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Marketing Lessons from Zara Fashion you should consider following

By Marie
Views: 5548

Everyone knows about Zara

In fashion industry it is not so easy to have a stable position in competition. Yet, Zara fashion manages to stay productive in its field pretty much consistently. It is fast fashion at a certain point, but alongside with being affordable-Zara never fails to deliver quality and trendy fits as well. Global visibility makes a huge portion of success.

Alongside with benefits-of course there is more responsibility. Almost like Coca-Cola in food industry, Zara can have to customize their products according to the interests and styles of specific target audiences in specific locations and cultures. Letting everyone dress trendy and up to date at relevant pricing-without losing the Niche is quite an achievement.

Niche Demonstration

Like we’ve said in previous paragraph-keeping your Niche is an important part of well-played marketing strategy. Now, you might wonder how does Zara maintain quite a classy niche and maintains affordability as well.

Well, first thing to note is shop placement. Take a good look at Zara shop locations and you will se that in most cases they are in Malls next to designer shops quite often. Locating yourself alongside the luxury brands is quite a statement and creates great shopping surroundings for both-potential and loyal customers at the same time.

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Another thing would be general design. First-a logo. It’s a simple typography and we all know it’s unmistakable. Cooler, darker and minimalistic color map for the brand plays a huge part in how we see the brand’s status and image.

Last but not least, the arrangement of space inside the shops. Zara shops don’t tend to be very small-in fact they are mainly quite huge containing different collections. These collections are sometimes placed on multiple floors let alone the room sections.

Switching Collections

Zara is very well skilled at renewing collections in a timely manner. You don’t really want anything laying around at your shop for way too long right? But, how do you recycle your collection?

The best thing come in-the OUTLET shop. In outlet you also get quite a good amount of sale. The outlet also comes in handy for Zara, because it renews collections according to seasons for example or even every month-let’s call these sub-collections. Also, due to this strategy-customers automatically get a feeling that there are very few amounts of specific clothing pieces and tend to buy quite quickly as well.

Perfume Collections

Zara is generally a clothing store, but another popular product is its perfume collections. Not only are they affordable, but for many customers some of their aroma products can be dupes for very highly priced ones on the market.

One of the greatest examples is Red Temptation by Zara. The shop has had a booming sale for this perfume, because it turned out to be the dupe for Maison Francis Kurkdjian’s “Baccarat Rouge”. If you compare pricing-Baccarat Rouge is maybe at least 10 times more expensive.

Zara takes into consideration, that its target audience is not only interested in dressing up, but also applying scents in order to perfect the feel of niche to the outfits they are regularly purchasing.

Adding products like this along with your arsenal is a great choice of marketing strategy and also brings additional target audience to your shop.

Digital Marketing Strategies

As for specifically digital marketing strategies-when it comes to Zara and its eCommerce-timeliness and relevance are the main game-changers. Zara is very well known for sending relevant E-Mails to their target audience. The same goes for push notifications and specific status updates.

Also, keep in mind, that most of these digital marketing strategies are automated and take as little time as possible.

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By Marie

Marketing Expert



Marie is an expert in digital strategy and project management. She audits the digital presences of companies and organizations of all sizes and in all sectors, and orchestrates strategies and plans that generate value for our customers. Highlighting and piloting solutions tailored to your objectives for measurable results and maximum ROI is her specialty.


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