Branding (EN)

How Can You Improve Your Digital Inclusivity In Fashion Industry?

How Can You Improve Your Digital Inclusivity In Fashion Industry?

Digital Industry And Fashion

Let’s face the fact, everything is going digital nowadays and we all have to follow the floe whether we like it or not. Especially, if you have a business, informational updates are crucial for your brand’s vitality. In this case we shall be talking about fashion industry in the digital environments and how we can stay in tune with endless developments. No matter the business field, in 21st century, you need to have high quality online presence, so let’s discuss why.

But Clothing Is A Form Of Art

You will hear this phrase from almost any brand-owner who cherishes their business like an infant. Not just designers, graphic designers or jewelry stores tend to acquire this mindset quite often. Now, there’s nothing wrong with loving your creations certainly, but if you really love your business, wouldn’t you want it to have a long-run future? Well, in this case as a brand owner, you might have to set your personal principles aside and engage in ongoing processes in the field of work.


Gate-Keeping Won’t Do

Even if you already have set up social media accounts for your brand, only showing finished products and never showing working process to your audience will decrease engagement quite rapidly. World-known brands like Chanel don’t hold back from conceptual videos presenting the process of creation of their bags and cosmetics. The spark of curiosity only turns into a bonfire if you give more fuel to it! Your educative or presentative content is exactly that fuel the curiosity of the customer needs to grow larger.

Giveaways And PR Gifts

Maybe in au-couture industry just gifting clothing doesn’t work, because in this field the outfits are only created individually in one size and only one person can wear them. But, if you create a series of works with various options, being more generous to provide the favorite influencers or celebrities of your target audience with your creations will only increase interests in your brand. This is one form of communication strategies, which we have further discussion of in our articles about influencer and celebrity marketing strategies.

Post And Repost

If an official account reaches out to you to repost the image of your product, promising to maintain credits, don’t hold back. Clearly, make sure the repost says it’s your work, but to a certain point, the reposts are almost free PR on social media. Very likely you and the given account have similar target audiences and you never know how many customers you could possibly gain from such social media activites.

Upgrade Your Showcase

Now, in one of our articles we explain why it is important to own a showcase website. Especially, when you produce the goods which have visual and aesthetical value, any form of visual presentation is a must! Make sure your showcase website harmonically matches the core concepts of your brand and don’t count pennies on photographic content.

Use All 3D Has To Offer

As 3D art is quickly reaching its new heights, and we are having more and more professional 3D artists, make sure to at least think about collaborating with them. It’s been quite a trend lately to create 3D fashion shows without models! It sounds kind of crazy, but imagine simply creating a silhouette of body-shapes your clothing is meant for and making it move in empty space via 3D modeling! Possibilities are so endless, you just need to not miss out on them.

What We Offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Branding and Re-Branding Strategies and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

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Use The “Bandwagon Principle” For Your Branding Strategy

Use The “Bandwagon Principle” For Your Branding Strategy

Customer Behavior For Bandwagon Principle

To put it quite simply, a Bandwagon Principle in marketing strategies is based on the habit of following ongoing trends. It’s an aspect of customer psychology that makes the principle effective. An individual often purchases a product or service simply because it’s trendy. So, for starters, to adapt the given strategy, you have to stay updated about trends in the field of your community regularly.

Quick Thinking In Bandwagon Principle

The key to this strategy is actually not yours, but the customer’s quick thinking. For some it might sound manipulative, but trends happen because in certain fields there is something every member of that community desires and admires. Bandwagon principle is used quite often in many brands-sometimes without realizing it.


Make Sure To Not Miss Out

Generally, communities who are dedicated to their purposes through brands they are engaging with, do have the will for not missing out on the news. The same should apply to you as a brand. You pretty much have to be on the same emotional wavelength with your customers. The so called fear of missing out is best showcased in IOS users.

Apple presents new product every year in September and users are making sure to stay updated on those news. It might even be a potential customer who’s waiting for the right moment to buy the best possible product on the market. Or, it could be simply someone who’s looking forward to new system updates which will suit their current needs.

