusive. They may be entirely customized to a person’s preferences and likes. And the only place they can be found is online. 

Over the next ten years, luxury fashion stores might profit more than $50 billion US from the metaverse. Additionally, there may be a ton of opportunities for fashion stores and companies to sell to younger demographics like Gen Z, which is pushing the impact of digital fashion.

Social media platforms

Social commerce is poised to revolutionize how people buy online because of how simple it is for users to transition from exploration to purchase in fantastic shoppable content experiences. By 2026, it is expected that brands using social media will generate $2.9 trillion in sales.

In addition to working with influencers, athleisure businesses’ content marketing strategies have prioritized video content. For gaining a following and developing a company recognized by the internet health and fitness community, reels, training videos, or brand tales are essential.

Across all sectors, video content will develop and expand, creating new markets like Livestream shopping, which fashion companies and retailers are starting to make use of to increase their consumer bases.

livestream selling

Live shopping is a fun and engaging experience that increases site traffic without spending more on advertising speeds up the consumer journey from discovery to purchase and improves the reputation of fashion retailers.

Additionally, the two-way, interactive contact that an online retail channel enables between a brand and a customer raises the levels of video content engagement dramatically. It significantly increases the value of a digital shopping experience.

Livestream shopping, also known as live commerce, is the newest innovation in the digital fashion industry and is expected to account for 10–20% of worldwide eCommerce business by 2026.


The fashion eCommerce sector has seen an incredible amount of change over the past two years, and the rise of online shopping has changed how consumers find clothes.

The way customers want to buy has changed, and fashion companies have had to change with it. The advent of digital fashion and other trends are starting to take off this year, in 2022, and are creating new channels for fashion shops.

The eCommerce Fashion industry has been compelled to develop stronger brand identities and concentrate on offering individualized multichannel shopping experiences due to rising advertising expenses and the overwhelming quantity of options consumers have when shopping online.

Fashion eCommerce brands will need to adapt to the rising number of consumers who desire sustainable and ethical fashion.

What we offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Digital consultancy and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

E-Commerce Development (EN)

Why should you use a Wishlist for your E-commerce?

Why should you use a Wishlist for your E-commerce?

What is a wishlist?

A wishlist is a tool that allows buyers to make personalized lists of liked products before buying them. In the Wishlist, customers can save products for future purchases. It is like window shopping but for the internet. other than it improves customer experience, Wishlists also collect users’ interests without effort.

Why do people use wishlists?

In the modern world, especially among younger generations, love for online shopping is high. They browse and scroll for hours, looking at different products, saving them for later when they have enough money or for an appropriate occasion; that is why customers love wishlists. 

Studies show that the rate of shopping cart abandonment is 69,23%. It has various reasons, for instance, high extra costs, like sipping, or tax, complicated check-out process, insufficient payment methods, disliked policies, and so on. Sometimes because of these reasons, people think of saving their items and returning to buy them when these conditions change. 

What benefits can E-commerce get from Wishlist?

The first asset is that it improves users’ shopping experience on your Website. The opportunity to save items for later is essential in online shopping. Wishlists reduce browsing time. 

Besides the wishlists being convenient for customers, it is also beneficial for retailers. As an E-commerce company, use the Wishlist’s full potential. It has various benefits to offer: 

  • Provide customers’ thoughts and insights

Start with customers’ insights. It’s true that one person’s Wishlist is too specific and can not change much. But when you put together all your users’ interests, you can see trends and follow up, track the results of campaigns, and analyze which items are immediately purchased. All this information helps you plan your next steps. 


  • Create a buyer persona

To reach your target audience effectively, you should have a picture of who is your ideal buyer. This is a user persona, and a wishlist helps you create it. With the information of what buyers like, save for later, and buy instantly, you can imagine what kind of person is interacting with your business and what is their tastes, interests, and desires. With all these facts, you can connect with your customers deeper. 

  • Helps with out-of-stock items

Another problem is that E-commerce companies often have out-of-stock items, which causes a loss of customers. Again, the Wishlist can help you solve this. You can offer your user to save the product in a wishlist and remind them with an in-app notification or email them when the item is back in stock.

  • Way to announce sales 

People sometimes save items on wishlists because they are waiting for sales. So by keeping this information, remind them when you have a deal on the specific product and pull the customer back to the purchase stage.  

  •  You can do tailor marketing

The digital world is full of advertisements; people receive promotional emails every day, social media is full of ads, and customers are tired of boring notifications. Tailor marketing is a way to avoid being one of the ignored messages. By using a wishlist and tracking your buyers’ interests, you can provide content tailored to your customers. 

