Integrated platform connecting major brands and hospitals

The charitable organization Ange de Noël contacted Edana with the goal of designing a digital gift distribution solution that could be integrated with various partners. A multidisciplinary team was assembled for this project and built a comprehensive digital platform that includes a back-office, online ordering and donations, as well as the integration and centralization of multiple third-party product catalogs.

A comprehensive solution integrating both B2B and B2C

Our specialists designed a complete solution that allows the association’s staff to manage the product catalog, integrate external catalogs from major brands, and enable families to independently order their gifts. The donation experience was also digitized.

Our consultants also supported the organization in establishing crucial partnerships with the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) and the company King Jouet.

A centralized catalog consolidating multiple third-party feeds

To offer a range of gifts to hospitalized children, the NGO signed partnerships with various brands. Our software engineers integrated the feeds from their catalogs to centralize their products into a single order point.


Secure multi-channel donations.

In addition to the inventory and order management system, our team developed a secure online donation system that allows donors to contribute to the organization from their computer, mobile phone, or tablet.

A child-friendly experience

Each child receives a dedicated Christmas card containing a unique code that allows them to order on the Christmas Angel website. Our UX and UI specialists designed a simple and ergonomic online ordering solution that allows children of all ages to order intuitively. The interface has no distractions for optimal usability.


Inventory, orders, catalogs

To enable the NGO to manage all aspects of its operations, our teams built a custom management software. The orchestration of different feeds and business processes is done in a smooth and intuitive manner.

Optimized navigation architecture to turn visitors into donors

An NGO has performance objectives just like a private company. It is therefore of utmost importance that the navigation flow be conducive to generating conversions (donations and contacts in the case of this charity project). Our marketers and copywriters therefore thought and implemented the taglines strategically and our designers elaborated a mock-up of the interface which was tested with a target group of users before development in order to ensure maximum performance in terms of conversion rates.

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