Digital Consultancy & Business (EN)

Upcoming Marketing trends in the Hospitality industry 

By Benjamin Massa
Views: 5314

The main goal of hospitality marketing is to raise awareness of your company and boost sales. Similar to marketing in other sectors, trends in the hospitality sector come and go. Marketing managers must stay updated to stay ahead of the competition. It also maximize the number of customers they attract through their digital activities.

Fortunately, you’ve come to the correct place if you’re seeking the latest developments in hospitality marketing trends.

The trends in hospitality marketing that you should be aware of are detailed below. These trends are relevant in practically all circumstances and impact hospitality businesses of all sizes.

Increase Customer Satisfaction and Experience With Chatbots

Chatbots are a significant component of many contemporary hospitality marketing strategies. Regardless of employee availability, these bots enable quick customer service replies and can handle several languages.

This technology may be used to help and promote booking completion throughout the booking step. Additionally, bots could be able to cross-sell and up-sell, which might help your company increase income.

Voice Searching

The voice activation preference of the younger generation of Internet users presents a significant opportunity for the hotel sector. The voice search feature on laptops, phones, and other similar devices is a sort of speech control and recognition technology. 

Hotel visitors may talk on their smartphones to make a hotel room reservation. They can even manage the room’s features like lighting, music, and heating through voice search. Shortly, more internet marketers are encouraged to begin spending money on this new trend.

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Personalization Marketing

Another of the most effective hospitality marketing techniques you can use is personalization marketing.

By using automated technologies and data collecting, personalized marketing enables businesses to send tailored content to their target clients. By speaking to potential clients on a personal level, personalization marketing tries to spark their interest. 

Hotels and travel operators should personalize their offerings for their customers through targeted emails. For instance, anytime a tour operator or hotel is about to provide a discount, tailored emails may be sent to the targeted customer.

Marketing focused on the customer

Customer experience is crucial to earning loyalty in the competitive environment of the hotel sector. Remember that offering outstanding customer service doesn’t necessarily translate into immediate financial gain. 

To suit the demands of your hotel or travel agency, it is essential to create thorough customer experience marketing campaigns. 

You must assemble statistics from online consumer feedback on review websites to provide strong returns and a consistent supply of repeat customers. This will give you a lot of knowledge about the preferences of your clients. Suggestions for how to improve your business, and indicators of future conversions.

Video Advertising

Hotels and the travel industry may use video marketing to interact with their target market on Facebook Live, Instagram, and Snapchat as well as YouTube. 

Written material can help you build brand awareness and attract readers’ attention. But if you want to engage them right away, why not provide them with short films about your resort or hotel? 

Use video marketing, for instance, to show off the relaxing spaces where customers may rest while staying at your hotel. Remember that to engage viewers, your movies and photographs must be of the finest quality.

Using influencers

Influencer marketing is quickly becoming a wonderful option for hospitality managers to stay relevant in a competitive sector. When it comes to boosting hotel brand recognition, influencer marketing is the digital equivalent of word-of-mouth advertising. 

Through the development of consumer reputation and trust, you may reach a far wider audience to your resort or travel company. 

You might, for instance, target young individuals who are increasingly selecting Airbnb services over traditional hotels with your influencer marketing campaign. By creating genuine material that doesn’t sound overly brand-oriented, you may engage your potential consumers.


Marketing is critical in assisting organizations to boost bookings and income. It is the principal method through which people in the hospitality sector may promote their brand values to potential clients.

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By Benjamin

Digital expert


Benjamin Massa

Benjamin is an experienced strategy consultant with 360° skills and a strong mastery of the digital markets across various industries. He advises our clients on strategic and operational matters and elaborates powerful tailor made solutions allowing organizations and entrepreneur to achieve their goals. Building the digital leaders of tomorrow is his day-to-day job.


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