Mobile Application Development (EN)

Marketing Strategy to promote your Mobile Application

By Jonathan Massa
Views: 5728

Why is Mobile Application strategy important?

If you just launched your first mobile App and you are celebrating, it is a little too soon cause no one knows about it, and your application might get lost in the endless number of apps. For more clarity, approximately 3.4 million applications are in App Store, and more than 80 thousand apps are in Google Play. 

It is not difficult to realize how low your chances of approaching your target audience are without a proper marketing strategy. 

80% of the world’s population owns a smartphone and uses different apps for 6-7 hours daily. So having a mobile app isn’t only essential. But also a great competition, too. To stand out, you should build a marketing strategy for your mobile app. 

What is Mobile Application marketing?

Mobile Application marketing is a marketing technique used to promote Apps. It is very similar to traditional marketing, but it has a few differences you should know before starting to work on mobile app marketing.

Marketing your mobile application does not mean just making people interested in your product. It means guiding users altogether, teaching, and communicating with them. Mobile App marketing strategy has three main stages during app development.

  1. Awareness stage
  2. Acquisition stage
  3. Retention stage 

Let’s see each stage closely and find the main steps to make your mobile app attractive for users. 

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Awareness stage

This stage is often called the pre-launched stage. That is the phase when your main goal is to make your product visible and known. Before starting work on your brand’s awareness, you should have a vision of your brand’s values, positioning, and messaging. 

Everything starts with launching, but Before deciding on the launch date of the app, you should consider some important things. Firstly, make sure that nothing important is planned for that date, because it may outshine your application and put you in second place. Also, consider that Apple reviews apps more strictly than Google. 

Another crucial thing you should do for successful launching is a market research and building a user persona. It will help you understand who your ideal customer is, what is important for them and how the market responds to their desires. 

From there you are starting building awareness for your app, use every possible channel, but use them wisely.  Social media, influencers, and websites, all of them will help you promote your app. 

Acquisition stage 

Congratulations! You moved on to the user acquisition stage, where you have to work on gaining users, it is time to be creative, try different methods, and focus on achieving as many downloads as possible. 

You can use various strategies to reach your users, for example, paid ads, App store optimization (ASO), and many more. 

Always keep an eye on where are more downloads coming from and work on it. The more downloads you get, the more chances you have to appear on the top of App Store searches. 

Retention stage 

The next step is to make your new users into your loyal customers because if the app isn’t used there is no benefit for the business. To improve your app, You should communicate with your users and make them want to use your product every day.  You can use in-app messages, and push notifications, offer them a referral bonus, ask them for feedback, etc. you should make your mobile app user feel involved. 

Also, another important thing is user experience. If your application is hard to use, the interface is not interesting and simply, there is a big chance to lose most of the customers soon.

To find out how to keep your Apps user friendly and aesthetically attractive make sure to check out our article – When should I hire a UI/UX designer?


As you saw as any other product, a mobile application also needs a well-planned marketing strategy. If you want to have a successful mobile app you should set your goals, keep track of all the important metrics and never stop the development of your product. It sounds like a hard and complex process as it is, but our team can help you with every step. 

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By Jonathan

Technology Expert


Jonathan Massa

As a specialist in digital consulting, strategy and execution, Jonathan advises organizations on strategic and operational issues related to value creation and digitalization programs focusing on innovation and organic growth. Furthermore, he advises our clients on software engineering and digital development issues to enable them to mobilize the right solutions for their goals.


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