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Guide To Master Marketing Automation

By Benjamin Massa
Views: 5718

Marketing automation plays a huge role in creating a very successful marketing strategy. It is the adoption of tools and services that can automate different marketing or sales activities to boost efficiency. If there is any task that does not require human involvement, it can be taken care of by marketing automation.

There are tasks such as sending emails, scheduling social media and others that can be taken care of by sophisticated tools and software. The tools and tasks may differ, but there are some general rules that marketers follow, when using marketing automation:

Asses marketing automation needs

Before implementation, marketers set goals that they want to achieve, ask themselves questions like: do I want to save time, increase team productivity and efficiency or is it more accurate data that I need? It helps them set priorities and use automation in a way that will increase their productivity.

Identify the audience

The first step is to carefully study the current audience, customers or user base. It will help you understand the targeted market and with the help of information such as: demographics, behavior, psychology, etc. all of it help you to offer better services and gain more customers.

Research and choose marketing automation tools

After setting goals and gaining data, comes the analyzing of those information and choosing the best software available to suit these needs. Once the necessary tool is found, they maximize its capacity to gain more advantage and increase overall income of the company.

Implement, monitor, improve

With a clear strategy, marketers will implement chosen marketing automation tool. They divide tasks to the team members, explaining everything that they will be in charge of before and after the transition, from manual work to automate. Over the time, the tool is monitored and changes are made even in the process, to increase the efficiency.

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What are the benefits of marketing automation?

No matter what task it is, marketing automation can help you make your work easier. There are several things you can do:

  1. Personalization

Marketing automation allows you to create more human interactions. Using the user data, the automation is able to gather, communicate and schedule around user behavior and preferences rather than set at random. It will help brand become memorable.

2. Eliminate manual tasks

A very good part of the automation is that you can set it up once and it will run without your involvement.

3. Reduce costs

It is no wonder, that using automation can reduce costs and increase efficiency. Workers will focus on more high level tasks, which will itself decrease the flow of people, meaning that agents will have better work conditions and will stay longer in the company.

Up until now we talked about achieving goals through marketing automation, but exactly what can be achieved?

  • Improve conversion rate

Data that is collected via automation can be used to attract the target market and improve conversion rate, by aiming at the right user

  • Improve customer retention

There is no doubt, that customer retention is just as important as acquisition. Using tracking and reporting technology, automation tools can provide a company with instant updates on popular trends, which makes it easier for an organization to respond quickly to changes and stay relevant for a long time for their users.

  • Increase revenue

It is no news that automation boosts revenue and sales. Hence, leaving manual tasks to automation and focusing on higher level tasks brings efficiency and it results in good revenues.


Marketing automation is a very important tool that is used to make jobs easier and allows workers to focus on their career goals while bringing in the results.

By Benjamin

Digital expert


Benjamin Massa

Benjamin is an experienced strategy consultant with 360° skills and a strong mastery of the digital markets across various industries. He advises our clients on strategic and operational matters and elaborates powerful tailor made solutions allowing organizations and entrepreneur to achieve their goals. Building the digital leaders of tomorrow is his day-to-day job.


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