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Gamification Marketing for Audience Entertainment

By Caroline
Views: 5820

Gamification Marketing Concept

Let’s start with general modern tendencies. In 2022 a post-pandemic era has come and during the tough years of 2020 and 2021 we’ve all become more aware of possibilities our digital communications hold. Working from everywhere, shopping from everywhere and getting education and even telemedicine services via Google Meet for example has changed our views on daily activities 180 degrees. And guess what? At some Point-It’s a lot of fun! Making the experiences connected to marketing actually fun is the main idea.

Make A Bold Statement

The gamification marketing strategy is an enhanced type of attitude towards marketing possibilities. The given strategy drives the audience/customers to action. It offers them competition for example and the most important-reward! Now, let’s present one example. Say-you have created a certain challenge fit to your Brand Identity and customer interests. This game or game-like activity gives the customer a certain task to complete and after completing the task they get to have a reward-for example: 20% discount on a product or service. It’s almost like a contest.

Give Some Air To Creativity

Offering this type of challenge/competition to your audience opens doors widely to numerous possibilities. For a more fitting example-let’s say you’re a design company, which produces high quality prints for high-end corporations. You create a contest for your customers to create a logo design for example and the smartest design gets to win one of your services fully paid by the company. Scrolling through applications you don’t just pick logo-designs. You are looking through talents! Keep in mind, that a good graphic designer helps you with visual communications, but an excellent one makes a full-on revolution! You might just come up with an excellent graphic designer and if you’re lucky enough they might even want to work with you. See the Bigger Picture!

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Game Elements For Your Loyal Audience

  • Points-Users can collect points by winning a game or each time they purchase something.
  • Badges-Award customers’ badges for accomplishing something.
  • Level-Appeal to customers’ sense of achievement by offering bigger rewards for saving more points.
  • Virtual Currency-Invent your own money to be used only at your store, then use it to reward frequent shoppers, it’s almost like NFT.
  • Leaderboards-Post players’ names and scores on your website or social media to encourage competition.
  • Countdowns-Challenge players to complete a task within a certain timeframe.
  • Progress Bars-Show customer’s progress toward reaching the next level.

The Challenges of Gamification Marketing

Like we have discussed in previous paragraphs-it’s all fun and games, but there is one thing you should know about this strategy. It’s actually difficult to design the visual communication. It’s not just a post or an image-it’s pretty much a connected system of visuals which is more complex than a banner design for example. It’s also challenging because it involves an understanding of motivational psychology with the added goal of affecting user behavior. In conclusion, you have to not only design a game that people want to play but also that achieves your business goals. Quite a combo, isn’t it?

Benefits of Gamification Marketing

Now that we have thrown a little bit of shade on the difficulties which come with gamification, let’s speak of benefits which will surely overpower the previously discussed challenges. Like everything powerful, it needs the right creator and a huge engagement from a whole corporate team. Here are several examples of the benefits gamification will give you for sure:

  • Collect Customer Data in a way that complies with GDPR, CCPA, and the end of 3rd party cookies. Customers may opt to share data with you in exchange for playing your game.
  • Leverage UGC to grow brand awareness. Encourage customers to share their winning scores or photos on social media.
  • Educate your audience. An interactive quiz or trivia game can be a fun way to inform people about your areas of expertise.
  • Increase engagement and reduce bounce rate. Entice people in with the promise of coupon vouchers, free merchandise, bragging rights, or simply a cure for doom scrolling.
  • Drive conversion. If you reward people with coupon vouchers or points, they’ll likely come back to spend it.

Not too many marketing strategies can give you so much to gain from it.

What We Offer

To stay updated on modern trends and many other interesting articles-make sure to scroll through our publication on Edana and don’t forget to check our services. Keep in mind that we have numerous digital marketing services and feel free to contact us anytime!

By Caroline

Creative Director



Caroline is a branding and communication specialist. She develops brand strategies and visual identities in line with our clients' ambitions. Innovation and performance are her watchwords, transforming your brand into a powerful vector of engagement and growth, her specialty.


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