Appear Everywhere

Relatively to how far your product can join the fields of market, make sure to appear everywhere you can. This involves effective Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategies. In a Bandwagon Principle, those who provide updates in a timely manner on relative platforms have the upper hand.

Let’s say, if you are a Clothing brand and only use Social Media platforms, instead of researching all possible websites or blogs, where you can post your content-you’re one step behind in the given strategy. Make your brand highly visible by using all platform resources and providing content about how your brand stays in tune with current trends.

Showcase Popularity

Whether you’re already on a desirable level of popularity or not, in this strategy you must show off as popular enough for the very least. Trends are the key of Bandwagon Principle, which is associated with your fame in a direct manner. To generate the image of your popularity you might have to use some tricks. One of them can be a Social Media Marketing strategy, which involves celebrity and influencer collaborations. Start planning the budget for this one, because well, clearly it’s less likely anyone will do it for free.

Send PR Boxes to your community’s influencers which they can later review in their Vlogs or gift certain products with the offer of presenting those in stories for example. The more your product or service appears in influencer and celebrity content, the more you can generate the feel of popularity to your brand.

How Trends Influence Decision Making

As mentioned in the first paragraph, trends do affect customer behavior in a drastic manner. Remember all the purchases you never needed but still got because, well, everyone was buying them? That’s the example of group thinking simultaneously affecting your decision making process with the trendy concepts.

The era of Y2K was quite a great example of the bandwagon principle. Especially in beauty industry. Glitters, tan and low-waste jeans were having a sales boom and everyone just had to own one. Funny enough, most of us are even embarrassed of the pictures from Y2K now, but trends just made us do it. We have all experiences Bandwagon Strategy on ourselves in a certain way.

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For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Branding & Re-Branding and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

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Why You Must Own a Showcase Website for Your Brand?

Why You Must Own a Showcase Website for Your Brand?

Showcase Website For More Visibility

Visibility of your brand affects all the other assets you need for successful business maintenance.

Before everything-presentation promotes your product and plays a huge role in further sales as well. Imagine this like a fashion Runway. Even most famous designers participate in seasonal fashion shows, or hold ones of their own to showcase their designs, create the WOW effect and later sell it to the target customers.

At High Visibility You Still Need Showcase Website

Now, just as we mentioned above-even most famous designers don’t sleep on runway shows and make sure to never leave a design without an extra pair of eyes watching it. Even if your brand has high visibility already, updates happen continuously and those are to be showcased equally. We all want to have a good look at the product before we click the checkout button.

To have more visibility on the internet, you need to create a showcase website. It is part of your brand communication strategy and it is beneficial to make your brand known in your sector of activity as well as to find new customers.

Showcase Website For Services

Showcasing services might seem a little bit more difficult than presenting the goods. Yet, if you get really creative it’s just as easy.

Now, let’s say you have a delivery service and you need a showcase website. Generally, what delivery service offers as bare minimum is timely delivery and safe one of course. We don’t want to deliver broken packages right? What you can do for your showcase website is to concentrate on customer-generated content and video content.


Customer Generated And Video Content

Using feedbacks of your customers from social media platforms is a great way to showcase your services. One benefit is, that those comments are public either way, most obviously the customer won’t risk sharing their confidential information on a global platform. You can basically screenshot those feedbacks and turn them into infographics. Of course, before using them, take a good look at the comment regarding any confidential classified information.

As for Videos, recording your working process or the one of courier’s will keep your activity transparent, thus forming a trust bond between you and your customer.

Showcase Website And Sales

The main purpose of this type of website is to create first impression, desirably the positive one. The trick to this website is to not say even a word about sales in the beginning. Just present how awesome you are as a brand and how useful your offers can be.

From the showcase website you can add the extension to transfer a potential customer to your online shop.

The question of How Much It Costs will pop up in a customer’s head and considering you’ve already presented your product as a certain niche, price expectations will be just as adequate.

Design Has To Pop

Design will do a lot for you when it comes to the showcase website building. In one of our articles we are speaking about the UI friendly design for your web development (mobile and web applications) in more detail.