How to make an outstanding wishlist?

To make your Wishlist more interesting, you should add features other than the ability to save items. For example, allow users to name their wishlists or make several different ones. 

Make it a positive experience for the customer to use the Wishlist. Use Pinterest examples. Wishlists shouldn’t be just “lists of groceries.” Allow your users to make their mood boards. 

Share buttons are very convenient, so don’t forget to include them. Make it possible for your customers to tell their friends and family about your brand quickly. Word-of-mouth marketing still is one of the most successful strategies and boosts conversion rates instantly.


Wishlist features are considerable tools, especially for e-commerce businesses. It gives you all the opportunities we discussed, for example, after adding a wishlist to a customer’s site. So don’t think much, because your competitors are adding it to their Website. 

What We Offer

For more similar articles, scroll through our Publications on Edana. And for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes E-commerce Development services. Feel free to contact us anytime!

E-Commerce Development (EN)

Google Shopping List for your E-Commerce Strategies

Google Shopping List for your E-Commerce Strategies

Google Shopping Basics

Promotion of your digital and physical services and products is becoming easier with Google Shopping. Basically a Google Shopping tool helps you as a marketer to increase your product’s search volume. As a customer you get instant view at the updated pricing and it becomes easier to look for a particular product of your choice. This search technology gives you a chance to put your products out there for a wider spectrum.

Google Shopping for E-Commerce

Basically, the E-Commerce companies are most likely to benefit from this search tool. The companies can feature their products on the platform and show them to potential customers. Also, it is more likely to target a buyer persona that is interested in your product for sure-because a customer can edit their choices via pricing, location and other categories. For now, as an E-commerce company you can use this tool at almost no-cost.

Update your Product Information

Just like with any other content, it’s important to be consistent about your product information. The Google Shopping tool allows you to update your product information-such as discounts or the amount in stock. You can also highlight certain product details relatively to search results. Figure out-what is the aspect which lures in most of your customers and emphasize it.


Google Shopping Benefits

As an E-Commerce company you can greatly benefit from the google shopping tool. Here are several examples of how you can achieve increased online sales via this search engine:

  • Setting Up a Merchant Center acc.: With Google Merchant Center you can promote your production and manage your Google listing easily. If you also decide on paid advertisement, keep in mind, that Google Shopping can help you achieve the borderline audience as a bonus.
  • Effective Promotion.: Just as we’ve mentioned in a previous option-with Google Shopping you have a greater chance to strategically promote your listings. All you need to do is to choose the product for promotion. Very likely-the one which is most searched by your target audience and likely to spark interest for additional listing as well. Solidify the details of your product for SEO friendliness and submit your promotion on Google Shopping. After all the steps-you’re good to go!

Google Listing Advertisement

E-Commerce companies can greatly benefit from these advertisements both-for Sales and for SEO rankings. For your digital marketing-create a Google Shopping campaign. Google Listing ads are more likely to reach the qualified customer base. They are not no-cost compared to simply using Google Shopping tool, but still-it’s a campaign after all.

Also, keep in mind, that your products will be shown to the targeted audience according to the product description-not the keywords. Google Shopping ads can show up side by side-so, the better you describe your listings, the higher chance there is for increase of online presence.

All in one Space

We know how comfortable it is for the customer to purchase directly from one page-without conducting extra actions and pressing extra buttons. A good feature Google Shopping has is-that a buyer can purchase goods directly from Google. This increases the possibility of calling the customer to quick action without double or triple thinking the decision of purchasing.

And, keep in mind, that among all tech Brands-Google takes place first as the most trusted one. So, it is very convenient to entrust online sales to such platform.

What We Offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Paid Advertisement services and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

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How Re-Purposing Your Categories Can Help Your E-Commerce Website Perform Better?

How Re-Purposing Your Categories Can Help Your E-Commerce Website Perform Better?

Categories Matter

Clearly, time after time we tend to add all those different products to our E-Commerce websites and seem to have almost no time to re-categorize them or create the specific ones for the given products. Now, take some time for organizing your digital space and let’s discuss several benefits concerning your online-shopping experience.

Don’t Make a category Too General

One of the biggest mistakes the E-Commerce websites are making-is creating one universal category that seems to contain a lot of stuff and ends up being simply confusing for the customer. To avoid such confusions let’s discuss the example of good categorizing.

The Best Product for such example is none other, but shoes! This is something we all need, want and take our time to pick the right one.

Now, let’s say we have entered your online shop that generally sells clothing and shoes. We find the category and now we scroll down to other sub-categories. The best option would be to add seasonal sub-options which leaves us with a smaller list.


