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Digital Architecture : Trends To Follow For More Visibility

By Caroline
Views: 5582

Digital Architecture In Modern World

When we speak about architecture loads on images come popping into our minds. It could be Duomo Di Milano or Sagrada Familia Barcelona. Now those I bet you must admire at least for monumental properties are classics. It’s a cultural heritage still dropping jaws of its viewers, yet modern architecture is not something to neglect.

Modern architecture is a part of our daily life and play a huge part in how we feel in the surroundings. You are less likely to feel the rush of picking up a Starbucks Venti sized iced Americano in Los Angeles then you would in New York.

Architecture almost dictates your lifestyle and even though certain basics haven’t changed-new and digital work ethic is quickly taking over architecture fields.

From Paper to Paper Screen

Now, probably you have heard about the special screen covers that make it feel like paper when you touch or look at it. The point of this paragraph is to demonstrate how digital the working process has become.

Back in the days (not too far back) Interior or Exterior designs were firstly sketched on a huge paper but now we have 3D programs, which help us get more realistic images of a planned project and if necessary even send a PDF file of it for example.

Instead of starting on paper, now these projects get printed at the very end of its design process.

Benefits of Digital Architecture

Digital architecture allows exact calculations that provides architects with certainty and allow a diverse amount of complex forms to be created with great ease using computer codes.

The certainty of these calculations also give a bigger advantage of safety. God forbid any calculation goes wrong and this could cost the safety of entire construction.

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Marketing Strategies For Your Digital Architecture Firm

No. 1 in this case is to have a responsive website and well organized communication. The quality of your designs won’t make an impression if your website is constructed poorly.

Digital Architecture is a visual oriented craft so make sure to have a well-organized and stylized portfolio. Give the customer options to scroll through.

Let’s say, a customer wants to have their garden designed but they have to click on full projects and stare at them for hours in panoramic view to see your potential. Give them customized buttons to see everything not just altogether but separately as well.

Make sure to use high quality images on your social media platforms and make a video demonstration of your finished-real life projects as well.

The Ongoing Trends

Reality Capture-Reality capture technologies give 3D modelling a more physical touch. Technology maturation is making more exact and precise forms of 3D measurement easily attainable. Primarily this means an architect doesn’t need to gouge their eyes for numerous calculations anymore.

VR and AR-Virtual reality and augmented reality are becoming popular by the day. These Technologies give designer a chance to fully present what’s on their mind. Like with other elements on the list, improved stabilization of cutting-edge technology is really what allows pros and amateurs alike to experiment with high Tech and find cost-effective ways.

Collaborative BIM-‘Building Information Modeling’ that made the term popular, presented a strategically calculated vision for digital elements in construction. The central premise of BIM was a process of collaboration enabled by the creation of a database-primarily planning environment.

Don’t be Shy-Make It Vibrant

In some instances, design companies might want to stick to realistic color map all too much. Just for the sake of contrast, you can use more vibrant colors and experiment with light touching the surface more. Seems contrary to what an excellent design might look for someone in the beginning, but it’s always nice to see the well differentiated tones in the element of digital construction.

What We Offer

For more interesting articles make sure to scroll through our Publications on Edana and don’t forget to check out our services, which include numerous digital expertise options. Make your digital marketing strategies more efficient with us and feel free to contact us anytime!  

By Caroline

Creative Director



Caroline is a branding and communication specialist. She develops brand strategies and visual identities in line with our clients' ambitions. Innovation and performance are her watchwords, transforming your brand into a powerful vector of engagement and growth, her specialty.


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