Now, if you’ve ever wanted to spice up the outlook of your traditional website which serves sales and engagement, but never decided to risk on it-this will be a great opportunity to give freedom to creative workflow.

Of course, you must not forget to go according to the brand-book and make the aesthetically matching color-choices, but you can opt for different usage of landing page space for the very least. So far as the purpose of your website is different, you can also give another font a try which also goes well with your primary fonts.


Not only is a Showcase Website so productive for your digital marketing strategies, it can also give you a good time to experiment and use the customer research statistics in a whole new style. This just might serve you as additional source to research customer behavior via the CTR rates on the platform. Basically, showcasing can be a fun experience alongside with being profitable.

What We Offer

For more articles from our experts, make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for professional assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Feel free to contact us anytime!

Branding (EN)

How To Maintain Strategically Correct Marketing Ethics?

How To Maintain Strategically Correct Marketing Ethics?

ABC Of Marketing Ethics

The collective of moral principles your branding strategy is guided by, is what we call the Marketing Ethics. The ethics you decide upon are there to serve the interests and expectations of your targeted customers. Potential and loyal ones alike.

Ethics determine how long your customer would want to stay connected to your brand. It’s just like what we value as individuals in a co-working space. Quite often we don’t want to do business with an individual who has poor work-ethic right? Same goes for marketing.

5 Elements Of Good Marketing Ethics

Correct Ethics of Marketing are based on five major components: Empathy, Honesty, Transparency, Promise-Keeping and Sustainability. If you lack even one out of these five, it will surely show up in your progression in engagement and sales. These five elements are as crucial as the well-known five elements of nature in alchemy.


Magic Of Marketing Ethics

For a fun example, let’s say you’re an alchemist (Brand Owner), you need to make a philosopher’s stone (excellent marketing strategy) and you need five elements of nature (five elements of marketing ethics). Basic ingredients cannot be replaced, or you will get a completely different stone which will not serve you for long.

Marketing Ethics And Work Environment

After some fun of the alchemic examples let’s get back to more realistic aspect of the creation. Your marketing ethics will surely affect your working environment. It’s not just how your customers see you, the perception of your team matters just as much.

Honesty plays a huge role in this case. Just imagine telling your creative team to write a copy about the product that is not completely true. They might do it, but most likely the team will be first to lose trust in you and your brand. This generally leads to the loss of great, professional team-members.

Element 1 – Empathy

Your customers are not just people buying your stuff. These are the individuals who granted you their trust and support by purchasing and engaging with your brand. Keep in mind, that your target audience has some common interests and issues which you can address at least through social media and make your audience feel heard. Do not neglect the emotional aspect of communication.

Element 2 – Honesty

Honesty is valued highly and it’s a fact. You might have heard tons of complaints about numerous brands, that they earned the trust of audience and decided to slack off on quality after a certain period of time. Some customers might continue to buy that product for a little while until they find another alternative.

Try to stay honest about your production and not disappoint the audience. Clearly, mistakes can be made on the road, but don’t try to blame a third party for them. Be honest, admit and try to make up for it as timely as possible.

Element 3 – Transparency

Transparency can be showcased in many ways. One of those is live sessions on social media to demonstrate the working environment or making the product. Some brands decide to gate keep the inner space of the company.

Of course everything that makes you exclusive cannot be published into the world, but showing at least some of your creative process creates the feeling of transparency, which gives you the trust from your audience.

Element 4 – Promise Keeping

Means what it sounds like. Keep your promises. When putting a product out in the world, we provide the audience a certain solution with it. So, verbally or not, we promise that our product can do something to better some aspect of their daily routine. Make sure it’s not just an empty promise and stay true to the purpose of your product and brand.

Element 5 – Sustainability

And here we are with the final element of marketing ethics. Quality has higher value than quantity. This goes for your product as well. You could provide audience with numerous low-quality products, but they can never make up for a single high-quality product.

Sustainability is best exemplified in Car Productions. We all know at least one car model that can over-rule many lower quality models. Customers tend to prefer paying a good amount for high-quality product once, then for numerous ones which cost less and last for a shorter period of time.

