Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Content Repurposing Benefits For Your Company

By Nicole
Views: 5420

Basic Principles

The term of content repurposing is sometimes called content recycling. Because there are certain communication forms which we can’t let go of-digital marketing field offers us a way to re-present it. Something we can call wrapping your digital product and later re-selling it.

How It Works

Let’s say you made a campaign approximately 3-6 months ago and now you have to change it. The problem is, the campaign (either digital or print) worked very well and you really want to stick to it. Yet, we all know customer always wants something new. Do you know a saying: “Everything New is a Well-Forgotten Old”? This old saying pretty much sums up the concept of Content Repurposing.

Creative Ways To Repurpose Your Content

  • You Tube Strategy
    The how-to content is a great way of presenting your visual communication content, whether it’s old or new-you can always find use to it, if you give it a different purpose. Now, let’s say you had a post on your website about drone machines. The subject becomes trendy again after a few months, but it wouldn’t be a wise decision to Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V the post. So, in this scenario you make a YouTube video on how to effectively use the drone machines and also put a link of your old post in the YT description panel.
  • Infographic Strategy
    Creating Infographics from your long-existing content is a great recycle strategy. Especially, as it creates a clear presentation on your data not just for you, but also for your audience. Visualizations in general increase the understanding of your textual content. Your audiences quite literally get a picture of the significance of the information you’re giving them, and images are more likely to be remembered.

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  • Image Repurposing
    There are some super HQ visuals we never got to use except for once. That’s quite a waste, because resources are not to be wasted. As long, as you are following the image size requirements of your selected Social Media platform-you’re all set to use your visual photo resources as new post-backgrounds for example.
  • User Generated Content
    User Generated content is pretty much-what it looks like. It can be right about anything starting from reviews on your webpage, or simple tweets with a hashtag connected to your product or service or even enterprise itself. The main focus is customer’s views here. You use the generous feedback given from your audience and turn it into another visual communication. It’s quite trendy lately-imagine creating a short video, or reel on Instagram colliding the Facebook comments of your post in almost like a slideshow manner. One could even create a challenge with a hashtag out of that, if you get really creative.

Audit Your Existing Content

Surely there is always some evergreen type of content. It just never gets old, probably your brand also has something like that. Yet, we tend to forget about other content which might have performed quite well. When auditing your content-make sure it matches your current goals. You cannot take the content that is purely strategic for engagement of audience and magically turn it into an ultimate sales booster. Naturally, engagement is quite an element in the sales equation, but not so specific still. Stay on track and try not to choose the irrelevant combinations.

Stay Competitive

Don’t forget to research your competitors with all focus on the skyscraper technique. The skyscraper technique is a way to improve online content. You search the web and find the top-searched content for your topic. Check out what they’ve done and create a better, more functional version.

What We Offer

To read more interesting articles-make sure you scroll through our publications page and don’t forget to check out our services on Edana. Among many of our specialties you will find Social Media Marketing as well, so feel free to contact us anytime!   

By Nicole

Social Media Expert



Nicole is an expert in social media marketing. Having worked for several well-known brands in different sectors in Switzerland and internationally, she is responsible for strategy and execution, enabling our clients to reach a new wave of digital consumers through a variety of touch-points.


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