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The Benefits of “Hook Effect” in Marketing Strategy

By Lina
Views: 6562

Purpose Of The Hook Effect

When it comes to using the hook strategy in your digital marketing environment, keep in mind, that all of your content-graphic or textual have to be well aligned. Better gather up the creative team and start working out the hooks for your potential customers. Now, this strategy is more likely to obtain new customers, rather than concentrating on loyal ones. Refreshing your customer base is always necessary-especially when you want to repurpose your digital conytent as well.

What Does The Hook Effect Do

The strategy itself already sounds like it’s supposed to lure the customer in. Well, it’s basically what it sounds like. When thinking of a hook strategy, keep in mind, that emotions play the biggest part here. It’s a well-known psychological fact, that emotions of an individual drive them to press the “purchase” button.

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Fish In The Ocean

In one of our articles we have spoken in detail about taglines and slogans. Exactly these taglines and slogans are the first element a customer sees before they attach to the hook. When looking for new customer base, make sur you give your copywriter a clearly organized Brief, about the targeted audience. Many brands tend to make a mistake of thinking that, there is plenty of fish in the sea and new customers will just walk to their brand themselves. Well, that’s not the case certainly.

Emotions Drive The Action

No matter how enthusiastic we might be doing our business and marketing, still profits are what show our success in numbers. Funny enough, such an abstract thing as emotion determines our numeric success. Whatever you choose to use as graphic presentation for your hook content, making it over-organized and too professional will only bore a customer and leave a robotic feel to the communication. This will be a doomsday for our communications and sales at the same time.

An Example Of Hooking

Let’s review an abstract example of what hook strategy can be. Let’s say your brand produces socks. Regular warm, woolen socks. Now, you need to turn them into something more than just socks. You need to give it a meaning and an emotional one, so that a customer has a nostalgic feeling driving them to buy your product. Let’s review several steps:

  • Collect Insights about what kind of feeling your targeted audience can have connected to woolen socks. Maybe it’s a generation that used to have their knitted wear, including your product, made at home-by grandmothers for example.
  • Think of a slogan and a tagline. Keep in mind, that a tagline sells your brand, and a slogan sells your product. So far as tagline is permanent, find an emotion or experience your brand can be connected to. As for a slogan, if we go for Grannies story and insights, “Just Like Grandma’s” would perfectly fit the occasion.
  • Figure out the aesthetics of your visual design. Do you want it to be photographed? Or maybe create vector art? Depends on your target audience and their preferred visual aesthetics. If they are for example into film cameras-it would be hook-worthy to use a photograph edited in similar style as film camera product.

Make Everything Come Together

The final product that is supposed to lure your customer to purchase your goods, has to be well put together and a concept must be clear and understandable. Anything out of context will be easily noticeable. Make sure to create hook strategies on the same core idea, yet through different mediums. It can be SMM post, Blog Post, Print, Billboard etc. Yet, all the elements have to showcase connection to same concept. That exact concept built on emotional trust will surely benefit your sales and communications as well.

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By Lina

Ad Strategist



Lina is an expert in content strategy, consumer psychology and neuromarketing. She develops and deploys solid online content and advertising strategies enabling our customers to reach their target audiences and generate value in the digital space in Switzerland and abroad.


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