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If you want more expertise on communication strategies, check out our Edana blog, as well as all our services. Feel free to contact us at any time!

Branding (EN)

How To Sell Your Brand’s Ideas To The Target Audience?

How To Sell Your Brand’s Ideas To The Target Audience?

Define The Brand Idea

Clearly, when it comes to branding, the idea it stands behind is the crucial part to finding the right target audience that you can later define your marketing strategies for. These digital strategies help you to better sell your products or services online, which translates into better sales.

Keep in mind, that people buy from you exactly, because it’s the identity you offer them in the first place and a special feeling.

You might ask, what is that special feeling? It can be freedom, luxury, exclusivity etc. The idea that you define beforehand is a base to all the rest of your marketing strategy.

The Audience Wants More

Your customers, doesn’t matter what type of business you have-want more than just a fancy product. The unique feeling of your brand is shown through packaging, business-cards, digital or printed advertisements, blogposts etc.

Even the color palette and aesthetics which some brands do not pay much attention to-can drastically upgrade your engagement and sales simultaneously. In case of neglecting this part of communication, sales and conversions are more likely to downgrade.


Finding Your Brand’s Idea

It’s quite famously known, that great ideas change the lives of people for the better. Now, you might think, there are so many ideas out there already being occupied by other brands, what else could you possibly offer right? Well, not right.

Every brand can take an idea, but interpret it in a unique way. Just because there is someone else out there with similar ideas, it doesn’t stop you from adapting this idea to your own unique thinking and your product.

Stay True To Yourself

The vital part of acquiring an idea for your brand and tailoring it to your own interpretation is to also stay true to it. What we mean by this is, that if you speak up about certain subjects using your brand’s authority-don’t make it a one-time thing.

Only using an idea when it gets trendy will surely lead you to losing your customers. Also, some brands tend to walk down the path of silence, which is just as dooming for your brand’s identity.

An Advocate For Your Customers

For a more specific example, let’s say you are a brand that stands up for the idea of gender equality. Your product inspires both-male and female to be the customer that is being heard and spoken up for. Many brands make a huge mistake of not thinking big and globally.

Advocating for the equality only in a small shell of a city or state is not enough. Let’s say you live in a small town and your content only speaks for your community-which is very limited in quantities. Meanwhile globally people are facing gender inequality consequences and you don’t post about it. There we have selective support, which your customers will notice and dislike.

Don’t Limit Your Brand

Quite often, brand owners tend to become scared of pushing the limits of their business. It may be communication-wise, strategically or aesthetically. Especially, if the first shot at branding succeeds, the company tends to stick to the narratives which have the habit of expiring throughout time.

Some aspects of old marketing tools and ideas can be useful to create a nostalgic feeling, or emphasize your loyalty to your base and core ideas; But, additions must be made and the brand has to evolve along with its ideas to stay up to date with customer’s interests.

The Idea Is What Sells

We measure brand’s success through sales, conversions, CTR, engagement, commercial statistics, social media statistics and so on this list goes. All of the elements that create conceptually agreeable product for your target audience primarily derive from your core idea.

So, what you actually sell-is your IDEA. We have emphasized that through-out the whole article and in conclusion, we can say, that in most cases such abstract element of branding gets to the heart of your audience. The concept of your brand’s function on the market is exactly what helps it stay and strive on the market.

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For more articles from our experts, feel free to browse our publications on Edana. Contact us at any time, we will help you with your projects!

Branding (EN)

Eco-Friendly Oriented Marketing Strategies

Eco-Friendly Oriented Marketing Strategies

Green Marketing

The growth of environmental awareness is heightening the demand for businesses to implement green techniques and methods in order to meet market expectations.  Green marketing helps businesses attract new consumers. It also offers an opportunity to keep loyal customers happy and satisfied. In order to show commitment, promoting sustainability is as important as practicing it.

Green marketing is more than an advertisement. It involves a range of activities and responsibilities you will have to take on.  There are a few strategies to put your intentions into play.