Consider we’ve chosen winter shoes. Now, we can add the sub category of boots-which can be also ankle-high/knee high. Basic stuff is covered and all we need now is size and color.

You can surely add assets like brands, high heel or low heel, combat boots, insulated boots etc. That’s something that is more of an asset rather then a category, but the ones mentioned above are the basics you’d rather cover.

Update Customers On The News

Once you’ve received a new collection it’s important to let your customers know. Only setting up a banner post on your first landing page won’t do, because it is most likely to become an annoying experience to go back to this page every time you want to check new stuff.

Make sure to add the new arrivals category with specific sub-categories we have discussed in the previous paragraph. This is time-saving for you and a nice reminder for a customer no matter on which landing page they are roaming through.

Add The Sales Category

We are all excited to get something on the sale, especially when it’s a Black Friday right? Adding such category is functional not only for customers’ comfort, but also for your effective sales of the goods that you have very few left of. No matter the percentage of sales, even if it’s 20% only, it will serve great to just check out the goods when you’re low on budget instead of roaming through numerous pages just treasure hunting wishing you had a map that simply leads to it.

Follow The Trend

Following trends is crucial in almost all fields. In one of our previous articles we’ve spoken about using artificial intelligence in order to research customer trends. AI will simply define for you; what type of products seem to be checked out the most in a certain time-period. You might have a certain clothing for example, that is very trendy right now, so don’t forget to inform users on what’s trending currently to keep them updated.

Preferences During Subscription

Now, through time we surely get a change of taste, yet there are some things we simply love and would never exchange. Like so called mom-jeans or free-style hoodies.

Make sure to give your customer a chance to choose preferable categories in the process of subscription to your online shop. This will help your algorithm to aid individual customers in suggestion panel development and just offer what they want to see in the first place.

What We Offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes E-Commerce Strategies and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

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How To Create A Powerful E-Commerce Website That Actually Sells?

How To Create A Powerful E-Commerce Website That Actually Sells?

Modern E-Commerce

Shopping has changed its form completely over the years. At the beginning, when E-Commerce introduced itself to a global community it was a little bit suspicious even to the potential customers.

But, now E-Commerce seems to overpower the traditional form in multiple ways. It’s a great comfort to be able to shop anywhere any time. But, as an E-Commerce shop representative you must offer high quality service to stay competitive in the growing industry. Let’s discuss how you can actually do this.

E-Commerce and Order Tracking

One of the best features E-Commerce website can have is the order tracking. We have all used online shops at least once in our lives and the most exciting part is the actual wait for the arrival.

Now, it gets pretty annoying if it’s getting delayed, but still-it’s simply good to know where it is. If you still don’t have this feature on your website, make sure to add one. Keep in mind, that it will also save you from answering hundreds of messages and emails regarding the given subject.


HQ Photography And 3D Examples

Not every shop clearly has the luxury of creating 3D models of their products for a better showcase. But, HQ visual content is what you must have. Especially if it’s a clothing line-make sure to have models wear them and get photographed in all basic positions like: front, back, side and ¾. Focus on better presenting of your product.

QR Code/Linked Payment

Even though the security of credit card credentials is truly on its highest level, some of us still are not very fond of entrusting our CC card information on a website.

For such specific cases, make sure to integrate the service of payment via QR code or external link that is focused on the transfer of the money itself and does not require remembering the card credentials.

This makes it easier to finish up orders especially for social media commerce like Instagram shops for example. With low risks involved, a customer will be happier to purchase your products online.

Enable Text Support In Reviews

Textual reviews can be scary sometimes, thinking of what the customer might say, sometime out of thin air and quite inadequate occasionally. Well, it’s clearly better to have an explanation why someone decided to give you a one-star rate.

If it’s reasonable or not is up to the perception of another customer scrolling through those reviews. All you have to do is to stay in touch with disappointed customers and show that you actually care. Simultaneously you’ll be happy to read positive reviews and especially if they have detailed insight on the quality of the product and speed of its delivery.

Go Global-Market Only Grows

Whether you like it or not, E-Commerce is very likely to go outside your location. Possibly-that’s the challenging aspect about it. Make sure you research the shipping regulations to different countries from your local post-office as well.

If something is on internet, even when optimized and advertised only on a specific area, you cannot stop different audiences from viewing your product-related content.

Marketing copies ought to be made easier as well, because it’s well known-Google automatically translates certain pages. If the content is complicated the translating robot can mess it up and result you in losing a potential customer.

What We Offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes E-Commerce Strategies and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!