Software Engineering (EN)

Why is Network Security important?

By Jonathan Massa
Views: 5247

What is network security?

You should implement network security features to protect network architecture from undefined exploitations, accesses, changes, demolitions, and exposes. Network security is a process that guarantees the safety of your information and data. 

Securing a network needs various combinations of instruments, such as routers, hardware, software applications, and many more. Also, it requires high-tech professionals who can provide working of the system. Because all these essential resources to have good network security system are often expensive and unavailable. 

Importance of Network Security

The number of cyber-attacks increases every day, not only to the government’s data and large businesses but also to the regular people’s computer networks. It doesn’t matter how important information is on your devices; Keeping them safe is always essential. A secure network can avoid data loss, theft, misusing your information, or shutting down the whole system. 

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The reasons why Network Security is important

Here are some most common reasons you should consider when it comes to the necessity of the protection of your network:

  1. First, it secures your and your client’s data

For businesses, their data and their client’s information are essential. As a business, your data may consist of financial details, marketing bases, and everything necessary for your company. Other than that, every business collects its clients’ data, especially when you are e-commerce. Their card details, numbers, emails, and all these things are in danger without solid network security. 

  1. Improves performance of the network

If you make sure to get a quality system, it protects your network from attacks and helps it run faster. Good network security provides better performance for your computer networks and allows you to work more swiftly. 

  1. Raised cyberattacks

There is no news without one fact about cyber-attack. It is rising for many reasons, including the progress of artificial intelligence and machine learning, also the spread of the 5GB network. That is why it gets more necessary to have strong network security that will protect data.

  1. No protection will cost more money

Besides the emotional stress from having your information stolen, it costs a lot, especially when you are a business. If we see examples of companies that lost their information, we see how much money it costs from them to compensate for the loss. For instance, when Yahoo was attacked, it affected its 3 million users and ended up costing 350 million dollars. So you can see how expensive it gets when you don’t have solid network security. 

  1. Everything in this world depends on technology

Another reason why network security is essential is how integrated technology is in our lives. Everything around us has a technological system, hardware, or algorithm. Our cars, computers, and even homes are known as technologically intelligent, so because of this, it gets more imminent to have network security. 

How to be Secured?

If you have never thought about how to protect your system as an amateur, you can do these few steps to store data safely and reduce the risk of possible attacks.

First and most importantly, use a powerful router admin username and password. It isn’t news that these two things are most valuable regarding the security of your network. The next step is to change the network name. Use more firewalls and turn off any guest network. 

This obviously isn’t enough, and hackers do magic to enter your network and access the data, but it is the first step to securing a computer network system. 


Protecting confidential information from unauthorized access is the whole society’s responsibility, including business. Every little detail your client gives you or your company needs for the function is vital for you and needs to be safe, so start securing your networks today and be sure to make them as strong as possible. 

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By Jonathan

Technology Expert


Jonathan Massa

As a specialist in digital consulting, strategy and execution, Jonathan advises organizations on strategic and operational issues related to value creation and digitalization programs focusing on innovation and organic growth. Furthermore, he advises our clients on software engineering and digital development issues to enable them to mobilize the right solutions for their goals.


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