Digital Marketing

Online marketing is far more eco-friendly than conventional marketing such as direct mail or printed advertising. It refers to all of the strategies a brand could utilize to advertise a business online in a sustainable and ethical manner, and it is also more accessible.

Social Networking Benefits

Social networking is a low-cost option to engage with current and potential clients. Publishing content and advertisements on well-known social media platforms helps to build a brand and establish its credibility. It goes without saying that one of the most notable perks of e-marketing is the potential to reduce your carbon footprint.

Financial Upsides

Digital marketing allows you to save expenses and have more creative freedom with your aesthetics, as well as reach target markets that might otherwise be inaccessible.  To raise awareness of your sustainability initiatives, make sure your message appears in both your marketing campaigns and on your website.

Recycling & Paper Packaging

Recycling is an essential aspect of any eco-friendly marketing plan. Choosing paper packaging made from recycled materials could help you advertise your company’s environmental credentials.

Recycled paper, a well-known resource conservation method, is a simple approach to gently convey that your company is environmentally conscientious. Printing brochures, flyers, or business cards produced on recycled paper is nearly as cheap as conventional paper.


Eliminate Plastic

Furthermore, eliminating all types of plastic and, in certain situations, contemplating “naked packaging” is a good enough reason for a green brand to stand out. Unsustainable packaging has the tendency to deter customers from purchasing environmentally friendly products.

Culture of Sustainability

Green campaign awareness is all about convincing your audience that you’re in it for the right reasons and to truly make an impact, you must implement environmentally conscious practices throughout your company. It is essential to spread this concept among your workforce and ensure they understand where your raw materials are coming from and who your distributors are.

Stand Out In Green

Only then, you pave the path by starting to highlight your company’s environmental benefits. This might include addressing how business operations can serve society in the long run.  You may interact with employees, customers, and prospects using technology and the marketing approach outlined above, and discuss how the initiatives your business has adopted or plans to implement will affect them and their community.

Raise Awareness

Raising awareness of what you are doing right will undoubtedly create a chain reaction in which employees adopt eco-friendly practices, consumers are drawn to your company,  and competitors follow in your footsteps. You can take all the steps necessary to achieve sustainability, but you must also take advantage of every chance to spread the word about what you are doing.

Avoid ‘Greenwashing.’

Be cautious and avoid “greenwashing.” It happens when a company devotes more effort and resources to presenting itself as environmentally friendly than to actually reducing its environmental effect. Even if a company has noble intentions, it might engage in greenwashing.  To avoid harming your company’s reputation, only use verifiable data and make clear and accurate statements. If certain products or services are not eco-friendly, do not utilize the color green or pictures from nature, such as trees and flowers. The key is to keep it authentic. Genuine and real green marketing is the way to go.

Future Growth

Sustainability might be hard to accomplish, but it inevitably leads to future growth. Consumers demand organizations and companies to do more to minimize environmental impact.

Stay Consistent

There are many companies trying to prove that they are environmentally cautious. It is common knowledge that not every business can become eco-friendly overnight. However, there are ways to make sure you are being mindful and are taking meaningful steps to minimize the impact on our home planet.


If you practice what you preach, your consumers will trust you and the decisions you make. Green businesses earn more in the long term, as they have a reputation for being trustworthy and environmentally friendly.

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For more interesting articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana and don’t forget to check our services for professional assistance in your Marketing Plan Building. Feel free to contact us anytime!

Branding (EN)

Avoid These Mistakes In Your Communication Strategies!

Avoid These Mistakes In Your Communication Strategies!

Create A Dialogue, Not a Monologue

In communications, there are quite so many brands that forget-communications takes two individuals at least to be labeled as communication. When conveying a message in your Marketing Copy or Key Visuals don’t forget to leave some space for the viewer’s mind to participate in your message.

It’s almost like restricting your customers’ messaging resources and only send them texts whenever you feel right. A good message gives the reader or a viewer an opportunity to question, discuss or even prolong the story you’re telling them. It’s somewhat of a plot twist, but in marketing style.

