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What Role Does AI Play In Marketing?

By Caroline
Views: 6580

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a huge role in our lives. It entered in many businesses and made the work easier and also managed to become a part of marketing world. AI marketing is a method that uses technology to improve the customer journey.

Benefits of AI marketing

AI has many benefits. First of all, up until now conducting analysis and discussing the data was time-consuming, but now you can have a software that does the analysis and gives you the data. This way you can generate more return on investment and your colleagues will have more time to focus on more pressing matters.

Secondly, it works on anything as long as you have a data to process. This means that you can have a good grasp of your customer behavior patterns and make decisions accordingly.

Lastly, it can reduce costs. It frees up capital and helps you use it on other company divisions to increase reliability.

15 tips to boost you AI marketing

As a marketer you can use AI to ease your workload. There are 15 tips of how you can work smarter and not harder:

  • Predict customer behavior

We can all agree that there is no business without a customer. You may ask “How can I keep my customers if I don’t know what they want?” The answer is to know how they use your product, follow small trends and you will see everything. For this you need AI. Amazon is the best example of it. With the right algorithm it checks customer behavior and offers product that they will be interested in.

  • Decrease AMPs load time

We all have been in a situation where you are trying to purchase product online, but the webpage is not loading, so you get annoyed and just leave. With the help of AI you can easily solve this issue. For example google has the fastest load time using AI algorithm.

  • Provide a personalized user experience

At some point we all have an experience with chat bots, they can be helpful when providing general information, but receiving the same answer all the time is pretty annoying and in certain situations they prove to be useless. This happens because they are not real AI and at the end if you want to address an issue you have to speak with a real human. With real AI you would naturally deliver the desired answers.

For example, Sephora is using AI to help customers in various ways including scheduling an appointment.

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  • Create a content

You can take advantage of AI and use it to create content for your brand. You can create blog posts to drive traffic to your site and boost your SEO.

  • Boost sourcing accuracy

Generating leads is one thing but checking their validity is another. AI can look at all the data you have collected from various perspectives and determine which one will lead to success.

  • Predict customer churn

Prediction helps with prevention. After analyzing all the information artificial intelligence will be able to determine the reason behind customer churn and find solution before it is too late.

  • Profitable dynamic pricing models

When you have multiple store locations it is difficult to check the performance of them all, but AI can monitor it and notify you if there is a decrease of performance and find a solution to the issue.

  • Sentiment analysis

SA helps you see how your company, product and service is perceived. This helps you fix any issue that may arise and make changes almost immediately in the process.

  • Improve website experiments

If you want to check the location that will have the best response to your website before officially releasing it, you can use AI. It can determine which location will be more receptive to new features and will give you feedback on what to improve.

  • Prioritize ad targeting and personalization

Collecting data plays a huge role in having a successful business. You can use data to determine faster and efficiently what to do with ads. AI can find patterns that you might not notice and give you an insight.

  • Relevant recommandation system

When you have a huge amount of products it is difficult to connect each customer to the right one and keep driving customer retention. AI can easily find connection between the product and a consumer and run common threads between them.

  • Smart email content curation

If you want to keep your customers, you should stop sending irrelevant mass emails. AI helps you choose the content of the email based on the thing customers care about.

  • Interpret custom loyalty card data

Above we spoke about the importance of data collecting, but exactly where does this data come from? The best way to get it is by tracking the rewards or loyalty systems. This is a great way to see the patterns and make successful business deals.

  • Computer vision for image and object recognition

AI can be used to eliminate time-consuming manual tasks. You can use computer vision algorithm to sort through thousands of pictures and videos placed in social media. It has a good accuracy and offers client’s specific product that they are interested in.

  • AI-enhanced PPC

Artificial intelligence can help you discover new channels of advertisement, what’s more, when you make AI responsible for picking keywords, your PPC campaigns will be automatically updating.


AI is a very powerful tool, which can reduce your workload and increase productivity. There are many companies that are successfully using AI marketing to work efficiently and gain more profits.

So are you using AI and if not, what are you waiting for?

By Caroline

Creative Director



Caroline is a branding and communication specialist. She develops brand strategies and visual identities in line with our clients' ambitions. Innovation and performance are her watchwords, transforming your brand into a powerful vector of engagement and growth, her specialty.


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