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How to use PPC Advertising for the Target Audience?

By Lina
Views: 6116

PPC Ads Basics

PPC Ads are also known as Pay Per Click Ads. It’s a model of Web-Marketing which involves advertiser’s payment for each click their ads get. It’s pretty much a strategy of buying views of your ads. Simply said-you pay for interaction rather than just a placement of an ad on a specific platform. Also, keep in mind, that search engine advertisement is one of the most popular forms of Pay Per Click Ads.

The way PPC Ads are presented in a search engine is well shown through Keyword Biddings. Make sure to check out our article which explains KW Bidding in far more detail. So, let’s say via using specific keywords your Web-Campaign could get at the top of relevant searches. You’re bidding on a specific keyword relevant to your product, right? Every click that your Web Advertisement gets-you pay a small fee for. If your keyword bidding succeeds, you’ll find yourself at the top of organic search results.

PPC and Target Audience

Possibly one of the clearest PPC Ads examples are You Tube Ads. Now, we are not speaking of the ones before or at the end of your video which has a specific time-span you have to watch it for. Those are the pop-ups at the bottom. If the ads are places in the right digital space, you are actually more likely to click it.

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Now, we’ve mentioned Keyword bidding in the previous paragraph. To make sure your organic search goes up-you need to target right audience with relative keyword search history right? Now, imagine a pop-up ad about kitchenware which is PPC, appearing under the Beauty content videos.

That’s not the most relative choice for sure. Well, PPC ad is still like a double edged sword, so let’s get deeper into that.

Why or Why Not PPC Ads?

Now, PPC has its upsides and downsides. Like we’ve mentioned-it’s great to pay for interaction and it’s a small fee, but does it automatically guarantee your conversion rate progress? Well, there is a chance, but it’s not guaranteed.

The thing that PPC ad is supposed to do-is to get you the interest of the audience. The rest that follows is up to your website or blog or whatever platform you are introducing to the potential customers.

So, it’s great if you need to increase traffic on your platform for specific reasons, like SEO improvement, but for conversions? Not the best way to go. Also, consider it as a pain to the budget if you were planning to balance out the PPC spendings with the hypothetic possibility of this audience purchasing your product or service. Consider PPC Ads as a simple introduction to the target audience of your offerings.

PPC Keyword Research Strategies

To research matching and functional keywords for your PPC Ads, here is the list of following strategies:

  • Relevant-First and foremost, of course keywords must be relevant to the purpose and function of your Ad. You need to pick targeted keywords which can lead to a increased PPC click-through rate and of course-with effective cost per click for your budget.
  • Exhaustive-Your choice of keyword research should involve not just the most trending and frequently searched terms of your field, but also to the long tail key phrases. Long-tail keywords are relatively specific and target-oriented. Keep in mind, that they are also less competitive, because many companies opt for short-tail keywords for higher search volume instead of specific targeting. Which also means-long tail keyword strategy is additionally more budget-friendly.
  • Expansive-You need to continuously re-define and expand your campaigns, create a digital environment where your keyword search volume is constantly increasing and adapting the algorithm.

What We Offer

For more similar articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana. And, don’t forget to check our services for Expert-Level assistance from your Swiss Digital Agency. Our expertise includes Paid Advertisement Services and many more. Feel free to contact us anytime!

By Lina

Ad Strategist



Lina is an expert in content strategy, consumer psychology and neuromarketing. She develops and deploys solid online content and advertising strategies enabling our customers to reach their target audiences and generate value in the digital space in Switzerland and abroad.


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