Tell A Story That Intrigues

From the beginning of times storytelling has been proven to attract the individuals’ curiosity. “What happens next” is the key to human curiosity. We all know a saying that stories never really end. You just might be lucky enough to witness how it evolves or repeats itself.

Let’s review storytelling as a textual tool. For example, you are writing for your blog. You might not be a professional copywriter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use some basic principles to create an interesting story.


Don’t Make It Boring

Maybe another thing from the very dawn of humanity, that unites common curiosity is our need for drama. Well, not constantly, but from time to time a little drama won’t hurt. The funny thing is, people in general enjoy someone else’s drama more. Let’s be honest-no one likes to have to go through drama, but discussing it is quite a lot of fun.

When writing a post, you have to think, what would completely take over the curiosity of your customer. How you begin the story is very important. Generally, depending on what works on a specific subject, you either start from the mind-blowing part of the story and later explain what happened, or you start from the roots and develop the story in a way to make a reader stay until the end.

Tell A Visual Story

Visual communications are more fun. Depending on the interests and behavior of your target audience, you later choose the correct and most effective tool of your communications. One of the most modern and trendy visual communication is short stories, like 15 sec. video content that can be uploaded on Facebook, Instagram stories or TikTok.

The fun thing about these short stories is, that viewer only gets one intriguing part of the whole story and the rest is up to them. We, as viewers can imagine almost anything as a continuance to that video content.

Drama And Storytelling In TV Ads

So far, social media communications are trendy, but don’t forget that the visibility of your brand does not depend solely on Social Media Marketing. People still watch TV and it has to be taken into consideration. When creating an Ad for Television Commercial-you have to start from scratch. A copy is made from pure imaginations in details of how the whole filming process should go. It’s basically a scenario.

There are some ads that have stayed in our memories for a long time. Don’t forget, that the stories work best, when based off of insights from your customers and their almost MEME-LIKE feedbacks on Social Media Platforms.

Don’t Neglect Catch-Phrases

Keeping up with fun trends among your target audience does you a great service of creating entertaining content. As we speak of entertaining and insight-based content, let’s review one of the most memorable ads. Do you remember Budweiser’s “Whassup” commercial? A unique greeting that is still remembered through generations. Well, we have to thank the Mask for that as well. The point here is-The Budweiser Brand noticed this fun trend and wrapped it in a strategic manner. That’s how you create great content from your audience’s favorite catch-phrases.

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For more interesting articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana and don’t forget to check our services for professional assistance in your Communications Strategy Development. Feel free to contact us anytime!

Branding (EN)

How Taglines and Slogans Improve Your Brand Image?

How Taglines and Slogans Improve Your Brand Image?

Words Have Power

Any successful brand has an idea they stand by. What’s even more important is-how a brand articulates their position on the markets. We have already discussed the importance of having a great copywriter in your company.

In this article we shall be reviewing the differences of slogans and taglines and how they affect your reputation as a brand on the market. Words make you more competitive. Great key visuals alone won’t convey as much message if the text doesn’t clearly state the point you are trying to make for your customer.

Words That Call To Action

The messages in your communication can call to action or no action at all. The most interesting part about creating a great slogan or a tagline is to not make it too obvious that sales matter to you as a brand. A customer feels almost betrayed when they see that their favorite brand only tries to sell them products. Through words you connect with your audience, practically have a dialogue.

The other side of dialogue shows itself through online and offline communications, which mathematically result in engagement and conversion statistics. History of advertisement has seen many great slogans or taglines and some were popular for being the worst/offensive.


Stay Aware Of Surroundings

As stated in the previous paragraph, certain taglines or slogans can turn out to be offensive. One of the greatest skills of a great copywriter is choosing the right words. Now, you might not immediately notice whether your slogan is offensive or not. So, make your research about social news around your field of production at the very least.

Listen Before Speaking

Let’s review the marketing strategy of Victoria’s Secret for example. Angel wings were fun for a certain period of time, but the brand failed to follow the society in its body positive movement.

