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SaaS Marketing For Higher Profit Rates Of Your Software Business

By Jonathan Massa
Views: 6000

SaaS Basics

SaaS abbreviation deciphers as-Software as a Service. This marketing strategy is basically a great tool for building awareness about your software and to later pretty much sell it. SaaS marketers are vital teammates of your company, especially for product-focused business development. This marketing strategy ensures that you actually bring your product on the market, position it and create visibility of your SaaS organization.

Promote Remotely

Alongside with the benefits mentioned in the paragraph above, SaaS marketing has a very specific focus on promoting, generating and maintaining leads for products mainly based on subscriptions to SaaS products. In this case, businesses sell their products in digital form, such as cloud-based apps with consistent updates and additional functions.

Physical VS Digital

The physical products are mostly one-time purchases in comparison to SaaS marketed products which offer continuous growth of intangibility and rent-worthiness.

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Subscription services are more of a long-run type. In this case, let’s set an example. Say, we have an application of delivery services and we offer our customers to subscribe to our Prime service, which offers free delivery for a whole month in return to a monthly fixed fee. This prime package is exactly the one which undergoes SaaS marketing.

Before You Implement Your SaaS Strategy

Prior to executing your SaaS strategy, make sure you spend some time working on it. Might seem simple at a first glance, but there are some details to take into consideration. The fundament of almost any SaaS plan is to overall analyze the goals desired to achieve and relative objects with targets. Specific tactics come into play when planning SaaS. The SaaS marketing strategy mainly depends on your company’s current position on the market. Yet, regardless of any stage, here are certain things you must focus on:

  • Critically consider your credibility as the expert of your field.
  • Raise your brand awareness AGAIN.
  • Re-Confirm your products functionality on the market.
  • Re-establish your true costs and refresh your leads.

What Is Product/Market Fit Indicator

Basically, Product/market fit is a primary indicator for investor reassurance. This is necessary to refresh when you gain a higher amount of customers compared to the ones you started with. There are several components to be focused on and here is a brief example to some of them:

  • Optimize your marketing channels. Make them fit for new customers as well.
  • Explore new channels, you might have never thought some of them could be useful.
  • Reduce your acquisition costs by functional use of traffic, leads and quality analysis.
  • Improve on-site experience for your landing pages.
  • Maximize your PR quality to stay at the top of your B2C communications game.

Golden Words-Free Trial

In SaaS marketing world the term “free trial” is possibly the most popular and effective one at the same time. In physical products it is similar to offering free samples of certain products in smaller sizes. So, let’s say NYX Cosmetics offering a small version of their product as a free sample and Netflix offering you 1-month free trial is pretty much the same strategy. One fits the physical product and the other-digital one.

SaaS Trick Or Treat

In previous paragraph we have mentioned a free trial. Now, free stuff is what customers love so much and well, we all do. No question about that. Have you ever thought of making your application free, but still gain certain profits? Here is where ads come into play! There are many websites and applications which have an alternative of functioning without subscriptions. But, the trick is ads. Well, you have a choice-slower access to certain benefits and waiting for ads or opting for a treat as a subscription and get rid of that annoying 30 second countdown.

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By Jonathan

Technology Expert


Jonathan Massa

As a specialist in digital consulting, strategy and execution, Jonathan advises organizations on strategic and operational issues related to value creation and digitalization programs focusing on innovation and organic growth. Furthermore, he advises our clients on software engineering and digital development issues to enable them to mobilize the right solutions for their goals.


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