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Meta Verse Marketing-Promising Futuristic Tools for Marketing Strategies

By Marie
Views: 5727

Meta Verse for Future Marketing

Meta Verse has only begun to establish itself, but it’s very likely to become leader amongst the marketing platforms. The audience does not still have a specific model of how Meta Verse can possibly work, so here we are awaiting its features and functionality. Augmented reality is getting more and more attention, which also indicated Meta Verse becoming the popular platform to enroll in virtual reality. Let’s review several examples, how can Meta Verse become the marketing leader in closest future.

Why should you try out Meta Verse?

Currently all we have to do is observe and try some features for ourselves. Keep in mind, that meta company has a service called Meta for Business. This indicates that their products including Meta Verse itself are going to develop further platforms of service for enterprises.

The Meta Verse is promising its potential users to blur the lines between digital and physical solutions. Imagine all the newbie marketing strategies that can potentially evolve from this approach and especially how it could benefit your business if you’re the first to try!

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Current Meta Marketing Strategies

  • Insert yourself natively within the platform.
  • Parallel real-life and virtual environment.
  • Virtual Goods and Digital Avatars
  • Your own virtual venue.
  • Immersive experiences.

In following paragraphs, let’s review these strategies individually and how they can benefit the communications and sales of your business.

Native Platform

By inserting yourself naturally in the platform, for example say-You Tube, allows you to communicate with potential customers without interrupting their viewing experiences. The point is to not annoy the customers, or general viewers.

We do get annoyed with pop-ups for example, when watching a specific video-especially, when we are very focused on the content. To avoid this irritation, insertion in the native platform has a potential to be the greatest solution.

One of the greatest examples of in-platform advertisement can be found in gaming industry. Coca-Cola for example inserted its virtual billboards and Coca-Cola participates as a beverage of refreshment during breaks in the scenes from the mobile game “Wild Rift” by Riot Games.

Isn’t it creative? Now, Meta offers general virtual reality platform and imagine how many ways this can marketed! Gameplay realism campaign has earned Coca-Cola an increase of sales in 12% ratio.

Parallel Virtual and Real Life Marketing

A good kick-starter to adapt to virtual reality is to basically replicate your physical marketing strategies before establishing new completely digital ones. The digital avatars are likely to multiply from time to time. After research of virtual customers you can either replicate your marketing strategies, or create new ones virtually corresponding and engaging-yet, connected to your physical marketing models.

Virtual Goods Sales

Well, traditionally we have customers with traditional needs and interests for specific products. What you will need to do on Meta Verse platform is to create digital goods relevant to the needs and interests of the avatar. Certain brands like Balenciaga have already started collaborating with Meta Verse for creating a one of a kind virtual shopping experience.

Personal Virtual Venue

The whole fun thing about Meta Verse is that you can basically open your virtual 3D shop on a platform. This can become a fun experience for your sales team as well. There are huge possibilities of designing such digital environment, so feel free to let the creativity flow. This will help you communicate your ideas visually on a higher level.

Immersive Experiences

The possibility of creating virtual venues and avatars gives us another chance to offer brand-new experiences to the customers. Immersive experiences have a great potential of engaging the customer base to a whole new level.

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By Marie

Marketing Expert



Marie is an expert in digital strategy and project management. She audits the digital presences of companies and organizations of all sizes and in all sectors, and orchestrates strategies and plans that generate value for our customers. Highlighting and piloting solutions tailored to your objectives for measurable results and maximum ROI is her specialty.


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