The brand practically disconnected its communication from the actual target audience and this showed quite well on their reputation. Nowadays in comparison to VS, Savage X Fenty is striving! SXF succeeded in its communication strategies and got great benefits from it as well.

Slogan VS Tagline

As we’ve spoken so much about the importance of slogans and taglines, let’s review how they differ from one-another. A tagline in branding is a memorable composition of words, which serves as an all-time motto of your brand’s ideas, purpose, values etc. As for a slogan, it’s designed for a temporary marketing/advertising campaign, but in many cases it can become as memorable as a tagline.

Examples From The Legends

Bigger enterprises can give us greatest examples of how slogans and taglines work. Let’s review a few of them in this paragraph.

Adidas Tagline is “Impossible Is Nothing”. This tagline emphasizes the mission of a brand and its purpose. What’s the idea this brand resonates with its audience by. On the contrary, their slogan for one of marketing campaigns was “Forever Sport”. No less memorable right?

As for Nike-the genius in communications, we all know the “JUST DO IT” line. It’s been marketed in many ways around and just never gets boring. In fact, it’s extremely motivational for Nike’s target audience. Nike tells us to stop postponing important actions. Yet, they had a slogan for the Air Max campaign “Color Your Air Max”.

This campaign was focused on showing the target audience that, their individuality could be presented through Nike’s product. Air Max in this case.

And here we are with Disney Land! The part of our childhood and not just ours. Maybe not just childhood after all. Disney is like a lifetime partner in amusement business. Its tagline is “Happiest Place On Earth”. Disney Land offers us a comforting and entertaining place to feel happy. Isn’t feeling happy the purpose of almost every individual? Smart wording right?

As a slogan Disney Land has “Where Dreams Come True”. The same smart targeting of people’s needs-conscious and unconscious.

Well, as a summary a Tagline sells the Brand itself, whereas the Slogan sells the product which the brand is focused on for the time-being.

What We Offer

For more interesting articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana and don’t forget to check our services for professional assistance in your Digital Marketing Strategies. Feel free to contact us anytime!

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How Diverse Content Can Improve Your Brand Image?

How Diverse Content Can Improve Your Brand Image?

Content Is Multifunctional

Content is everything in digital marketing. Whether you want to upgrade your brand popularity or sales, CTR, engagement-it’s all happening thanks to your content. In a previous article about content calendar we have discussed the importance of your content’s consistency. Now, let’s speak about its diversity. To put it simply, only one form of content becomes quite boring after a short time period. So, let’s review the types of content you can use to keep your target audience entertained.

Storytelling Post

Readers love stories they can submerge into. This can be creatively accomplished by a great copywriter. Actually, the more fun is the story-the better. Your reader wants entertaining content in the first place, before they decide on your product or service. Don’t make it too long. Make sure it’s a short-60 sec. story.


Animated Post

You probably thought of a long 1-minute animation when you read the heading. But, animated content can be a simple GIF image as well. Make sure it’s relevant to your customers’ experiences. If you have had a fun story in your service, incorporate that as well. Give a good laugh or at least a smile with a simple motion picture.

Meme Post

Speaking of fun content. Memes are the quickest way to immediately present visual and textual content simultaneously. If there is any type of a joke regarding your field, don’t be too shy or too serious and use it for your advantage.

Parody Post

In this type of content, make sure to emphasize certain personas in your field and niche. Parody does not ultimately mean mocking someone. In branding and content planning, parody posts mean showcasing the person’s strong and weak qualities and analyzing them. The image can be a fun illustration of course, but be careful. You don’t want to offend anyone.

Review Post

Customers just love product reviews. Have you ever been oddly satisfied by watching a random unboxing video on YouTube? Well, you’re not the only one. A lot of people enjoy the element of surprise. Or maybe you have an upcoming new product and want to show it off? Review posting would be the way to go.

Q&A Post

Q&A is a lot of fun for both-you and your customer. The important thing here is to come up with creative questions or quizzes. It’s even better if they grant the participant a formal gift. Maybe a badge of quiz winner? A small promo-code? It can be right about anything. Entertaining the customer and getting necessary insights to update your current marketing strategies.

News Post

News don’t have to be only internal information. Like, what’s going on in your office or how your creative team brainstorms daily. That’s great content, but not enough. Make sure to share interesting details about your field of business and fresh updates on trends. Audience loves to be informed in a timely manner.

Inspiring Post

If you have a successful company, it’s very likely your product changes people’s lives one way or another. It can be affecting almost anything, even the perception of themselves in individuals. Find out about those facts through Q&A postings for example and then create an inspiring post from those insights. Focus on emotions, not just your product or service.

Out of Context Post

We constantly speak about being in tune with your brand image, voice and authority. It’s quite risky to create posts out of context. As we know every great brand stands for something and has an idea they are focused on. Don’t be too afraid to address general events happening in your surrounding when necessary. Especially, when those events have emotional value and connect with the core idea of your brand.

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For more interesting articles make sure to scroll through Publications on Edana and don’t forget to check out our services for professional assistance in your content marketing strategies. Feel free to contact us anytime!

Branding (EN)

How To Attract More Customers With Uppercase Lettering

How To Attract More Customers With Uppercase Lettering

Uppercase Letters In Customer Behavior

Many aspects define the authority, identity and image of your Brand. Colors, copies, typography, shapes, UI/UX design-all of these communications primarily affect customer’s behavior and their perception of your brand.

In previous articles we have discussed the importance of the right typography in your branding and communication strategies. Uppercase lettering used correctly is another form of communication which gives your brand that premium vibe you’re striving to have. Customer behavior is an endless subject of research and we will be reviewing how Uppercase letters affect it.

The Supremacy Effect

Funny enough, the buyer persona for a premium brand is not the target audience which has more than average income. Customers drawn to premium brands and feeling the necessity to own an item are the ones with average income. Especially when a potential customer is aiming to find something, like an accessory they want to indulge as much as possible for the occasion. Funny enough, searching through brands they feel more drawn to the ones with uppercase lettering. The customer feels like they are purchasing something more unique than a mainstream product.


Just Uppercase Won’t Do

Well, of course only adding an uppercase letter is not enough, the font has to be chosen wisely and placed in a stylish manner as well. The most common mistakes some brands make are over-expanding their imagery. In this case, let’s speak about the infamous GUCCI. The Gucci attire has the logo with all uppercase letters and immediately catch the eye, thanks to their rich color-combinations and fitting contrast in this very same palette. For some people Gucci seems a little too much of lux, but if handed an opportunity, no-one would deny wearing it. So, the Gucci typographic logo is very balanced in its measurements. It’s not too wide and not too tall. The ratios of Width and Length are followed proportionally and that’s another reason the logo is appealing to the customer.

Futura Typeface

When it goes down to uppercase letters, the Futura Typeface is the one to go and many brands use it-like Supreme for example. The other font very familiar to premium branding is Helvetica. Of course all of them have their forms like bold, semi-bold, italic, tall etc. So, you will not immediately notice that certain brands are using the same font for their logo. Nike uses Futura Typeface for their logo too, but it doesn’t look the same as Supreme right?

Uppercase-Lowercase Game

Customers can make a number of unconscious choices based on what they see, especially from the very first glance. The instant they see a logo or a tagline, they’ve already associated it with something meaningful to themselves, either positive or negative. So, in a moment after seeing a logo, we’ve already inferred and judged the premium value of the brand. Visual cues such as color, shape and wrapping all influence whether the customers see a brand as premium or not.  And that’s where brand names take over. Uppercase letters attract customers’ attention, simply because they stand out more than lowercase ones. It’s primarily this difference in style that makes uppercase letters more likely to signal the uniqueness of a brand than their lowercase counterparts. While unique products make the customer feel special, the actual reason to buy these products is because they want to impress people in their surroundings. These products show off wealth, prestige, social status and a certain lifestyle. It’s the presentation of the purchase that’s actually captivating.

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For more interesting articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana and don’t forget to check our services for Professional Assistance with your Branding Strategy. Feel free to contact us anytime!